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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. It absolutely does. I tend to set my attack macro from "aggressive" to "defensive" when I'm soloing. Lets them fall back into bodyguard mode between spawns. Tends to be handy for me. 😉
  2. Yes for real. There are grades of evil. Not every villain has to be a sick and twisted sociopathic monster.
  3. It's a brand new day and the sun is high all the birds are singing that you're gonna die!
  4. I was curious about that myself. I was wondering if there was something I didn't know that made pool Stealth a power worth taking for a Stalker.
  5. I have absolutely no memory of this. Are you sure?
  6. DCUO? Oh, you poor soul... Get into Paragon City, STAT!
  7. Gotta remember the high sell prices actually benefit lowbies dumping salvage on the AH....
  8. Either he had some ( not even remotely hidden ) setting messed up or he's lying. Because I've never had WIndows 10 shut down my computer without warning and an option to postpone.
  9. Hold over from the early days. Used to be you could clear every quest available in your level range and still have to grind levels to reach the next tier of quests. That's assuming there were even that many quest. EverQuest 1 had a notable lack of quests for a game called EverQUEST. It was pretty much all grinding for levels. ><
  10. Those other superhero MMOs are terrible, though.
  11. All that does not change the fact that it is still very much the same as software piracy at present.
  12. Well, yes, but if the company's scum, I don't feel bad about it. I don't pretend it's not still illegal or anything, but.... Not like EA is hurting if I pirate Sims4 and its $500 worth of expansions and stuff packs...
  13. Besides, there's always Pirate Bay if the developer's exceptionally heinous. XD
  14. You're comparing apples to oranges here and you damn well know it...
  15. I agree....to an extent. If you've severely gimped your character on purpose and you're joining task forces and trials, it's no longer just your business. You become a liability to other players. But if you're soloing or with a team of friends who don't mind it? Knock yourself out.
  16. They didn't get rid of it. It had been gotten rid of long before Live shut down.
  17. Side-kicking lunacy? Referring to the original way where you had to stay close to your "mentor" to keep your level boost? Pretty sure it was changed to the current system well before Live shut down.
  18. Ugly as hell IMO, though. But, then, I've never been a fan of cel shading in most games. It oddly works for me in Borderlands, but in most games, it's just tacky looking.
  19. Awesome on my stalker for that boss/EB/AV alpha strike...
  20. Story heavy games, I'll watch. Usually because I don't have the console for it or my PC is too weak to run it. Or I just don't like the gameplay part but love the story. And I usually don't have the money to spend on it anyway.
  21. Toe-bombing. Stack stealth to drop trip mines right at the the pack of mobs' feet. Slotted up enough to take out the whole pack at once. XD
  22. I had a run of them the other night. And random tells asking to group. While I was tied up in some SG RP. And they didn't want to take no for an answer. I hate ignoring, but I had to drop some people down the oubliette.
  23. I never hated it, though I can see why people did. I do think if it had been that way from the start, nobody would have thought anything of it. Too many people had the mindset, though, that "playing a superhero" should mean they're untouchable and the game should pose no challenge. 🙄 While I do sometimes miss the ridiculous power of no-ED, I do think the game's longevity benefited greatly from it. Besides, 1acc, 3dam, 2rech makes for better DPS than 1acc 5dam. 😉
  24. It wouldn't have gotten off the ground if he hadn't had people reigning him in during development, though. Even then, after he left, the game made vast improvements specifically through discarding some of his early design philosophies.
  25. Healers being prized didn't last long on Live either. Among those who knew what they were doing, at least. They were useful, but buffs and debuffs and control that could avoid the damage in the first place were more prized.
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