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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. DM: You can't backstab with a bastard sword! .....okay.....you have successfully backstabbed with a bastard sword. *Picks up a bucket of dice* I hate you....
  2. No? Yes? Maybe? XD
  3. I imagine it'll be a lot easier now with the most recent update to pet behaviors. Really, though, a lot of sets' heals are PB.... Including one that's considered one of the strongest secondaries.
  4. ....sounds like that'd be what the last category described.
  5. Fair points, I see where y'all are coming from. Thugs/thermal maybe?
  6. Here's apparently an odd combo. Can someone work out a good build for thugs/rad? Or is there a good reason it's an oddball pairing?
  7. Actually, with that coloring....it's kinda pretty.
  8. You know you can set it to minimal FX and not have the "hard baked" costume pieces, right?
  9. Someone's bias is showing. Hint: It's not his.
  10. Just saying, archery is one of the weaker blaster primaries. Tac Arrow is just strong enough to make up for that. 😉
  11. ....but archery. ><
  12. Archery? I thought you said GOOD offense. >.>
  13. Been looking for one myself. Seems like they'd be a natural thematic pairing at least.
  14. My take wouldn't be less freedom, but needs that drive technology being more or less present in certain areas where the various powers wielded by supers cover them in different ways. Kind of like how you can have a fantasy civilization that has been around longer than humanity IRL and still seem mostly in medieval tech levels. Magic covers the needs that drove the innovations we have today in the real world.
  15. And that was all there was to it. The fact that you thought there would be more was on you. The fact that the answer didn't tell you there wasn't when you didn't make it clear you thought there was doesn't mean that your initial question wasn't answered. We can't read minds here. You need to be more clear on what you're asking. Nope. He said you were handed the answer and refused it. You responded with this snark against the ENTIRE COMMUNITY here:
  16. Except it did. The fact that you can't tell the difference between flavor text and a description of the power's effects is your problem, not the first responder not giving you clear information. They told you EXACTLY what it does. Oh poor you. You got insulted after YOU THREW THE FIRST BARB. How dare people respond to you as you responded to them? The nerve of them!
  17. The only reason you didn't understand is you didn't accept the answer you were given. The first response explained EXACTLY what the power did. You're like the guy who walks past the "closed" sign on a door and says "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU WERE CLOSED?!" when the staff gets mad at you.
  18. Well, I mean, the alternative would mean you lacked the intelligence required to have even typed up this post, so.... Yeah, that's what I'm suggesting.
  19. Okay, I thought this would have been too obvious to have to explain to an person with more than a kindergarten intelligence, but I was referring to it not mattering in terms of gameplay. Are you really this dense or have you just resorted to trolling when you didn't get the sympathy you thought you deserved?
  20. Because it doesn't matter where the damage comes from. Fire damage is fire damage regardless of whether it's ranged, melee, or AOE, comes from a mob, comes from an exploding vehicle in a mayhem mission, etc. In fact, source of the damage is irrelevant. Just type of damage and whether it's ranged, melee, or AOE.
  21. They...did no such thing here, though. They told him specifically what the answer was.
  22. You mean where they specifically and clearly answer your question and you refuse to understand it? Yup.
  23. Alright, so I have way too many characters and suck at build planning. /Regen is tricky, as it doesn't have much built-in defense. So, anyone managed to get it to a decently performing level of defense?
  24. Which ones are you missing? I'm not positive, but I'm reasonably sure everything's supposed to be unlocked from the start...
  25. Because the animation set isn't as fun?
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