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Spaghetti Betty

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Everything posted by Spaghetti Betty

  1. Hmmm. Gaining 100 damage to get slapped around by Rommy's shield again is a hard sell!
  2. This sounds more like what happens when I lead!
  3. Good call on the Kismet, and I like your armor slotting a bit more. I feel this is a good middle ground of all the compiled data, so I'm going ahead with your adjustments. With the 2 extra slots, I added an extra recharge in Fiery Embrace and gave myself 4 more points of KB protection. It was either that or a trivial amount of S/L or NRG RES. I considered an extra end mod in Stamina, but that feels wasted since I'm using Ageless and Consume on cooldown already. Tanker (Fiery Aura - Super Strength)2.mbd
  4. Since I don't have Tactics or Focused Accuracy, I'm vulnerable to -Perception. Putting the proc in Rage means I'm safe from Blind when I click it.
  5. Thanks for the pointers. I'll comment on a few. These are good points, but I appreciate the utility of Tar Patch a little bit more. It's one of those theoreticals where Tar Patch can technically affect way more targets than a single click since it can tag more mobs for as long as its active. The slow and -Fly are also nice. This is super useful for things like Rommy ambushes and making monkeys easier to manage during Omega Kong. I can take a DPA loss for that since the -RES already has so much value, and the other tools available do their jobs well enough. I was specifically weary about doing this because it means I lose out on a good chunk of Max HP from Consume! Without the D Sync it's about 107 HP lost, which I guess is negligible in the grand scheme of things, but still stings. After looking again, I agree. Force of habit. But they're gone now. I've never had this be an issue but I'll entertain the idea and switch them around! No harm in trying. This is what the build looks like now after taking the advice. I was able to bring my resistances up a bit without damaging my Max HP too much, at the cost of a slight damage loss (I had Gaussian proc in Rage). I do think it's better overall however. Thanks! Tanker (Fiery Aura - Super Strength).mbd
  6. Hullabaloo and howdy doo! I've had a pet project I've been waiting to work on for a little bit, and now that the new Page is here, I think it's in a good enough spot to share with you all! See, I saw that Tanker's were getting a new Darkness Mastery pool. Now, new epic pools are great and all, but what piqued my interest the most was that some loony in the dev team decided Tanks (and Brutes) really need access to Tar Patch! For those who don't know, Tar Patch gives access to a huge AoE patch that debuffs damage RES by 22.5%! It also kills Fly and slows really hard, but that's second bananas compared to that tasty RES debuff. So I really wanted to incorporate this pool into one of my Tanks! And I found the perfect candidate - Fire/SS! Already a strong combo to be sure, but I've been drawn to the allure of the risk/reward that it brings. Tar Patch compliments that with grace. And tar. And as much as I'd lead you to believe I'm crazy bonkers and don't give a dime about mitigation, you'd be wrong. This is actually my squishiest Tank to date, and goes all in on damage! To anyone looking for a cruise control impenetrable fortress, this is not for you! Anyways, without further ado, here's the build. Tanker (Fiery Aura - Super Strength).mbd Wow! What a beauty! So stunning! Brave! Don't look Sovera This thing is so selfish. It's mitigation is pitiful for a Tank. It can't sustain END without Ageless (one of my no no's), and has to spend it's time pulling old-school when solo. But what it does do is hit like a bucket-wheel excavator being dropped from orbit! Seriously, I think this Tank might outdo my Rad/SS in damage. Maybe not in mitigation, but definitely in damage. Run into a group, drop Tar Patch, use Foot Stomp (everything is half dead), use Burn (minions dead, lts shortly after), and mop up the rest. So satisfying! Another thing I love about this Tank is its room for growth in teams. One RES or DEF buffer and it's flying. Kins are its best friend! It just might end up being my favorite Tank to bring to coordinated runs! I definitely encourage anyone curious enough to give this a spin to proceed with caution! ***EDIT*** Updated build with all suggested improvements Tanker (Fiery Aura - Super Strength)2.mbd
  7. I love running Aeon! Granted, all the of extra AVs we fought are absolutely not required to finish the TF, but they're so much fun!
  8. My main, Spaghetti Betty, is an StJ/Rad scrapper! I've also recently trained up an MA/Rad that has turned into an AV stomper. Other than trying out a few oddball combos, I don't really play a whole lot of them!
  9. I say sorry because I'm not one to bash sets since this is a game where anything can work. But Kinetic Melee is subpar in every area. It's decidedly the lowest performing set in DPS tests and there are better alternatives that can do what it does just fine (although they might not fit your concept). It's probably the only one I would recommend avoiding, unless you're playing a Stalker.
  10. All of your choices will work for anything in a general sense. You don't really have to worry about strict requirements until you get into the top 2% of content. All Tanks are aggro magnets that have a hard time going down, so just pick whatever feels the most fun! Personally, I would be focused more on finding something that's fun to you around here Than I would be about this. There aren't a lot of sets Super Strength that won't feel functional by the mid 20s. Well, except for... This is just kinda stinky. Sorry.
