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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. It applies until you get the second upgrade. Once you use the second upgrade, then they lose their first upgrade upon zoning. This appears to not happen to everyone, as my Bots are getting both upgrades applied when I zone with them (Including into mission maps). I've been keeping an eye on the buff display to be sure. Hrm. Perhaps it's just Thugs then. The OP mentioned Thugs/Cold, and I main a Thugs/Sonic MM.
  2. I like Resistance... my main is a Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind... simply because, as a buff, +Resistance is much more beneficial to a team than +Defense. Why? Because by endgame, everyone has soft-capped defense anyway, so +defense adds very little. Resistance on the other hand, nearly everyone can use more of.
  3. Anytime I try to open any of my three Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind saved builds from a prior version of Pine's, or import the build using code, I get an error message: "Unable to read data - Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
  4. I threw together a custom installer if you'd like to give it a shot. About page: https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases/tag/FInstaller0.0.7 Direct link: https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases/download/FInstaller0.0.7/HeroDesignerInstaller.F2019.07.08.00.zip Awesome, thank you!
  5. Welcome back, Michael. Most former Champions are on the Excelsior server.
  6. On Excelsior server, I went into Boomtown this evening and noticed that the Goliath War Walker wasn't there in the Council base. However, the pop-up said "Destroy the Goliath War Walker! Goliath's Health: 0/100" I thought that was odd. Just to see if it would spawn anyway, I went around and destroyed a bunch of Council War Walkers. 24 War Walkers defeated later, the Goliath War Walker still hasn't spawned. Event seems to be broken.
  7. Click on someone that you see in-game, and then right click. Underneath "Trade," "Follow," "Chat," etc., click on "Add Note." That lets you add an in-game note about someone, as well as rate that player one to five stars. No, there's no way to see how someone has starred you, nor written up about you.
  8. It's not just you. Between all that, the lower FPS and power lag due to more people allowed in the RWZ at a time than on live, and the various league bugs (like not actually being on a team when the league shows that I'm on a team, thus leading to only getting about half the Vanguard merits, or for those below level 50 not getting sidekicked up), I find Rikti mothership raids much less enjoyable now than I did on live. I lead at least two Rikti mothership raids per week for over three years. Now, I largely no longer bother with them. It's sad. C'est la vie.
  9. Just to put this in perspective: when CoV was first launched, pets wouldn't even enter a map with you. Every time you entered or exited a Door mission map, youhad to completely resummon and re-upgrade your pets. And, what's more, none of the upgrade powers (or the shields from various secondaries, e.g. Forcefield) were AoE. [...] Now, though? Even including all the toggle-on steps? Eleven steps, just one-third as many. :) I understand all of this. I had five Masterminds on live, including two bubblers. But that still doesn't change that this is an issue. The vast majority of my friends are speed runners. They like to run task forces and strike forces as quickly as possible. They consider a twenty minute MLTF or LRSF "slow." It's how they like to play. My bringing a Mastermind slows them down. Like it or not (and I don't), it just does. For a few reasons, one of which is the above.
  10. Let's keep a running tally of known Mastermind issues. I'll start. When zoning or entering a mission, pets of a level 32+ Mastermind seem to lose their first equip and need to be re-equipped. Mastermind pets (and all NPCs actually), do not like elevators in lab maps. Roughly about a third of the time, instead of taking the elevator one or more pets will instead keep circling around the lab map elevator like a rabbit on cocaine. The only way to fix it is to unsummon the pet(s), and then unsummon them again. The only Incarnate Hybrid that works on Mastermind pets every time is Support. Assault and Control work, but only if you use them before summoning the pets. If you zone or enter a mission, you must unsummon the pets, use the Hybrid power, and then resummon the pets in order for them to benefit. For Melee Hybrid, only the taunt effect of the radial Melee Hybrid works on pets.
