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Everything posted by BZRKR

  1. BZRKR

    Scrapper ST DPS

    Seconding the recommendation for Claws, it has a great mix of attack "shapes" and is especially satisfying on a Scrapper. If you are focused on Single Target damage, why are you leaving out Energy Melee? However, don't forget that Scrappers are getting Stone Melee too, which looks like it's going to be pretty darn fun too. Also Dual Blades is getting some QoL love on the beta server, so you may want to test drive that too. Of course, the other correct answer is "You have 1000 character slots and free renames! Make one of each!" 🙂
  2. Maybe check your alignment? If you are currently a Villain, it may not show?
  3. I think Hybrid only shows up when you toggle it on?
  4. Who cares about popularity? I pulled on Mothership Raids on mine until Vet lvl 100. I play it less now only because it doesn't earn Empyrean Merits any more, and well, Alts. SR/Claws is a lean, mean, and agile. It never looks back at explosions.
  5. BZRKR

    Def vs Res

    Defense with Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR) is Great! Defense backed up by good Resistances is Great! Defense with Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR) and good Resistances is Shield! For your reading enjoyment, a thread from about a month ago.
  6. Maybe if they ever make Fear and/or Confuse Purple Sets, they could be Halloween Themed?
  7. Last week while trick or treating at the Peregrine Island No Tell Motel on Indomitable, a Zombie Invasion happened. I only saw a handful of Invasion Zombies spawn, and these were mostly (only?) coming up on the balconies of the Motel. This was with a 3 team league in the area. I can only guess that something inhibits the Invasion Zombies on the ground level at the Motel, and so league leaders move to better hunting grounds for the invasion. (It would be funny in the in-game lore was that directly under the parking lot was some Portal Corp lab, and there just isn't enough dirt to spawn zombies)
  8. I very much like the idea, and really like the mental image of using force field textured spheres and shapes along with the various "bouncy" sounds. I do have some thoughts about the power names T2: Cutting Shield and T1: Explosive Shield. I think that it might be confusing for offensive powers to have "shield" in the name. Are you avoiding the word "bubble"? How about "Bubble Bomb" for the tier 1? or maybe "Unstable Bubble"? "Cutting Bubble" for the tier 2 sounds nice and idiosyncratic, like a super power should.
  9. On my Rad/TW Tanker, I have (in order taken): Defensive Sweep, Taunt, Follow Through, Build Momentum, Titan Sweep, Rend Armor, Whirling Smash, Arc of Destruction. The rationale is to take my Radiation Armor powers early and establish the character as hard to kill at as low a level as possible. When running the Positron TFs, I have Build Momentum, a couple of attacks, and Taunt. This coupled with the other aggro management tools at that level (Radiation Therapy and Beta Decay) lets me contribute. I think the "Must Have" powers are Build Momentum, Follow Through, Rend Armor and Arc of Destruction. However, Whirling Smash is very satisfying, and Defensive Sweep deserves an honorable mention for being a Luck of the Gambler Mule.
  10. Welcome to City of Villains and Heroes! Have a look at the following thread that seems relevant to this post: Being a Tanker in this, The One True Game™, is a whole kaleidoscope of different and nuanced actions and reactions. There is no one-size-fits-all way to Tank. Revel in that! Make a Tanker that can smash a group by itself! Take advantage of your unkillability to "Jersey Stealth" your way to a mission glowie or the final boss room. Especially if your primary is a high Defense set, you may well be able to drag an aggro cap onto that one last computer, and then click it while dodging a whole room of enemies. Glorious! What's even better is if you are hard charging through the map, be sure to announce that you are "Stealthing!" to the end so that everyone knows what's going on. It's a Hoot! Also the Devs have revealed Here that more challenging content that may very well change how Tanker need to operate. Exciting times!