  11. Discord has become a pretty standard tool for my usual group, and pretty much mandatory for high level stuff. Sure, there aren't many things in the game that require voice coordination (I was convinced nothing did until attempting Omega Kong), but to say it makes the experience smoother is an understatement. Plus, I like making poop jokes with my friends!
  12. Time Lord! When you have both the Chronologist and Cimeroran badges, logging out in Ouro or Cim will give you Time Lord, which is +10% global recharge and +20% Slow RES!
  13. Rage crash is definitely a slap on the wrist compared to SS's other major problem: it sucks until it doesn't. No set that has Rage, KO Blow, and Foot Stomp will ever be bad. It's just that until you have those 3 things together (and some pool attacks) you're floundering. I would argue that's where the perception that it's bad lies. One of the toughest sets to try and do progression levelling with for sure. In endgame it's a top set that simply doesn't have to play by the same rules every other set does. What other set can get double perma Build Up while having one of the strongest ST attacks and AoEs in the game? As many /SS Tanks I have that can slam pretty much anything put in front of them at 35+, I can never agree that it's bad. Flawed? Sure. Old? Definitely. Fun? Yes!
  14. Hello! Traps is one of the few support sets I've had a bit of time with. I haven't touched it since Temporal Bomb was added, but I can comment on every other power! Traps specializes in prolonged fights such as AV encounters, since a lot of the powers are hands free and very potent. Web Grenade is a must pick if you plan on tackling AVs. Very strong and spammable immob. I think Caltrops gets a bad rep as pic these days. It comes packed with a mag 50 Afraid effect. This means a mob stuck in it will drop everything they're doing and try to get out of it. This is priceless value solo. Even if you're teaming, it's essentially free damage that doesn't have to pass a hit check. Just don't throw them at War Wolves! Triage Beacon is an easy skip. It's probably the most niche power in a very niche power set. I've seen it have value in some of the most strict self imposed challenges, but that's it. Acid Mortar and Poison Trap are your One-Two for debuffing AVs hard. And the poison trap from Poison in the skippable one. Poison Trap in Traps is incredibly strong. You can slot it for recharge, but as far as other slotting goes, a Lockdown proc gets good mileage or you can use it for set bonuses. These 2 powers also stack. My recommendation would be to invest in Burnout! Cover the AV's Air Jordans in so much debuff that they'll never recover! FF Generator is a buffable ally! I've found all sorts of neat tricks with it. You can TP it, so if it's lagging behind you can just port it to you. I also hit mine with Spirit Ward and Enflame! Seeker Drones are good in that they can absorb an alpha for you. Summon them in the middle of a mob and they'll attempt to attack the drones first. IMO, the debuffs they do are secondary to this. Definitely don't sweat not taking them if you don't feel the need. Trip Mine is poopy! Another thing that can really stretch the mileage of your powers is Fold Space. I use it on my Traps to great effect. No need to worry about your traps going to waste if you can drop new mobs in them! As far as your typical mob to mob encounter goes, in a team you can just drop Poison Trap and Acid Mortar and you've done your job. Save any fancy setups for big targets.
  15. I think I would do something like this: Tanker (Super Reflexes - Spines).mbd SR is pretty tricky to make a proc bomber out of, but it is possible. I have an SR/Stone bomber that does pretty well on END, but Stone also requires a few less picks than Spines. While stuffing every attack with 6 procs is fun, do keep in mind you still have to pass an accuracy check, so even a little boost will go a long way! And I'm infamous for running on very little accuracy bonus, so I know! The good thing is slotting your attacks with winter acc/dam, acc/dam/end, and picking up something like Vigor Core is just enough that you won't whiff all the time against 54s. This also comes with the added bonus of building Slow RES. Since proc bombers give up a lot of global recharge, holding onto what you can when faced with -Recharge goes a long way. Sure, SR can dodge most of those debuffs, but better safe than sorry! I also opted to go Rune of Protection for extra mitigation. You can cycle this with Melee Core Hybrid to keep your RES at a respectable level before your passives ever kick in. In fact, using this method, passives will hard cap your S/L RES when your HP is around 60% with Rune or Melee active. END will be pretty hard to manage regardless, as SR has no way to sustain it at all. Vigor is a good choice here, since it has END redux, and adds ACC to your attacks. It's usually my go-to for my bombers as well. My suggestion would be to keep Ageless Core in your pocket when soloing. Hope this helps!
  16. Absolutely! I'm game for one, Hard Mode or regular. It's one of the longer TFs in the game, so I think doing it KM style with all the bonus fights will take a considerable amount of time, even if they are fun! Thankfully, I know the speedy route pretty well.
  17. Most of the time it will be Core. It offers a stronger buff and can be casted while moving. Radial does bring a 2x rez, but the rezzed allies come back with 0 buffs and are in high danger of being immediately killed again. That's not to say Radial can't be useful, but a support toon with a rez and Barrier Core would provide a lot more benefit than a Radial Barrier.
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