  11. Yeah, not being able to select the location directory is a no-no.
  12. There's another annoying Mastermind pet bug when using the elevators in lab maps. Every third time or so that you use an elevator in a lab map, one or more (usually two or three), of the pets will get stuck, and just keep circling one of the elevators like a rabbit on cocaine. The only way I've found to fix it is to unsummon the pet(s). But then the pet(s) will use the elevator as they were supposed to. So now you have one or more pets that you can no longer control via the pet command window. The only way to fix that is to unsummon the pet(s) *again*. It happened a lot when I soloed the Dr. Quaterfield TF on my Thugs/Sonic MM in the various Crey labs. It was... quite annoying.
  13. It applies until you get the second upgrade. Once you use the second upgrade, then they lose their first upgrade upon zoning.
  14. I'd go with Time Stop, because it is a Hold and -Regen. I mean, it's not a lot of -Regen, but between that and Time Wall you have -75% Regen.
  15. I will always advocate for /Dark because it's has a versatile tool kit, and is very survivable, and offers great debuffs. It pairs well with virtually any primary. What primary were you thinking of? Dual Pistols or Water.
  16. I want to make a Corruptor. From level 1 to 50, I almost entirely solo. Once I ding level 50, I half solo, half team. What would be a good Corruptor secondary?
  17. Robots, Demons, and Thugs are considered the top three, and pretty much in that order. Beasts is dead last. Everything else is in between. Robots and Thugs like defense. Demons likes resists. So, Robots and Thugs would go well with FF, Cold, and Time. Demons would go well with Sonic and Thermal. They all go well with Dark. Of course, that's a guide. My main is a level 50 Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind.
  18. If I want to stay at range as opposed to blap, what would be a good secondary for Dark Blast?
  19. Here's something interesting. Corruptor Force Field's Dispersion Bubble gives better status protection than a Defender Force Field's Dispersion Bubble. Seriously. I checked on Pine's first, and then in game. A level 50 Defender Dispersion Bubble gives +8.65 status protection, while a level 50 Corruptor Dispersion Bubble gives +10.38 status protection.
  20. The first Saturday in July is the 6th. I assume that's what you mean?
  21. I leveled a Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind from level 1 to 50 doing content mostly solo in three weeks, and that was with turning XP off every five levels so I didn't outlevel specific content I wanted to do. It's not that hard.
  22. Nerfing Cold and Time would just honk off a large number of players. I agree that they both make Force Field redundant, but the answer is to change Force Field to make it competitive. How is the question. Resistance buffs and crowd control are definitely beneficial in a team. People can (and usually do by endgame) softcap their own defenses, but outside of some Brutes and Tankers, not so much resistances. They're going to get hit at some point, even with softcapped defense. Same thing for crowd control. I agree with Liquefy. It has such a high recharge time that I sometimes forget to even go back to it after I use it once. Clarity is good for Rikti mothership raids due to all the danged sleeps that Dispersion Bubble and Sonic Dispersion let through. I have a level 50 Thugs/Sonic Mastermind as my main. I sit in the middle of the bowl, let the pets do their thing and have a good time mowing down Rikti, while I keep firing off Clarities on my teammates while alternating firing off Rebirth Destiny and Judgement every two minutes.
  23. 1. Before level 50, it doesn't matter what you play. 50+, Brute > Tanker, but Scrapper and Stalkers are different. Scrappers outclass Brutes in damage, but don't have the survivability. Stalkers are burst damage kings. 2. You wouldn't. 3. Again, before level 50, it doesn't matter what you play. 50+, Sentinels are only good solo or on a team with seven other Sentinels. Outside of that, you'd be better off playing a Blaster or Corruptor. 4. No. Bio Armor is very, very good, but so are other secondaries like Radiation Armor, Electric Armor, Shield, etc. 5. Can't answer that one. 6. Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper is still good. Not top of the line, but certainly respectable. Go with an Elec/Rad Corruptor instead of a Defender. As for BS, Katana gives better DPS with high recharge. AR is certainly not outclassed by Beam Rifle. They're just different.
  24. Take a look here.
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