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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. *Looks at the notes* *Sighs* Yes, there are going to be hundreds of new canon story arcs added. They just wanted to surprise us. /sarcasm
  2. The chalet is open year round....?
  3. What version of Live were you playing? Knockback has been frowned upon since day 1 of Live... This is nothing new.
  4. *Poke* Hey you. 😛
  5. So, Virtue player back on Live. In the early days, I was in this SG ( NPI broke up and reformed as ToA at one point ). Led by Freelance Wizard. I'm wording if anyone here is from that crowd. I think the SG fell apart before even Going Rogue...
  6. It's an unnecessary annoyance even if it is only a minor one. I don't mind having a timer, it's the fact ANY keypress cancels it that annoys me. Having to take longer than the timer to move to a special place to logout with no timer is absolutely not a solution.
  7. I'm not exactly young and never heard it. Though I never paid much mind to drug culture... Might be regional, too?
  8. I...guess? Is there supposed to be some joke to that that I'm missing?
  9. No reason not to have a character with the IC theme of being focused on opposing them.
  10. *Shrug* Best I can figure is some people view every game they play as a competition with the other players. If someone else can shortcut to the top, they feel slighted. I can understand if this shortcut is via shelling out real cash, because catering to advantage the rich players just sucks. But through in-game systems? As long as it's not exploiting a bug or otherwise straight up cheating, fine.
  11. Is there any way to remove the "any keypress cancels the logout timer" nonsense that's been in the game since day 1? Make it so that only, say, escape will cancel it? I know it's less than 20 seconds at the most, but being able to tab while it counts down is handy... Staring at the screen unable to touch my keyboard even that long is stupid, IMO.
  12. To the point, catalysts sell for more than unslotters. So better to buy an unslotter and sell the catalyst if you have one and the unattuned IO, then buy an attuned version.
  13. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but politics are unnecessarily inflammatory. I'd prefer to keep it outta here.
  14. ....yes, but that doesn't do me any good when I'm swapping characters. 😛
  15. One minor thing that always annoyed me in Live. It's a bit better now with reduced countdown timers, but it's the fact that ANY keypress cancels the logout. I'm used to tabbing out while the countdown runs. Sure, it's only like 15 seconds max, but 15 seconds too long to be staring at the screen unable to do anything. I wonder if it could be changed to, say, esc cancelling it instead of any key... For that matter, this is the only MMO I've played where esc doesn't bring up the menu. Gotta hit \ instead. There's a lot of fiddly stuff like that that doesn't jive with UI norms...
  16. I mean, really. We're talking about straight up incest if you think about that....
  17. If by "cool" you mean "Disturbingly gross"........
  18. One thing to remember is that those dots are server load, which does not necessarily directly correlate to population. It's dependent on what those people are doing at the time. Upgrades in server capacity and/or power can lower the server load with the same population. I'm not saying the population isn't down, just that the dots aren't an absolute indicator. It wouldn't be unexpected if it is, the initial flood is dying off. But that's not anything to panic over.
  19. More annoying: You're hunting XXX and realize you're not in the right PART of the zone. Somehow that's more annoying than being in the wrong zone all together.
  20. A while back running Posi1, things were going great. Then we hit a CoT mission that was a bit rough at our level and had one wipe. A miscommunication wound up with the team splitting down a hall and pulling 2 spawns at once. Suddenly the tank started going off on everyone. We managed to calm her down and take another whack at it. In a big room with multiple spawns, we went one way, tank went the other. Another wipe, Tank's having a foul-mouthed meltdown over stupid noobs and drops team. One or two others follow. The rest of us kinda stare at each other and decide to drop and reform to try fresh. Gather up a full team, and the whole thing goes off without a hitch on try #2. Which tells us the problem was the tank who was so bent on blaming the rest of us for being "noobs"...
  21. For a mixed group of them, yeah. But when it's just the gimp bois/gurlz...
  22. I would think a group of Vahz Eidelons would be a "bondage". XD
  23. Really necessary to necropost a 5 month dead thread?
  24. *Facepalm* Because it's so common for people not to read, I was all prepared to point out how the reasoning for the "page 3" was literally spelled out in the announcement. XD
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