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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. I don't see the need. Current body sizes are based on a normal "human/NPC" size not on outliers represented in the AV/Hero characters. The max size you can get now is already double the height of an NPC, or half with minimum sliders. I think on large teams filled with large bodies you will have issues not being able to see whats going on. This already as issue in some smaller enclosed maps styles (aforementioned CoT/Crystal caves) with current character sizes. Making 12' tall characters would only make this worse. Only the Huge body type looks especially realistic at the very large size IMO. The female and male body types get way too stretched out, very long legs/arms while the torso though being massive doesn't appear to be in proportion. I do think that the current limits should be adhered to by the character creator -36 -> +36, (about half height on a standard NPC to double the height of a standard NPC). However often on loading a tiny character into the character creator the game auto-magically increases that -36 to the lowest slider setting (around -24 IIRC). If you have given us limits to work with at least makes sure they work correctly.)
  2. CoT/Crystal caves could, the tunnels of the trolls/rikti caves are fine.
  3. It doesn't, it has lower mass than the surrounding air. A kilo of lead would sink in air, while a kilo of helium would still rise as the helium is lighter than air even in large amounts. The assertion was that it would be an easy change to make because game systems already exist that do this. Citation needed was (as I read it) more to ask you to show evidence that it was an easy change to make. Unless you've actually read the code, you don't know if it's an easy thing to change or not. Because it's intended as a dev/GM tool it's unlikely that it will be coded to work in the same way as a power. And it is entirely possible that without actually turning it into a power you wouldn't be able to place the same limits on it. And just so you understand I'm on your side, I want to the command to remain in the game as is. I use it a lot. I think the whole "people can abuse it" argument is null and void based on the other things that are abused (strawman I know) in the game.
  4. Having been killed for the umpteenth time by someone way higher in level than me (50+ to my just 40) opening doors in PI and then ignoring the spawns, I'm not only a proponent of bringing back the sun but limiting Halloween to a shorter period. And creating a circle in hell for people who open doors but ignore the spawns. (Seems to happen a lot in Talos too, but at least there I see it most while trading around the station/SG porter, with two AVs and police drones.)
  5. If I were concerned about doing lots of damage I wouldn't pick it obviously. And has already been noted the other version (Control/Tank) wouldn't exactly be doing great damage either. And please dumping a bunch of pets with mostly knockback attacks into something isn't control, at best it's chaos... 😉 Controller/Buffer but with Blaster damage caps.... now that would fun. 😄
  6. I think that until the legal work with NCSoft is concluded there won't be any huge amount of work on the game... I think there's only two people working on it at the moment. If/When the leagl stuff is sorted (in our favour I hope) then maybe the team will expand and some more content can be added.
  7. Maybe spawn them in on top of a pseudo pet which provides a sound effect. Remove all PvE content from PvP zones (add echo versions for badge hunters). The reward for going into PvP zones is PvP. ((Joke suggestion really, I know it won't be done.)) As Steampunkette say's it's not that easy to change but given how few powers actually use them these days, personally I'd just as soon remove them entirely. (Mostly as you need to craft them for the crafting badges and there is no use for them, nobody will buy them on the AH and I have no use for 1 let alone the 11 I've crafted so far.) I hate Illusion pets with a passion, one of the reasons I find it so hard to actually make an Illusion controller is I dread the pets. I've never used the animated Stone thing, but I quite liked my Frosty back on live, he wasn't the best pet alive but he did tend to stay alive longer than my Imps. Based on high level content I think most (if not all) pets of this nature need buffs, especially to their health/def/res. A sort of inverse bodyguard mode maybe, where the more players in the team the more res/def they have. Solo they're generally manageable, in larger teams the die as soon as they're summoned (Imps especially).
  8. Think I'd prefer a Tank version. Defense Primary/Control Secondary.
  9. Yeah didn't realise that Echo:AP had different badges to normal AP, found that out last night when I went on an adventure between TFs. 😄
  10. I did TYVM... Major reason I can slot out all three of by accounts at low levels, went from around 3 million, to 150 million in about ten days. After three sets of 25 & 35 IOs plus some procs... completely changed how I use the AH too. 🙂
  11. No I'm assessing the value that at low levels (pre 22) you will level so damned fast, especially doing higher level content or in a full team, that you will spend Inf on something that will probably be utterly worthless in one or two missions. That to me seems utterly worthless. And I'm only looking at Accuracy, anything else isn't any better, the five you can get from the P2W vendor are all that are worth slotting before 22. YMMV
  12. Accuracy is a pain at low levels, but given how fast they pass I haven't slotted DOs at all since IOs were added and I only ever slotted SOs on live because my enhancements tray filled up and I always hoped that the next few would be better than the ones I slotted (sell price wise), with 7 trays to go at that hasn't happened yet in HC (managed to fill my salvage up once). They aren't worth buying at any level. Slot ones that drop, especially the odd DO/SOs that you get from DFB, but totally not worth buying for the tiny improvement in Accuracy that they give. And even if that doesn't save you that much it's something. You level fast enough (even avoiding DFB) at low levels that as soon as you have stuff slotted they're no longer functioning.
