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Everything posted by Ironblade

  1. In my experience, it has not been like that in any game I can think of. Whether you're talking about an MMO like Everquest, Black Desert or Elder Scrolls. Or if you're talking about open world survival like Valheim, 7 Days To Die, etc. It's always a varying amount of struggle at low levels. Some are worse than others. This game is actually pretty good compared to many since you aren't useless with poor gear (enhancements). What I find works in this game, for a new character, is to run the Death From Below trial about four times. Each time you run it, you can get a buff that lasts. . . . don't quote me on this, but I think it's 7 in-game days or until you hit level 20. There are four buffs: accuracy, damage, defense and END recovery. You'll also get SO's from each arch-villain defeated (there are five). Of course, they won't all be useful and the ones you get on the first run will probably expire by the fourth run. But, between the buffs and the SO's you get, you'll be serviceable. My early goal is to get high enough level to start running task forces. I enjoy them and someone is always starting one. If not, I'll start one. Positron part 1 starts at level 8. Task forces give Reward Merits which can be sold or used to generate greater funds. Also, it's worth watching out for the 'Weekly Strike Targets'. Every week, there are 3 task forces or strike forces (villain side) that will give bonus XP and double the number of reward merits. Of course, not every week features a low level task force so that depends on the timing.
  2. Superjump does that also. Your jump continues until you release the space bar, then you immediately start to descend. Well, no. It doesn't do that. LOL. I'm guessing you have not seen those powers in action. Ninja Run is far slower - FAR slower. That's what justifies having it be free. It's a tremendously watered down substitute.
  3. Fire and the Flames SF. Contact is Mortimer Kal and you have to do a villain mission from a tip. I think the tip is called 'A Wizard's Weakness', where you have to kidnap Morty's daughter to blackmail him.
  4. I only fought scrapyard once. I fought Jurassik and the Goliath Warwalker multiple times, plus a few others once each.
  5. Witchcraft? Oh, you mean jerk hacking.
  6. I'm hearing this from a lot of people and I haven't gotten a recipe drop yet, either. I wonder if the odds are set correctly. Maybe someone misplaced a decimal point.
  7. Because, let me guess, buying prestige wasn't "the right way to do it" or "it shouldn't count" or some such drivel? 🙂
  8. You are TECHNICALLY correct, Bureaucrat Hermes, which is the best kind of correct.
  9. From the patch notes: "This chance is rolled individually per character who received credit and is tied to the same drop table as the Reward Merits." So yeah, if you don't qualify for the reward merits, you don't qualify for the recipe drop.
  10. Well, then technically it's not for the benefit of all if you mention a specific group who are not benefited. So, let's say 'for the benefit of the overwhelming majority'. 🙂
  11. Yes, it's still a thing. At least, I know it is on Everlasting, where I mostly play. The 'Everlasting TFs' channel is very active and also has a Discord server.
  12. Pretty sure that it's only Adamastor. The reason is that you get a temp power that can spawn him. Apparently, masterminds would sit there with the temp power on auto-fire and their pets set to aggressive.
  13. Type in Dr. Francois' arc in the mission 'Infiltrate the Air Field'. Objective: Find cargo ship manifesto A manifesto is a public declaration of policy. A MANIFEST is a list of what a cargo ship (or truck) is carrying. The type appears both in the objective and the clue.
  14. Manticore task force run for Variety Act badge. Please post your character name AND your global name. 1 TANK - tank, brute, peacebringer, warshade 2 MELEE DAMAGE - scrapper, stalker, PB, soldier, widow 3 RANGE DAMAGE - blaster, sentinel, corruptor, PB, WS, soldier, widow 4 CONTROL - controller, dominator, WS, widow 5 SUPPORT - defender, mastermind, soldier 6 EXTRA Today, Feb 21, 9PM Eastern 1 2 Ironblade (Ironblade) 3 4 5 6 Next run on FRIDAY, Feb 23 at 9PM Eastern. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I will bring whatever doesn't fill or an 'extra'.
  15. 3PM attempt cancelled due to not enough people, likely due to short notice and time of day. See new message later in thread.
  16. Variety Act is one of the new badges that requires a task force team to have role divertity, i.e. at least one character from each of five general categories. The categories are as follows: 1 TANK - tank, brute, peacebringer, warshade 2 MELEE DAMAGE - scrapper, stalker, PB, soldier, widow 3 RANGE DAMAGE - blaster, sentinel, corruptor, PB, WS, soldier, widow 4 CONTROL - controller, dominator, WS, widow 5 SUPPORT - defender, mastermind, soldier 6 EXTRA I'll be doing this on weeks when I like one or more of the Weekly Strike Targets. I like Manticore (this week) and Moonfire (next week). I will have a sign-up post here in the Everlasting section since that's the shard I'm (mostly) on. Sign-up will be first come, first served. If the role you want is already taken, you can sign up as an extra as there is no penalty for having multiples in a category. I'm going to try for a run this evening. Also one on Friday evening.
  17. Ding ding ding! Exactly right and yes, it is five minutes. I timed it once to be sure. If I'm on a high damage character, I just dive in and if they respawn, I just do it again. If I'm on a low damage character, I'll destroy one and wait for the respawn. I don't usually bother pre-damaging the others because even a defender should be able to take down the turrets if they have the full five minutes.
  18. um... You're either thinking of someone else's post or misread mine. I was talking about running the Signature Story Arcs for 20 merits.
  19. I would disagree. I think that, once you have at least SO's and a few decent powers, EVERYONE should visit Bloody Bay to get the Shivan Shard temp power. It is an extremely powerful pet and can make the difference between succeeding and failing a task force if you're alone or just have 1 or 2 people.
  20. I know, I know! I actually have a spreadsheet to track the timer and enough characters that I used to run it multiple times per day, every day, and get the full 20 merits every time. I've run it on every character I have. Also worth noting, for anyone that hasn't run the Signature Story Arcs for the merits: The FIRST time you run each chapter on a character does NOT count against the timer. So, when they first came out, I ran my badger through EVERY chapter of both arcs in one day. Arc 1 is 7 chapters and arc 2 is 5. So that was 12 chapters for a total of 240 merits in a few hours. And then, he went back and ran chapter 1 for 20 merits, which started the timer. FYI, for anyone who wants to do something similar, the "one week timer" is actually 162 hours. There are 168 hours in a week.
  21. Yeah, when I find an item where there are a couple hundred recipes available, I'll start bidding at like 5500 and just keep going up until I've bought like 90% or 95% of them. I'll usually end up around 175,000 per recipe. Grossly overpaying but, if I'm going to sell the final product for a few million, who cares?
  22. OMG I'm ahead of you in something. They've only got 19x as many merits as me. 😛
  23. Is he putting out bad vibes, Oddball?
  24. Because the change in exploration badges occurred today and Vidiot Maps needs to be updated. So, *currently*, it's wrong. I don't know if they have updated it for the new badges yet, but you would then need to update. As for your video, you did *NOT* get the eight exploration badges.
  25. It proves that the guy making the video isn't paying attention at all. Go to full screen and read the badges. He counts off eight badges but one of them is 'TIpped Off', which you receive for getting a tip mission. So he does NOT have all eight exploration badges. Edit: Okay, I came off a little harsh there. I didn't realize that was your video. But my point stands.
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