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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. When it comes to issues of trademark, that's exactly what the law says. If you can be shown to be aware of an infringement and take no action, then you basically lose a lot of weight in your ability to ever enforce that trademark. That's WHY companies like Disney so aggressively go after violations.
  2. Neither. CoT are just awful that way by design.
  3. You spot a group. tab through them until you find the one you want. Cue attack of your choice. Kill special enemy. It's very easy. Heck after lvl 18 it's one two three. Cha, cha, cha. Identify, Energy flight, inner light, Cue up incandescent. Fly in, attack goes off, radiant and usually dead enemy. Very rarely will I need to follow up with something else. Yeah some times you miss and the get a shot off. And then it gets a little hairy but aside from checking groups I never really worry about them after about lvl 8 or 10. I've have never understood why everyone thinks they are a big deal. Sure they slow you down because you have to be a little careful in a game that doesn't often force you to do that. But otherwise... meh. Ah. Never played Kheldians long enough to encounter Voids above minion rank, then. Much less Cysts. Because you weren't one-shotting Boss or even Lt rank VH's as a Kheld.
  4. I would absolutely invite them! But I'm not nearly as whiny and pissy when things go sideways as I've noticed some people are. XP debt builds character. Spot on MunkiLord. And the poster you quoted is making the bad assumption that the only thing a Kheldian brings to a team is Quantum’s. They call out the one negative and ignore all the good things that the AT brings And what are those good things? Sub par DPS? Sub par tanking? Sub par control? But not all at once even! But, hey, when we can't justify the existence of overtuned mobs aimed at a weak AT, let's go and just start belittling the people who don't like them, right?
  5. Khelds weren't, and still aren't, nearly powerful enough to justify massively-overtuned enemies spawning just to fight them. Utter nonsense. Just means you can't just run willy nilly from group of badies to group of badies. OH NO! I have to put some thought into what I'm doing. Nice that you are psychic and know how other people play. Honestly sounds to me like you never ran into these enemies as a Kheldian yourself before. All the "putting thought into what I'm doing" in the world won't change the fact that these were enemies designed specifically to screw over an already sub-par AT. They weren't impossible to beat, sure. But they were a frustratingly inappropriate ramp up in difficulty for no good reason.
  6. I'd hardly call removing massively overtuned enemies that do extra damage against a specific AT that's already a bit on the weak side a "win button"... ::)
  7. Modern take on my WoW Demon Hunter. Dual Blades/Fire Scrapper.
  8. Know what, nevermind. You've devolved into outright namecalling. And we're the bad guys here. ::)
  9. I never said a thing was wrong with it... please try to remain calm, lol. Explicitly, no. Implicitly ... several times. Your post positively reeked of condescension towards slow-road soloists. He's got a thing for implying stuff, then coming out with "I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" when called out on it...
  10. Nariza, Savage Melee/Bio stalker. Minh Marcone. Yes, one of those Marcones, turned hero. Kin/WP brute ( Alternate version, Staff/Ninjitsu Scrapper ) Calris Littlewolf. Refugee from a world of fantasy and magic. Wolfkin elf, BM/Nature MM.
  11. Wish I could believe that. But I know people older than myself who still are massive trolls.
  12. Been a big fan of trackballs over mice for years. Especially good for when I was trucking over the road and had limited space. No need to move it around. Currently using a Logitech M570
  13. I agree, and his denial of it is thin. It's NOT going to make it easier to find DFB groups. The only possible "benefit" is to funnel group types he doesn't approve of out of the LFG channel.
  14. No, it's not your opinion. Because this issue isn't a matter of opinion. It's something objectively verifiable. Opinions are things like "I like chocolate" and "Blue is my favorite color". Things that are purely subjective. You don't get to close off discussion when you state incorrect facts just by saying "That's just my opinion!" People try to do it all the time, and it's a major pet peeve of mine.
  15. How would a global channel make it easier on them? In fact, I've already gone over why the result would be the opposite. The only possible goal here is that last part: Getting them out of the LFG channel.
  16. How horrible, people using the looking for group channel to, you know....look for groups... A channel people are dropped into by default for the express purpose of finding groups vs one someone is making to try to take it upon himself to gatekeep the default channel and funnel the groups he doesn't approve of out of it. A channel he's making that people won't be dumped into by default or even know they exist unless someone happens to tell him. Yeah. Brilliant. And not elitist at all.
  17. Why do you think it's likely we'll get one? You are aware that this is a fan-maintained private server of a game that hasn't been actively developed for nearly a decade, right? That none of the original devs are maintaining this. I won't say it's impossible, but I certainly wouldn't be acting like it's a given.
  18. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Cosmetic_Surgeon
  19. Because the Facemakers are the normal tailors, not the advanced ones?
  20. No. Opening with sarcastic BS is not being rational. It's an immediate attempt to poison the well. The opposite of rational discussion. You basically called me a liar in your first sentence.
  21. Yes, I'm totally gonna find an archive site to filter through thousands of posts for someone who decided to play snarky BS rather than considering an obvious and reasonable answer... Burden of proof is on me and all, but you opened by demonstrating you weren't capable of rational discussion.
  22. I mean, never mind that it was being planned well before PvP was ever implemented. Gotta go with your gut and ignore the actual evidence! And how do you know this? ....because I was playing the game back then and followed the dev posts on the forums. Kinda makes the rest of your reply look pretty stupid when the answer was so obvious, doesn't it?
  23. I mean, there's always the options of getting real computers and never having to worry about MacOS again. *Cackles and flees*
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