  13. Not my advice either, I was more meaning that you can easily skip the first 20 levels just by doing the most common thing at low levels (certainly on Reunion) and for "new" players it will be the thing they'll see advertised most. Personally as a non-new player I street sweep to 6-7, then do up to Frostfire in the Hollows and then move onto Talos Paper/Tip/Arcs and throw in a bunch of Oroubous in there too for variety. I would take some exception to the "Play the game the way it's meant to be played..." Play the game the way you enjoy it. If that is door sitting in an AE farm far be it from me to tell you that that isn't fun... we can educate people as to things that might be enjoyable, but we shouldn't force our view of what makes the game great on them. Personally I always though hanging around at Galaxy Girl's Feet was a bit silly and pointless, but I know some people got a huge amount out of that.
  14. I keep thinking about creating a PB, flying around AP & KR for 10 merits (5 each), then re-rolling and doing it again. Personally I'd use the Special Salvage that I used the merits to buy (because I love crafting and it's the cheapest way to get the special salvage) but anyone could do this and if you know the locations well it won't take that long... takes longest getting the costume just right TBH... 😄 edit: After half an hour, one throwaway costume and one death I got 20 merits and banked them (sent them as an Enhancvement Catalyst) by sending them (via email) to my @Global Name. Can't say I'll do it a lot, but it was an easy way to make something I can use or sell (~1.5m Inf on /ah). As a multi-boxer I could easily do this with 3 accounts, so 3 Catalysts in about 30mins. Zones covered were AP, KR, Galaxy City (echo) & Hollows. KR by far the hardest, most badges in non-safe areas had spawns on/near them. Echo: Galaxy City (from SG base) might not be that easy to find for a total novice, and I wouldn't recommend Steel, Skyway or Perez as a level 1. Grind up to 4 and grab stealth (or SS) and they might be doable too.
  15. Not that I know of, as a buffer I'd like the option too. I was ready about the specific method to set up what is displayed and where last night but cannot find the page today (somewhere here: http://www.shenanigunner.com) it's not terribly intuitive and while there are a number of options they don't seem terribly intuitive.
  16. You can come out of DFB after 4 (with double XP) runs at around level 20. You can craft and slot IOs of near SO values (Level 25 IO) that you don't need to upgrade at 22. The game before level 20 is so fast these days I really don't see the need to worry with TO or DO at all and SOs are really only worth slotting ad hoc if they drop and you can slot them. No sooner will you get your full DO build slotted and they'll all be out of date and you'll need to repurchase the next lot. Frankly slotting DOs or SOs unless you plan on not levelling beyond the range of those slots or for some reason don't want to use IOs is a waste of time and Inf.
  17. I'd settle just to remove all the crap it has on it's menu. Just what options you can do. Or any of the above.
  18. But.... but... but... That would mean you don't get to see the incredibly thoughtful and insightful names I came up with for my Imps... So yeah signed... 😄
  19. I think I'd do it as a semi costume change emote. The phone booth drops from the sky onto the character (or pops from the ground ala Bill & Ted), and replaces the character (no walking into it, which would only really work if all characters were the same size). The player using it would get the full Icon experience (hopefully including cosmetic surgeon). Not sure what the icon day job (is there one?) grants with it's badge but maybe have this as that or a 2nd tier (or as an accolade for unlocking all three extra costume slots, plus original cape and aura missions). (Accolade for Icon Day Job, 3 extra costume slots, cape mission & aura mission, plus any history/exploration/mission badges that deal with fashion.)
  20. When I first started playing HC I had it set to 20, and it kept forgetting it. Don't think it's tied to your or the teams level.
  21. I'd prefer a $reply, so you can use it for more than just invites, as I could see me using $reply but not the invite.
  22. That's what I always do, nice icon that you can edit. 🙂 Though now there are macros with icons ymmv.
  23. 1)Periodically my cursor keys stop working within the edit box, I can use them fine in other areas of the browser (scrolling, url/search bar, etc) but not in the text input box (WYSIWYG Input Box), if they stop working I need to reload the page or close and reopen the page. Holding ctrl+cursor keys works (moves between words), but the move the caret one character doesn't. 2)Is there a way to turn off the audible new notification sound. I like to leave the forum open while I play, but I really don't want that sound every time a new notification comes in. I looked in settings (etc) but couldn't find an option. Especially as there seem s to be no difference between a "Reaction" and a "Reply", the former I don't need to know about, the latter is sometimes worth waiting for.
  24. But that should be my choice not based on dated power effects. Even if you must become and 8' tall block of rock as part of the power. The fact that that block of rock has to be single visual look is undoubtedly a turn off for me. The rest of stone isn't a great deal better, I mean one of them literally looks someone (big) took a dump on you and you haven't had time to hose it off. If I wanted to create a sewer dweller I'm sure I could but it's not my thing.
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