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Everything posted by Blackfeather

  1. Oooooh. I might have another potential 'fix' that could work, @oedipus_tex - what if T6: Repulsion Zone suppressed the intangible effect of T5: Dimension Veil for players? Effectively it'd make it almost like an "inverse Dimension Shift" that lets a character remove the effect so long as they move to the right spot. No messing about with server tray powers, and I can't see any Space Manipulation character skipping Repulsion Zone due to it providing status effect protection.
  2. Thanks! I got a lot of help from @Completist - I wouldn't have thought to have T2: Focal Point disable its pull effect when used on a target with T4: Warp Shield on it, under the rationale that said targeted character wouldn't want to draw more aggro than necessary, maximising their survivability. I definitely had Dimension Shift in mind as a point of comparison: I was aware of Gravity Control while designing this power set, and didn't want Space Manipulation to overshadow it, hence why T5: Dimension Veil is single target as opposed to location AoE; it has different use cases. I could even see a Gravity/Space Controller potentially being rolled for people who want to really lean into the whole chessboard-style gameplay (at the cost of being less supportive in other ways). One concern about providing a temporary power for another character to activate is that it basically becomes a power that grants Phase Shift (though given that T1: Displace is basically Teleport Target but better, this might not be so bad). It does put some onus on the other character to activate it in a pinch as well, which might reduce the more 'chessboard' nature of this set (also granted, the same can be said to a lesser extent with providing a power to deactivate the Veil). It could definitely work though, I think! I'll have to mull it over.
  3. Saving throws like in D&D might be pretty interesting...though I guess that does get a bit dicey given how unlike in D&D, most 'spells' can be repeatedly re-cast again and again until the desired effect is achieved, I suppose. Would definitely have to take a re-think to the status effect system, but it'd be a neat thought experiment. ...I guess we kind of do have that with accuracy/defence with a chance to hit/miss. But that's pretty negligible given how most players aim for as much accuracy as possible.
  4. I might have another potential idea for making T5: Dimension Veil a little easier to negotiate with when targeting its intangible effect on players as well. Perhaps it could grant a temporary power to the veiled player, which they could activate to immediately de-toggle it? It could even appear in the server tray to better improve its visibility. It's not a perfect solution: filled out power trays + people who have server trays disabled would still find this a bit difficult to deactivate themselves. But it might greatly help!
  5. I do think Shivers' Fear cone could stand to be as wide as Terrify's, given that they have the same range. Even if it doesn't, all Ice Control really needed was a reliable way to break up an alpha strike, so I'm definitely not complaining.
  6. It'd definitely be neat - and agreed, Hard Mode has been quite fun. I think the first could make a good Notoriety Option as well:
  7. Do you have any examples of this running style? Videos and animations are best for this kind of thing. That could probably help the devs out a lot if they end up making adjustments to the animation.
  8. I'm not really convinced that adjusting the speed of the Blitz/Parkour animation would make it look any better - you said yourself previously that: The way the legs stick out while running are pretty noticeable, fast or slow.
  9. Here's what Ninja Run looks like, no Sprint or Super Speed enabled - it looks fine: Ninja Run Slow.mp4 Here's what Blitz/Parkour looks like with Super Speed turned on - the legs still spread out weirdly: Blitz Run Fast.mp4
  10. I've encountered similar issues with the Blitz/Parkour run animation - it looks like it's due to the way that the entire leg kind of swings outwards to the side while extending back. Here's a recording of what that looks like: Splay Run.mp4 Compare that to the regular run, which doesn't have that splayed out leg motion: Normal Run.mp4 I'm not sure if this is within the devs' abilities, but if it's possible, I'd imagine that stopping the legs from spreading outwards when they kick back would stop that odd movement on characters.
  11. Following up on this, my Ice/Storm Controller will definitely benefit from this change as well - I usually keep Snow Storm and Arctic Air toggled on where possible. Adding in recharge and activation time for those powers definitely exceeds 8 seconds (not to mention the time it sometimes takes for me to remember to retoggle them in the first place). I could see my Mastermind with Dark Miasma maybe being impacted? Their Darkest Night toggle takes a total of 6.89 seconds to get back up (from recharge + activation time), but given the QoL change it's pretty negligible for me. I imagine players who don't slot for more recharge'll benefit further still.
  12. One thing I'm also a little unsure about is how much overlap there is between Space Manipulation and Gravity Control, namely how much battlefield repositioning each set has. Given how T7: Dispersal can teleport nearby foes to a specific location, so long as T2: Focal Point is active on another ally, it might be something to consider. For the most part I think it's okay? If only because it has a much smaller radius compared to Wormhole, and doesn't do much in the way of locking down foes (its Stun isn't guaranteed and is weaker). But would definitely want to hear some thoughts from others who've played Gravity Control as well.
  13. It'll definitely be an improvement for my Fire/Rad Controller - even not worrying about Hot Feet and Choking Cloud detoggling alone, not to mention the debuff toggles.
  14. As an addition to this - I would have thought that using the command would have at least showed the default speaking range if it wasn't set. But on testing, that isn't the case. That'd be nice to have, I think.
  15. Thinking about this further, I also decided that T4: Warp Shield could use some defense debuff resistance alongside that additional defense. It's a single target ally toggle, so I think it's fine for it to be a little more potent than other buffs.
  16. That makes sense - it sounds like the most useful things a support powerset can bring in difficult content is Absorb, healing, and resistance boosts from what I've been reading of the thread, especially if they're the only one on the team.
  17. I'm kind of curious: given the answers here, what'd be the least helpful powerset for a Defender to have in these kinds of missions, and why?
  18. Thanks for the elaboration! So to clarify, the Origin power pools generally have stronger abilities than the Ancillary power pools?
  19. I think I might have heard something along those lines - I want to say that Time Manipulation was also the same way? It was even mentioned in their old design notes that it was designed to allow almost all its powers to work even while playing alone.
  20. I'll admit that the origin power pools never quite pinged me as especially overpowered, might you be able to elaborate further on that? I do like them for adding in some extra damage though. I do recall Sorcery getting a once over recently by the devs?
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