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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. It's an often debated matter. I think the underlying concern is valid, if misplaced. People are capable of being pretty shitty, especially when they cross the line because they think "it's funny." And then assuming that others are spoiling that "fun" when the line-cross gets called out. But, as I say time and again whenever this subject comes up, I'm of the opinion that the merits outweigh the risk. The meaningful, positive, and socially-acceptable content which people could express with Henchpet customization is immense! I think we should all focus on that part, rather than trying to undermine the legitimate concerns some players have about real toxicity issues. If people are going to abuse something in-game, we need to plan for that and address it accordingly. But we can't let the fear of that abuse prevent the good stuff from coming forth.
  2. And a Trick Arrow / Dual Blades Hunter-Trapper. And a Kinetics / Staff Fighting Warrior Maiden. And an Empathy / Martial Arts Mystic Monk. And a Traps / Street Justice Urban Vigilante.
  3. Ok, I think some people are missing the point of this thread. It's a call for CRAZY requests. Not sensible, reasonable, damn-well-should-be-in-the-game-already costume ideas.
  4. Ah yes! The classic "some random hero" as a character name, roleki. Always a hoot to see the NPCs make fools of themselves. "It's some random hero! I heard they defeated Hamidon!"
  5. This should actually be a Bug Report, I think. In my experience, I am able to push other players' Henchpets around with ease in-game. The only time I can't is when they're pinned to a corner or squeezed between a couple of enemies or players. I know many other players have reported being unable to do this, though, so I'm unsure where the issue is occurring in the code.
  6. My biggest concern is people approaching this from a strictly game mechanics standpoint. This is City of Heroes, folks. We want Support/Melee because of the -cool- factor. Because of the character concepts. Because it will be AWESOME, even if it sucks. Yes; we should strive to make the Archetype capable of soloing AND contributing to teams as much as any other Archetype. But the driving force isn't to have just to have it; it's to have it because City of Heroes is exactly the sort of game where the pay-off for playing is creating something! I'm glad that Replacement made this thread, even if their version of Support/Melee isn't the one I want. But know what? Even if it's the one we wind up with, I'll still be happy! Even if it underperforms more than original-flavour Kheldians. Even if "Master of" runners don't want it "stinking up" their Task Forces. Even if I go splat to AoEs every 5 minutes (I have so many Bounce Backs sitting in my in-game email that I need to use them on /something/!). If you don't think the game needs a Support/Melee Archetype; ok. You've said your piece. Going around and around in circles about why you feel that way does not change the fact that a Support/Melee Archetype is widely desired by many other players, and is frankly awesome. Constructive criticism would be addressing -how- to make Support/Melee work.
  7. So, Heraclea . . . which Power Sets did you give your versions of the Pantheon Deities? What did you make them look like? Bearing in mind that I made this stuff back when AE was new, mine were: M'Teru - Broad Sword / Super Strength (would redo as Broad Sword / Battle Staff, but really . . . M'Teru needs a unique Spear Melee Set) Rambetu - Claws / Electric Armour (still happy with this, but would add some Storm Summoning and Electric Blast Powers too if I could) Ullutay - Plant Control / whatever-it-was-that-has-World-of-Confusion-in-it (rather than Earth Control, I think the Thorny Vines textures of Plant Control and the Creepers and Flytrap make a lot more sense) Tomdala - Gravity Control / Willpower (this one is the biggest stretch, as I would have wanted Tomdala to Propel -themself- with a teleport attack, animated where they jump straight up then land on top of their target, and Willpower for the Psi-Resist. Tomdala was also the most difficult to make look anything like the version presented in the comics) and the piece du resistance: Lughebu! - Illusion Control / Ninjitsu. Oh. My. God (namely Lughebu)! It is -too perfect- for him. I know the Lore Bible says he apparently has fire magic, but fuck that! Illusion / Ninjitsu is an absolute BEAST on an Archvillain, and it's just so thematically appropriate for THE Trickster God. I'll post screenies of mine tomorrow; it's Valentine's Day today and that means the spouse has plans for me which don't include getting on to City.
  8. Boop! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BypRfkMsgQOiUXJLUzY4QlhtN2M/edit
  9. You'll see this in a lot of Fire or other attacks with random DoT chances, and worst of all the Scourge "Criticals" throwing this off big time. The numbers will always assume "optimum damage" even if the conditions to reach that damage are very, very rare.
  10. Why bother with a flesh and blood body when both the King and Metronome are specifically mecha-supremists? If anything, merging together in to a single entity should give us Clockwork-Clockwork fusion beings!
  11. Maybe I'm thinking of something else then. Sorry, could you elaborate on what you're describing then, please? Maybe screenshots or videos as examples?
  12. Yeah. Considering real-life people with (I believe it's called) neoteny conditions do develop emotionally and mentally, so long as the underlying cause of the neoteny isn't also a source of a mental development barrier. Puberty does affect brain growth and chemistry, but isn't the deciding factor in social maturity and understanding concepts like right-and-wrong.
