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Everything posted by Blackfeather

  1. Ah, got it! Space Manipulation is more a support powerset though - I take it you're more a fan of other sets then?
  2. I think it'd be cool if Spirit Tree could work as a range extender to let you cast other Plant Control powers through it. Or maybe even like a weaker version of Symphony Control's Reverberant.
  3. Oh, that's a shame! I'm sorry to hear this isn't to your interest - what powersets do you usually prefer to play? I might take a look at writing another up in the future.
  4. This is old, but from the devs, it looks like there is/was a prototype of expanding the colour picker: Hopefully they'll look at properly it one day.
  5. It looks like iTrials will be given the equivalent amount of reward merits now, but I think Heather Townshend also awards an Empyrean or two - maybe that could be adjusted to provide reward merits as well.
  6. I've been trying to get the compiled version of Piglet to work under Wine myself - no success, unfortunately; it looks like I'm missing the debug versions of some Visual C++ libraries for some reason.
  7. Definitely one benefit of using Storm on Controllers: easy access to immobilises!
  8. Hmm...what Ancillary pool are you going? If you're going Cold/Frost, Hibernate is nice.
  9. Being able to exemp and do any kind of radio mission would be neat! Even a level 50 might want to do missions in lower level zones.
  10. Hi, thanks for helping out with that! I'd definitely love to hear some more thoughts on the set; I definitely like to mull over things a lot, and it really helps to have some second opinions. I'm fairly happy with how the set is currently, but there's always room for improvement. Was there anything that caught your eye or critiques that you'd like to share? 😄 Here's a quick list of questions to get you started if you're happy to: Hope to hear from you soon!
  11. I'm leaning on keeping it as it is; it follows the same pattern as Force Field's Detention Field for one thing. And doing it like this kind of 'unlocks' an additional feature of T5: Dimension Veil via the whole suppression mechanic while inside T6: Repulsion Zone. So it's like extending on what it's able to do.
  12. Concerns aside, I'm definitely happy with the change made T6: Repulsion Zone to suppress the effects of T5: Dimension Veil on allies while inside it. I think it does give a nice level of agency to both the Space Manipulator and the now-intangible ally. Even if an ally is veiled inside Repulsion Zone, you can always just teleport them out to immediately trigger the intangibility - and if that's not something they want, they can just head back inside. Definitely more intuitive than a temporary pop up power, since all characters move around by default.
  13. And that being said, I can actually say that I was responsible for inspiring the /powexec_location cursor option, which did end up getting into the actual game's patches! Still very happy about that. 😁
  14. Definitely agreed. I'd never expect the devs to actually implement any of the power set suggestions or system changes I write about (the actual Ice Control buff currently in beta is honestly more elegant than my writeup on the topic in a lot of ways) but I like doing it anyway because it's a fun thought experiment. It's nice sharing the enjoyment that I have in making them, hearing the feedback that other people have on it, and working together to improve these ideas even further.
  15. One potential concern that I've thought of: I'm not entirely sure if Masterminds' Bodyguard mode can be easily adapted to T4: Warp Shield for redirecting damage to another ally. Is that something possible/relatively easy to do with current tech? It'd definitely be neat for it to be a thing...but there's probably alternatives if not.
  16. Power Boost doesn't work with Cold Domination's shields due to them having an enhanceable resistance component:
  17. Alright! Made the change - T6: Repulsion Zone should now cancel out the effect of T5: Dimension Veil on allies. Still mulling over switching the two powers around, though.
  18. I do think it'd be nice if Shivers also had the longer slow duration that Blasters got in Ice Manipulation, alongside a wider Fear (probably 90 degrees to match Terrify's, given they match the same range). The -Recharge/-Movement aspect's definitely nice and something I'd like to keep (and make more long lasting even). Though if Ice Control goes out with just these changes I'll be happy; all it really needed was a reliable way to open up fights, and Shivers fits the bill even in this state.
  19. It did draw attention, so it served its purpose, I suppose! ...maybe I should intentionally mess things up in the write-ups that I make. 🤣
  20. I could even make T6: Repulsion Zone the T5 power instead, to ensure that a character would take it first before T5: Dimension Veil. That shouldn't be unprecedented, I think: Electrical Affinity's Faraday Cage comes in at the same level.
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