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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. Lacking Natural representation across the board. A Tyrrant-of-sorts posted some good stuff in the Suggestion board already. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/13887-proliferation-of-any-epics-not-available-with-like-ats/
  2. I'm all-for unlocking ALL Titles; Badge and Level-based, across the entire spectrum. Nothing alignment- or gender-locked, please.
  3. Marshall Brass has a few missions with Shivans in them. Cap au Diable, 15+.
  4. See, I was suggesting someone posts the Cyclops Taint, but . . . well, I guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppaV3lhiYnk&t=42s
  5. Probably the lack of ISO adherence which is causing the confusion on those dates. (I kid!)
  6. So, it starts with the drum machine "d- de d- de d- de" with Rick's face and tapping foot, and then when the synth kicks in . . . . . . . . . (someone going to post it, so I don't have to?)
  7. Is Cyclops Taint going to become our "Rick Roll?"
  8. As I recall, there were variations of the myths. I have heard that there is historical evidence suggesting that the cult of Athena predated the cult of Zeus. However, the cult of Zeus became more popular, and then (sort of how the fanfictions of today can sometimes supplant the canon lore in a comic when a new author is given the reins of a long-lasting franchise) the Zeus cult rewrote the Athena lore to suggest she was the offspring of Zeus. A fully-formed warrior, as a compromise to the old worshippers, but ultimately overwritten. I mean, really . . . these mythologies spanned hundreds of years! Seeing how quickly variations in modern religions and works of fiction can radically change things in a single lifetime, I kind of think this theory holds some water. Especially considering that all accounts of ancient mythologies are historical reproductions based on indirect sources, conjecture, and assumptions. HELL! Even some of the stuff which is touted as ancient mythology is rooted more in early film and television adaptations of the material than anything more "creditable." But this whole tangent can head over to the Off-Topic or Geek Culture boards, frankly. This thread's supposed to be about the original Lord Recluse Strike Force showing up in-game again.
  9. Well, looks like some of that timeline work is already done after all! https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Canon_Timeline
  10. Cowards. Cowards! You have scarcely seen the depths which I have plumbed!
  11. More Natural-representation in Ancillary Power Pools is something I support wholeheartedly! Make it so!
  12. Well, it could also fall to -us- to volunteer our time to try and hash out the timeline, as a community. We just need to come to some consensus on things like "what year is it now?"
  13. Hell, I'd almost say put the New Recluse Strike Force in to Ouroboros, and bring the original back.
  14. I'm in the camp of "leave 'em dead." And I add "if anyone deserves to be resurrected, it's Malaise." Granted . . . the Lord Recluse Strike Force getting retcon'd to remove Psyche and States -is- weird to me. Timelines are fubar as it is, why was it important to suggest that the Lord Recluse Strike Force is something which chronologically takes place -AFTER- so much of the late-period lore, when it was originally written near the beginning? That's the sticking point of strangeness, to me. Especially since Lord Recluse's motivation back in the day was "sticking it" to Statesman. Recluse now has -less- motivation for that Strike Force.
  15. Rest's cooldown has been dropped to a piddly 30 seconds. Compared to Issue 0, I'm drowning in Endurance these days! And I -like- it! I won't object to getting more Endurance, but . . . even without dipping in to Inventions or P2W temp powers, I think the low level Endurance problem -was solved- years ago, and only made even -more solved- since Homecoming. Low Level Endurance has been addressed at least 4 times, by my reckoning. This is probably as good as it's ever going to get.
  16. Bear in mind that content in Paragon Chat and Titan Icon may in fact be NPC costume pieces, which have not been unlocked on Homecoming for reasons of "quality." https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14462-could-we-please-get-these-costume-pieces-moved-from-dev-only/
  17. That heroine waiting for a bus at 3:14 is perfect. But that video showcases that we really need to improve the AI for vehicles and pedestrians, and then bump up the populations of both! That video makes the City feel like a CITY!
  18. I do appreciate you putting #1 as #1 in your list there, Sakura. I don't think it can be stressed enough.
  19. All three sizes of monkey must be "monkey-sized" though. Also, that's a very adorable fluff-with-claws. I wants to pet . . .
  20. Blah. Spoilers, blah blah blah blah, spoilers, blah blah. I get the impression that it's a double-whammy of acknowledging that the Federation is comprised of SO MANY different cultures at this point that even the best intentions can be lost in the face of the quagmire that is trying to appeal to the best of very different points of view. The Federation isn't corrupt or even inept; they're doing the best they can in a situation that was "no win" from the on-set. And I'm fairly sure that it's not the Federation which is the "bad guy" in this series. I mean, it's only episode two so far, but it's pretty clear that the "internal" threat came from an external source.
  21. I'm happy to play that, but I know so many people don't like the idea of an Archetype which "can't solo" because it doesn't have a dedicated damage Set. I played a Controller as my main before Containment was added. I'm one of those people who did -not- care for the double-damage. Still bothers me a bit that a Dominator is a better Controller than a Controller thanks to Domination boosting Magnitude.
  22. I'm actually working on something exactly like that, Silver Lancer. Optional, of course, since I know there are some very good reasons -not- to add that sort of content across the board.
  23. This is still one of my favourite outtakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo8mePgx4yw
  24. VileTerror

    New forums??

    So . . . everyone who posts in this thread gets a temporary game title of "Platinum Member" or something? WELL! I'mma have to go and let -everyone- know that then. Platinum Memberships for ALL!
  25. Actually . . . I did think of something pretty big that I want related to the Epic Villain Archetypes. Full gender representation for enemy NPCs! The models exist now, after all. The original lore clearly stated that the Soldier corps were equal opportunity, and the Widow corps officially became equal with the launch of VEATs. Why -don't- we see male Widows and female Soldiers running around? That seems like an incredibly low bar to clear now that all the assets are complete and just sitting there. Hell! Someone point me in the right direction, and I'll do the work to make it a reality myself! And very, very, VERY, -VERY- "yes" to butt-capes-for-all.
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