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Everything posted by Alty

  1. 8 of any mix or identical defenders will rock. Repeat Offenders literally made an entire network of SGs based on this theory! 😁 Buff/debuff stacking is amazing! The trick is figuring out the best tactics and powers selection for the team.
  2. Just wanted to clarify cause, folks forget... Increase Density's resistance portion is a targeted AoE, the status protection portion is still Single Target as it always has been to match the other single target status protection buffs.
  3. Having used/admin an IPB (Invision Power Board) forum for over a decade, it was possible to choose the number of posts per page and posts had numbers. But that was before various improvements. Some things are eliminated to keep a software updated, consistent and modern.
  4. 🌶 Not my thing but they're fine. Also avocados added to a chicken bacon pizza (after baking) is very tasty.
  5. If folks want sweet with their savory then at least make candied bacon 🥓 and add it to the pizza. Keep fruit 🍍 off pizza 🍕 unless it's tomato 🍅 or avocados 🥑... Hot avocados are horrible though.
  6. Unfortunately, this may be a software limitation issue that isn't easily solved by the Dev/Admins. At some point very soon IPB will have its own mobile app which may address the the font size issue. The small screen version of the forum seems to stick to a specific font size. Invision Community Apps for iOS & Android https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/invision-community-apps-for-ios-android-r1161/
  7. You could just tag and ask him, @Leandro 😉
  8. The way you wrote it made it read as if you were referring to a single target buff. Also I think you're highly mistaken about Empathy and Kinetics but someone above me already took that on. 😊
  9. Do you mean Fortitude or Adrenaline Boost? Fulcrum Shift is a Kinetics power and it is a targeted AOE buff/debuff.
  10. Just gonna point out the obvious, that the 'community' as mentioned is not the whole community but a small portion who plays The Forum side missions. Some folks play regularly and don't even visit nor post on the forum. So forum polls by members are fairly limited to those who frequent the forum and browse that particular section. It's not the best indicator of what the majority of players want. It's mostly what folks who frequent the suggestion section and are inclined to tick a box, want. 😊
  11. 3 heals...6 buffs...5 if you don't want to count Rez. 4 of those buffs are extremely important at all levels (Fortitude, Regen and Recovery Auras, Adrenaline Boost). Incarnates buffs basically mimic all Defender buffs. No Defender is ever worthless... Ever. 😊 Got 2 Emps? Have them Fort & AB each other (if they're offender built) and then get out of their way. Now is healing necessary as much at higher levels?...Nope but since Emps aren't 'healers' they're always needed all the time. 😉
  12. As a kinetics lover... (useless kin expert puffery here: ) Meaning that not only are a large portion of my alts kins but I've been the leader of an all Kinetics SG for years on live and currently here ... and even *I* know it's not *the best* for every controller...now, every defender, mebby.... 🤔 😁😉
  13. Read through this whole thread... Y'all are interesting... I learned that Petless MM is the new scapegoat for crappy teams. I also wonder exactly how many Petless MMs are even around for everyone to suddenly be saddled with them. 🤔 I learned that telling anyone 'you're doing it wrong' is pretty much the same as asking 'why are you playing that way' because both come from the same block of what is correct and incorrect. One is just an open ended question. It still requires the questioner to judge the answer as good or bad and allows them to easily interject their views on an AT while disguising it as an equitable conversation. I also learned that it is nobody's business why a player plays or builds they way they do. Don't tell them they're wrong and don't ask why to just politely tell them they're wrong either. In the end though, it's pretty simple... Adapt by changing team tactics or remove the player. Expressing AT/build/play opinions is not required Enjoy the game. 😊
  14. Old polls from before the forum change or new polls post change? If it's old polls, see GM Widower's post above. New polls can show the results via the 'Show Results' button. Also the results show automatically when the poll is closed. The OP of the poll has to close it if a close time/date hasn't been set.
  15. Great... But I'm referring to game mechanics. They're coded to trail behind their 'masters'. They rarely keep up. I 'member way back in the olden days, MM pet corpses used to pile up at the mission doors, trams, base entrances, everywhere... Piles upon piles of castaway pets. Heh, dead undead zombies corpses.
  16. It's soooo beautiful 🥰😍
  17. I was going to ask for Speed Boost but I see that's already been done. The SB icon is ROs website. ico and it is tiny but muddled. Yes it's always been a boot as is Siphon Speed. 😁
  18. 🤔 Were there some changes or patch notes somewhere? Because I thought they were all only -End with 2 power exceptions which are stated to do - recovery. If they all have a -recovery proc (% chance to X) perhaps it is easier to increase or change that chance or change it for specific powers 100% for X seconds.
  19. You can get away with 1-3 slotting most Kin powers. That being said, accuracy is still great for Transfusion, Transference, Siphon Speed, Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift. Recharge is also great in these powers. You can slot Heal in Transfusion (3) End Mods in Speed Boost (3) and Transference (3) Resist in Increase Density (1) Slows in Siphon Speed (3) - That's to increase the +run speed if you want to be faster than your team with speed boost.
  20. Was?... We're here.😉 We're also more than one SG. RO was born in the Defender section of the official forums. I see the OP mixed in Corruptors and Controllers.. Awww should have gone with all Defenders just to get those sweet buffs/debuffs early. Also typically a super team starts as lowbies together so they learn team tactics and synergies. That's usually the fun part. 😊
  21. You're looking at -Endurance but to effectively drain you also need -Recovery There are only two powers in the Electrical blast set which have the -recovery component: Short Circuit -recovery and Thunderous Blast (nuke). All 9 powers have -end though. It is possible to drain end from NPCs but not fast enough to overtake their recovery rate. By stacking -recovery powers, it is possible to completely drain NPCs so they become passive punching bags. The electrical set could be improved by adding one or two more -recovery powers. Maybe add it in to Zapp (snipe) or Voltaic Sentinel (pseudo pet) to make draining end more effective.
  22. If you all do modify the member tagging system to act like the in game powersets info brackets, please share that mod so other Invision forum owners can use it. Basically I mean me... Share it with me. 😁 Additionally if you're going to use the acronym system and compose a list, share that too with all the other Invision forum owne-- me, again I mean me. 😊 Please and thank you in advance.
  23. I think that in game you're in an full window environment so you may not be able to open help, or tab out to a new window and crack open a browser. But it's different on the forum, you're already using a browser and can pull up a site that will provide powersets info, gaming information. The member tagging system is based members accounts. It sends a notification 🔔 to that member that they've been tagged. Now that's a robust system probably requiring way more modifications than the forum devs may want to do. Alternatively, there is another workaround already built in but it'll still take manpower to enter the info. There the Acronym setting that allows forums to to provide custom definitions to words/phrases. The forum puts a dotted underline under the word and a mouseover will reveal the full meaning.
  24. Fun fact The forum can have any number of custom post rep icons. Also they can name them whatever they want. Reminds me, I need to change that thumbs up icon on the RO forum, it's far too hard to see on dark backgrounds. I posted this before, so before folks ask... The icons are just for fun for the ROers, 'Like' still gets used the most.
  25. Threat elimination is the only job...all powersets are focused on that task either directly or indirectly. There is no 'both at once' beause 'keeping the team on their feet' and threat elimination are one and the same. 😉
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