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Everything posted by Grouchybeast
Welcome home! In addition to all the other great advice, I'd say not to worry too much about choosing your character. You have 1000 character slots per server, and even without considering deliberate power levelling it's much faster to level up a character these days. Try out some different archetypes and power sets, see what takes your fancy. Especially if you're planning to do a lot of teaming you might find that you really enjoy something like a blaster, which can really let loose in a team.
Purple Knockback Set w/Universal KB>KD 6 pc set bonus
Grouchybeast replied to Wavicle's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I would definitely go for a set that when six-slotted added KB to every attack power. That would be amazing. (Every attack power on the slotting character, that is. Not every attack power on the team. Although...) -
On the one hand, this seems like it would inevitably lead to thefts of funds, enormous popcorn-worthy drama, and huge amounts of work for the GMs trying to clear up the messes afterwards, so in that sense it doesn't seem worth it when there are already very easy ways to pass inf to other players. On the other hand, this seems like it would inevitably lead to thefts of funds and enormous popcorn-worthy drama...so...
The reason that relatively few MM sets were developed on Live was supposedly they they required significantly more work that other kinds of powersets, so they were an uneconomic use of dev time. Nowadays there's more driving pressure from 'a dev wants to work on this', so I'm hoping that we'll see some new sets at some point I really love the idea of an Animus Arcana set. They're look so great, it's a shame they're tucked away in Night Ward and don't get much use.
I don't use it, but I do think it's funny that the latest shiny communications tool for the kids is 'IRC but proprietary and uglier'.
I'm very happy that you've found a server that provides the experience you personally enjoy. That's the beauty of having multiple projects running their own servers these days: more player choice! In the Live days we were stuck with one game and one dev team, and our only choice was to play or not.
Reject Invention salvage option at P2W vendor
Grouchybeast replied to -Kobi-'s topic in Suggestions & Feedback
On the one hand, the spectre of catastrophic damage to the economy. On the other hand, possibility of shiny new badges. So I vote yes! -
I like reading characters' bios, but I like reading short bios. I'm happy to read a bio in the time it takes for the monorail to arrive and my character and the character next to me to run inside, or to look at the rest of the team's bios while I'm waiting for a TF to start and I've run out of things to do on the AH. That's enough character info for me. Definitely fix the editor, though.
Are there any server(s) that are more child friendly?
Grouchybeast replied to okpokalypse's topic in General Discussion
HC is a small, American company. Allowing children under 13 to sign up to play on the servers would require them to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). This introduces a whole raft of rules and legal requirements that HC would have to undertake to follow or be in violation, for which there are potentially large fines. It's onerous and expensive. This is why pretty much every website or online game based in the US that isn't specifically meant for kids has a minimum age of 13 or over. -
The most enjoyable duo I've played without a melee was a Dual Pistols/Martial Combat Blaster and a Thermal/Sonic Defender. The blaster can just absolutely go to town blasting everything in sight and blipping in and out of combat to stylishly kick mobs in the face, and the defender performs magic to keep them alive while debuffing the hell out of the enemies. And then every so often you pull just a little too much aggro and both faceplant. Top fun, can't recommend it highly enough. ETA: Close second would be a Storm/Energy Defender and an Illusion/Storm Controller. Total chaos, total carnage, mobs flying everywhere. Knockback is the best debuff in the game, and a duo is the perfect opportunity to enjoy it to the max. Plus, pets!
I didn't quit 3 pug TFs (all Posi 1s)
Grouchybeast replied to DougGraves's topic in General Discussion
Or sometimes, both! -
The ATs I want to team with and why
Grouchybeast replied to DougGraves's topic in General Discussion
So...eight Defenders, then? 😁 -
That profile pic doesn't fool anyone, you know,. Everyone knows that vampires these days are sad, lonely emo boys with long hair, soulful eyes, tender feelings and a tragic backstory. Blame Anne Rice.
The ATs I want to team with and why
Grouchybeast replied to DougGraves's topic in General Discussion
I duoed an MM to 50 with a blaster, and I'd describe the MM as an adequately tanky experience. Less fun as we got into the 30s and the mezzing enemies showed up in force. I think it's the only character I've ever taken Acrobatics on. -
Stealth and TP Other are a good combo for teaming. You can help stealth missions, and get your team mates where they're needed or out of trouble.
I don't think I'll be able to make it for 7pm, but I'll try to look in later.
I rolled a Seismic Blast/Kinetics corr a couple of days ago, and was slightly surprised to find that Seismic Shift was untaken. Then I scored another good punny one by suggesting Freeze Radical for my duo partner's new Ice/Rad tank. The advantages of playing on a low population server!
I'm interested! I usually play on Reunion, but I don't mind rolling a character on another server. I can usually play on any day, but unfortunately I'm actually going to be away from home Thursday-Sunday for both of the next two weeks.
I'm very sorry for your loss. 💔
Does Vanguard have better portal tech than Portal Corp?
Grouchybeast replied to biostem's topic in General Discussion
Portal Corps need to have giant portals because if they didn't, how could large invading forces pour through them to threaten the very survival of humanity? It's a question of style, really. -
I always play in Atlas.
I think that would be covered by laws on deceptive advertising, though. People try silly lawsuits over that (like trying to sue because Froot Loops are not actually made of fruit) but the laws exist. Plus, depending on jurisdiction, there might be laws about using specific terms like 'organic'. In the UK, at least 95% of the contents of Untainted Organic Blood would have to come from organically farmed humans, or be certified as meeting organic standards, and if it wasn't then you're breaking the law. That specifically includes brand names using the word organic, too. Of course, vampires could bypass the courts and just murder the producers for lying to them, which is also a pretty effective deterrent.
2.4% sounds like the Pool A roll chance for a Rare recipe (2.44% according to the wiki). I don't know how up-to-date the HC Wiki drop rates are, and I couldn't find any note of drop rate changes in the SCoRE period, so the best value I could find for Very Rare recipes is the enemy defeat drop rate estimate from Live of 1 in 5000 to 1 in 1500, i.e. 0.02% - 0.067%. So very approximately, for every 100 Rare recipe drops at level 50, you should get 1 purple. For Uncommon recipes it's roughly 1 purple for every 1000 Uncommons. They really are Very rare.