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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. According to the announcement FAQ, there's no fee being paid.
  2. My main advice would be not to stress about things. CoH encourages making multiple characters and levelling is pretty easy even without the current double XP on some shards. Take your time to poke around in character creation. Try whatever characters seem appealing to you, and don't be afraid to reroll or shelve a character and try something else. And feel free to ask for help in-game, or let people know you're a newbie if you're having trouble with something. Welcome to the game!
  3. I must've been away when that one came out. It looks like fun!
  4. I have a Claw/Elec scrapper, and she's one of my favourites, too. I hadn't thought about respeccing her into Combat Teleport, though. Another project!
  5. I don't think I ever tried it before the revamp. I'll have a look at it. Is it better on any particular AT?
  6. I've been away from HC for a while, but the license news brought me back. My favourite power combo in the game so far is a Dual Pistols/Martial Combat blaster. I love the BAM and the KAPOW, the stylish animations, and having a lot of ranged attacks but being able to TP into melee and kick some ass. I have a name for a new character (Minx Max) but no idea what AT and power sets I want to try next. So, what should I go for? In the past I've mostly played Blasters, Corrs and Defenders, but I'm open to trying anything.
  7. No worries at all. I'm glad we could help clear it up 🙂
  8. What did the customized henchmen look like?
  9. I meant the little bookmark tag is green. (Although some of them are blue, which I should've mentioned.)
  10. The different City of Heroes private servers run different code. Those two videos are both about the Thunderspy server. The Thunderspy devs wrote new code for the game to allow henchmen customization. That code doesn't exist in Homecoming and has never existed in Homecoming, so it's not possible here.
  11. Also, if you've started one of a contact's story arc you'll always be able to finish it even if you've outleveled them. You can tell if you're in a story arc with them because there'll be a little green book icon. The only downside is that the level of the missions will cap, so you'll eventually be fighting significantly lower level enemies which will reduce their rewards. You can compensate to an extent by raising the difficulty.
  12. This looks fantastic! (I fixed a typo I noticed, but there was also something in the 'Adjustments from Live' I wasn't entirely sure about. I think that there was no Vanguard Merit to Reward Merit conversion on Live. I think that was something introduced in the SCoRE server days. But I'm not 100% sure about that so I didn't change it.)
  13. If you post in Help & Support, people are usually pretty good with troubleshooting to get you to cause of your problem.
  14. This would be my answer, too. My main is a Fire/Ice blaster and I love her, but if it was only one character forever, I'd have to go with Gun Sue. There's just something so stylish and satisfying about the DP/MC combo.
  15. Posi 1 is such a great TF. Sometimes everyone follows the script and the team moves like a well-oiled machine and everything goes beautifully smoothly and it's awesome. Then sometimes everything goes catastrophically wrong and it's all faceplanting and ambushes and chaos and frantic attempts to regroup and it's awesome. I love it.
  16. Is this a subliminal pitch for Storm/Fire?
  17. Wow, awesome news! Gratz on finally getting the reward for all your patience and hard work on HC.
  18. I stop playing for a while, and wait until I get the urge to play again. I've never had much success with forcing myself to have fun with something I've got bored with. I've been playing a bunch of chill farming and farming-adjacent games instead, and now I'm just starting to miss the City.
  19. As I understand it, the problems people have experienced with integrated graphics chips weren't related to performance per se, it was issues with OpenGL support and appropriate OpenGL drivers.
  20. At least it's easy to get rid of the annoying sounds. When the game came back from the dead, it took about as long as it took me to stop walking around Atlas and crying with happiness to start searching my old installation for the sound-killing files.
  21. This is all very true in larger teams. For soloing or duoing, though, Sleeps are excellent because they often get buffs like longer durations and autohit to make up for the downside that you're no longer experiencing of the mobs being woken up by team mates. Under those circumstances they're top notch control powers.
  22. I love the Shards, they're so pretty. It would be great to see the old content revamped to give it some stories that match up in quality with the coolness of the zone. Very atmospheric Exploration Badges, too, right up there with the Eden badges.
  23. Not with that attitude it isn't!
  24. Debt is a counter that shows how much value you're getting out of that power pick you spent on Rise of the Phoenix.
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