  11. What I use for Shield Charge is: /bind g "Powexec_location 0:5 Shield Charge$$powexec_location target Shield Charge" That makes it so my "G" key either Shield Charges my target, or if I don't have a target selected, it puts me 5 units (feet?) directly in front of me. This helps with the camera spin quite a bit. Substitute in the key or key combo you want to Shield Charge with and try it out.
  12. Assuming that when you say "you", that means that we would only have the super powers we already have (😉), I'd choose one of the following: Gold Brickers - Jet Packs, Fancy Guns, Chocolate Factory. Sky Raiders - Who wouldn't want to see what it's like to be a Porter? Arachnos - An industrious person could get promoted into the Crab Spiders, Marshal, or even Arbiter.
  13. You don't literally go to level 51. You will not get to pick extra powers from your Primary, Secondary, or Pool Powers. You will not receive any more slots to distribute among your powers. Wow.
  14. My assumption is that all of the parts of Paragon City that aren't contained within the War Walls are more "normal": https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/images/b/bd/Citymap-i26.jpg Also, I have a Headcanon explains it this way: All Heroes and Villains, PC and NPC are actually kids running around the city in makeshift costumes. The reason that NPC Citizens calmly walk past firefights and merely wave is because they are Adults, and see us as kids playing make believe. The reason that Citizens can push us out of the way without even slowing down is because they're actually twice our size. The citizens that actually interact with us are just being friendly and playing along.
  15. Oh sure, I'm sure anyone could survive if they had 600 Spartans along...😁 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mora) On topic, I like to see folks asking questions. It shows that they care at least a little about how they go about things in game. Sometimes, I feel like I have answers that are relevant and hopefully useful. That's when I answer a question. Other times I recognize that no one cares about my dumb opinion, and that's when I navigate away.
  16. Another costume suggestion to throw on the list: The Pumpkin Head special helmet, but rotated backwards 90° (and maybe turned a bit to one side) and wearable on the back as if the character has taken off their helmet, and let it hang by whatever (unseen) string or straps we choose to imagine. Thanks!
  17. Agreed. Adding some damage enhancement would be very welcome, as would somehow getting ATO sets into the secondary. Also, when slotting a Dominator, my first goal is +recharge. This means that I have skipped Dominating Grasp either completely, or only used the Fiery Orb proc because of theme. Ideas for Dominating Grasp: change 5-slot recovery bonus into a +recharge bonus Change the Rech/Chance for Fiery Orb enhancement to Damage/Chance for Fiery Orb
  18. Woops! I was thinking so hard about keeping Savage Leap and Feral Charge separate in my mind that I got it wrong. Editing the list.
  19. First, the song I consider a Titan Weapons anthem. You can hear when Build Momentum kicks in: Next, one of my favorites for pulling Rikti on the MSR:
  20. Based on city of data, as best I can tell: Spring Attack - Yes Soul Extraction - No Dark Extraction - No Gang War - No Corrosive Vial - No Lightning Rod - Yes Gremlins - Yes Ignite - Yes Bullet Rain - No Irradiated Ground - No Savage Leap - Yes No Shield Charge - Yes Omega Maneuver - Yes Team Teleport - No
  21. Also, I have a Shield/Radiation Tanker, and it's hell on wheels. It may have some slow spots leveling up, but it's a monster once you get Irradiated Ground Procslotted up. Happy Tanking!
  22. BZRKR

    SR a trap?

    SR is great! The only issue you may run into is that you will want to take everything but Elude. There is a taunt aura in evasion: https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.super_reflexes.evasion&at=tanker There are scaling resists that are built into Agile, Dodge, and Lucky https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.super_reflexes.agile&at=tanker https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.super_reflexes.dodge&at=tanker https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.super_reflexes.lucky&at=tanker The defense debuff resistance (DDR) is maxed out at lvl 50 if you take all of the powers that provide DDR. I have used my Super Reflexes Tankers to pull groups of lvl 54 Rikti in the instanced Rikti Mothership Raid, and they work very well.
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