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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. Lived and died on Virtue. list of characters longer than my arm. XD Started in the New Porter Institute for Psychical Research ( Something like that. Sorry, my memories rusty ), which became Templars of the Abbey. Later, after that SG drifted apart, I started a reboot roster and hooked up with Codex.
  2. This response from him sounded like a rejection of the idea to me and apparently to most other people who read it:
  3. Give me an example of a challenge in an action-oriented game that doesn't boil down to exactly that.
  4. Here's the run down: OP is apparently so min-maxxed, the content isn't challenging to him. He flat out rejects suggestions such as soloing the hardest TFs on max notoriety settings, playing through tough content with a weaker build, and other such self imposed challenges as he refuses to "gimp" himself to find challenge. In fact, his reaction to such suggestions is snide condescension. Like doing so would be beneath him. ( Which is where I got irked at him, not the fact he was looking for challenge as was his grossly misrepresented strawman of my responses ) Thus, the only logical conclusion is his ideal would be content geared toward players like him, with bleeding edge min/maxxed builds. ie, "the best of the best". That is only a tiny minority of the players. So, kindly show me where the hyperbole is when I'm drawing logical conclusions from his own statements and reactions.
  5. ....that has nothing to do with hyperbole.
  6. If you want content that provides a challenge to the best of the best players? It absolutely is not hyperbole to say that it would exclude the vast majority of the player base.
  7. "I'm upset" wasn't the strawman. Your fabricated reason why I was upset was. No I didn't. And you've been arrogant and condescending toward people suggesting how to challenge yourself from the outset.
  8. Those who want it to the point that it excludes the vast majority of the player base, yes. I'm not, and you can put that strawman back up your #$% where you got it. I'm upset at your reaction to people's suggestions on how to challenge yourself.
  9. No, I said difficulty so steep that it challenges the best of the best players locks out the majority of the player base and, thus, only serves to make the number crunchers feel special. Not just higher difficulty in general. You want "git gud" content, go play effing Dark Souls.
  10. If its content that provides a challenge to the best of the best players, there's no other way to do it. It's not about your preference for difficult content. It's about your absolute refusal to accept the suggestions on how to find challenges because they involve you not having the best of the best build.
  11. Well, actually, I did. And I stand by it.
  12. And you can do that by making your own challenges. The game doesn't need to lock out 99.9999% of the players just so you can feel "stimulated". And if that's what you want, then it damn well is about you feeling "special" no matter what you say.
  13. Yup, that's the great thing about CoX. You can pretty much determine your own challenge level by how you build your character. Honestly, even if I could take the content that'd challenge a bleeding edge build or stop them dead, I wouldn't enjoy doing it. But, really. Yes, you have to lower your build power for more challenge. And that's a good thing. Content should not be blocked from the majority of the player base just to make the number crunchers feel special.
  14. Elite quests were clearly marked as such and always purely optional.
  15. Going to guess the guy was new to CoH, got PLed to 50, and was shocked to find he'd actually have to work for advancement beyond that. 🙄
  16. God has that changed now. Too far the other way.
  17. Funny thing is, it WASN'T difficult. Just time consuming.
  18. Office door. Opens into the sewers, obviously.
  19. A Clown Summoning set with no Pennywise? Heresy!
  20. And they've done it every gorram expansion since. Some people say it's fine because it's a one and done that unlocks flying in the zones for your whole account, but I'd rather just pay.
  21. Pretty much seems to be the pattern with most expansions. It's the worst thing ever while it's live, then suddenly it's awesome a couple expansions down the road. Except Warlords. #$%^ Warlords.
  22. Honestly, I predict that WoW Classic will have a surge at the beginning, but people will quickly realize just how rose-tinted those glasses are. It'll keep a core of dedicated players, but it's not going to be the smashing success a lot of the player base seems to think it will be in the long run.
  23. I was going for this guy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYzPXprvl5Y-Sf0g4vX-m6g
  24. All I can hear reading that title is "SMASH that like button....In the face! LIKE A BOSS!"
  25. 🙄 Snipers weren't hard before. They were annoying. There's a vast difference.
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