  13. It's kind of interesting to me how this thread has pivoted away from the Banished Pantheon Lore, but oh well! I'll swing with you folks for a quick bit. Maybe we'll get back on track eventually, heh. Blue Steel is an awful character, and a self-parody in much of his actual game content, playing off the old forum memes where Chuck Norris jokes were overwritten by even more extreme Blue Steel jokes. His actions in the "Creation" of the Clockwork King probably merit a story arc where he has to come to justice for his actions, or go full Vigilante/Villain. A great opportunity for a new writer to give the community a compelling story, frankly! But I'd also like to see a new, better cop rise up to take Blue Steel's place. Someone with better morals and less of a reminder of real-world police brutality going unpunished. But -that- last bit might be a /bit/ too ranty, so I'll leave it at that. Blue Steel's not the only bit of problematic lore from yester-year, of course. Hell, reading this Lore Bible is QUITE revealing. There's some good story in here that never made it in to the game. There's also some use of language which would get the author(s) called out these days. Again, not trying to dwell on that fact, so moving along again . . . Reading the chapter on the Banished Pantheon has also stoked greater flames in my passion project from when AE was first introduced: A mission/trial/Task Force/whatever where you go up against the -ACTUAL- Banished Pantheon deities. Not Mot (who, technically, isn't a part of the Banished Pantheon, but a separate god who the B.P. stumbled upon inside of Moth Cemetery). The descriptions of Lughebu, M'Teru, Rambetu, Ullutay, and Tomdala are all QUITE engaging, though they should probably be bumped up a smidge. And BOY HOWDY do I have -_IDEAS_- about how to utilize them! So many ideas . . . such brutal, beautiful, terrible, horrific ideas . . . . . . Please?
  14. I kind of think this is something which is inherently "broken" at the fundamental level of how the entire 3D engine renders and animates. I could certainly be offbase, but I think the only fix for this is gutting that entire part of the engine and coding it from scratch.
  15. Please see attached screenshot. I have listed a few items at 1 Inf on the market, and the market shows the correct sales history to the best of my knowledge, but states there are outstanding Bids on these items. Yet they're just not selling for some reason.
  16. I like the attention and thought you've put in to this, however it's not the take I'd do for a Support Primary with Melee Secondary. But that's kind of an unfair thing to say, as it's not really a legitimate criticism. From what I see at first blush here, I don't have any helpful critiques yet. Sorry. I'm all-for more brainstorming and discussion though, so here's a reply to bump your post. I really, really want a Support/Melee Archetype. I don't think this is the one I want in particular, but I encourage the whole community to keep at it.
  17. Sort of. Phantom Army is a good tech demo of the possibility of this coming to pass for Masterminds. However, there are still technical hurdles in the way, and (according to a few people) some morality/liability concerns that need to be addressed. There is no official word, however, other than a GM acknowledging that Henchpet customization is one of the wider community's number-one requests.
  18. Nothing pinned, but there are a lot of great posts and threads in this forum with exactly that sort of content to varying degrees of depth. There's also . . . (bear with me if I get this wrong, but) https://www.virtueverse.net/ ? Some people have taken to updating their new characters on their profiles there.
  19. Sorry, looks like I should have included the previous paragraph too for more context. Here it is: "As a result of this phenomenon, the gods of the Pantheon have taken a special interest in conquering famous heroes and stripping away these auras of worship that have built up around them. The process comes naturally to any of the gods’ avatars, which can consume the delectable aura as they defeat a hero in battle. They do not have to kill the hero. Indeed, they prefer not to. Instead they like to humiliate and temporarily or permanently cripple their foes. This not only produces the added bonus of sorrow and pain for the gods to feed on, it also makes it easier to strip away the fame aura since the hero himself comes to believe he is not worthy of the accolades he has earned."
  20. Quoted from the Lore Bible in the Banished Pantheon section 7.1.3, page 106: "Ideally there would actually be some sort of in game effect associated with fighting the Banished Pantheon. For instance, when their minions defeat heroes they lose extra Fame. Another interesting option would be to allow them to strip away unspent influence points or even to destroy unused favors. On the flip side they shouldn’t be quite as tough as their difficulty level would suggest because of the added penalty. You could also balance the Pantheon by giving higher Fame rewards for defeating them, or giving them higher XP rewards than normal." How very interesting!
  21. "Low priority?!" I certainly hope not! The reason it's unlikely to happen is technical limitations more than anything, I'd deduce. Considering character customization is -THE- selling point of City of Heroes, I'd certainly hope that if the technical limitations were ever surpassed, everything on your list would obtain some of the highest priority possible.
  22. Honestly, I don't think gender parity in costume pieces should be considered "crazy," even if it will take some serious work. That one is definitely falls in the realm of "as soon as someone has time."
  23. I kind of -do- want to see that, Sakura. But make it a unique thing. Like the main objective is "Beat the Freedom Phalanx" but an optional objective "and Blue Steel too."
  24. Someone I roleplay with managed to get "Pup" for a puppy-dog character tonight on Everlasting. There are definitely some good names out there still!
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