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Everything posted by Shinobu

  1. If I see something is selling in the 2 million range, I might list for 1.6 million, unless it's a IO that I know sells well then I might list for 1.9 million. I rarely list for a round number that I expect it to sell for. Also pay attention to how many are for sale. I sold some Brute ATOs over the weekend, they were going for anywhere from 9 to 15 million, but there were none for sale when I listed mine so I listed them for close to that 15 million price, and I got what I wanted. ^_^ (Mind you, 15 million for something that comes out of a pack that costs 10 million... if only I could sell ATOs endlessly at those kind of prices!)
  2. You get the reward on completion, so if you start a WST/WTF and then it changes before you complete it, you don't get the reward. On the other hand, if you had started a Doc Q last week and completed it after the changeover, you'd get the WST/WTF reward (since it's just switched over to that). Doc Q being one of the few task forces where it might actually make sense to do part of it ahead of time.
  3. The Knockback > Knockdown IO works by reducing the severity of your knockback. You could ask Leo, he'd tell you. ^_^ There's also situations I've encountered as a fire farmer where two forms of knockdown combine and create knockback. If they're different things, how does that happen?
  4. Alternatively, you can run SSA2.5, last arc for Pandora's Box, the second Signature Story arc. The contact is in Steel Canyon and is Heldenjaeger, a small jaeger robot near the Royal Overbrook marker. He asks you to warn Positron, and then you have a "board a train" mission to save city hall. Set to -1/8 and go to town. Use a bind key to target the Fake Nemesis, and don't AoE anything because you don't want the Lts. to hit Vengeance as they die. You can get 25-32 Fake Nemesis on one run. Use one of these -- a keybind: /bind z "targetcustomnext enemy alive fake" (this will target any fake nemesis in range when you hit the z key, or anything with "fake" in its name basically) or a macro: /macro FAK "targetcustomnext enemy alive fake" (this will produce a macro button labeled FAK. You can edit it later to change the word/name it searches for... for example tank for Freakshow bosses, or prince for Clockwork bosses.)
  5. 1. The SCORE team was able to add some costume options and tweak things, but from how I understand it, it was very difficult without development tools. 2. There are a lot more smart people poking the code now, so they're learning how to do things that the original SCORE team never figured out. 3. I've heard that the code for SoA and their costumes is a serious mess to deal with. 4. However, see point 2 again. If someone out there wants to fix this bad enough then maybe they'll find a way. So I guess there's hope. ^_^
  6. I am quite sure Robotech_Master will be along soon to preach his gospel about marketing, but here's his guide: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3161.0.html The short answer is you use Enhancement Converters to convert uncommon IOs to rare IOs, and to things that will sell well. Plus you buy uncommon recipes so you can craft them and have stock to convert. The slightly longer answer is that a lot of people are doing this so that's why your rare recipe probably costs more to craft than you can sell it for. But you can still make money crafting an uncommon recipe, converting it, and selling it for 1-2 million -- it just takes a lot more work to earn big money, unless you happen to come up with the stuff that still sells well (Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge will never go out of style). The truly long answer is that you really need to know what will sell in order to make money, and you need some money in order to make more money. But just as an example I made a couple of hundred million today from sales on the market (which... to be fair, I pulled down a lot of stuff that hadn't sold, more than 70 IOs, and relisted them, so a lot of the money I made was from stuff that I'd tried to sell two weeks ago at an apparently too-high price).
  7. Maybe you want a Fortuna then? When widows get to 24 they take one of two paths and Fortuna is the option that includes a lot of psi ranged attacks. They're still similar to Widows but they get ranged attacks, a very nice Psi Blaster-style AoE, Psychic Wail, plus some confuse/hold powers. If you're worried that a Widow would play too much like a Stalker, then a Fortuna might be what you want to try.
  8. I wouldn't say a Widow (and we're talking Night Widow here, not Fortuna) is exactly a "more powerful" stalker, but they play a lot like a claws scrapper or stalker with team buffs and no assassin's strike, basically a support stalker. I like that combo a lot, and they're very easy to softcap on defenses, and with the team defensive buffs you don't feel strictly like a me-first solo artist on a team, if you know what I mean. Take medecine or teleport pools and you can be even more of a team asset.
  9. If I list something for 4.5 million, I am hoping that someone will bid 5 million if not higher. I am also trying to list it low enough to get the sale over someone who lists their own version for exactly five million. Why in God’s name would I want you to see exactly what I listed it for? Conversely, if I put in a bid for 10 of something at a low price -- say 10 recipes at 1,000 influence -- I'm hoping someone dumps their recipe on the market for lower than that. If they can see what I'm bidding, they might just list higher than my low bid. Why do I want that? This market rewards people for being patient and clever and thinking ahead. I don't want to revert to a more backwards system that only rewards the person who checked the market most recently. :p
  10. No. The auction house is perfect as is. It rewards the patient, the impatient pay more, and that's how you make money. If you want to buy at the lowest price, then place a reasonably low bid and come back later. It's really the best market system for an MMO that I've seen.
  11. If you enjoy skating, there's a winter / Christmas zone with a frozen lake that Null the Gull can send you to. ^_^
  12. I wrote a ton of short stories about a character that I originally made in the early days of CoH. His name was Grandpa Anarchy and he was the world's oldest hero -- basically an old man who fought with his fists and whose only real super power was that he'd taken some sort of super soldier serum ages ago and apparently this kept him alive. But mostly, his advantage was that he'd seen it all before and knew all the tropes. The stories were mostly silly so they hinged a lot on tropes and how the hero could see them coming. Initially his arch nemesis was a villain named Carnival Act, who was a not-very-cleverly-disguised stand in for a Joker type of villain. But I wrote a story where Carnival Act finally died, and then the question was: who is Grandpa Anarchy's true arch nemesis now? One villain in particular named Kid Calculus was a former sidekick who hated Grandpa Anarchy -- that was pretty much his sole reason for being an antagonist -- and above all, he wanted Grandpa to admit that HE was Grandpa's arch nemesis, but Grandpa was always, "Nah, you're too young to be my arch, try doing this another forty years first."
  13. You might try posting in General Help & Support.
  14. I don't consider buffing defense numbers past softcap or reducing endurance drain to levels where I no longer have to watch my blue bar to be useless or pointless. Some of my builds don't work UNTIL I have my alpha slot filled. Sure it's not as game-changing as a good Judgment or Destiny, but that's kind of the point, it's the first slot out of six. Once you have all six, you've got a ton of extra power to work with.
  15. Now I know this isn't true. Rage used to put you in Only Affecting Self rather than bottom out your damage, and Castle engaged in a dialog with the playerbase when that changed completely centered around the defense debuff. He even floated the idea of putting in a sort of reverse Power Boost that weakened things like holds and taunts instead of the defense debuff, which was something I suggested to him, though ultimately stuck with the current debuff. Whether it worked differently in the past (I didn't play SS until late in the game I think), the power as currently designed includes a crash that you could avoid only thanks to a game bug. Like I said, they're not going to reintroduce the game bug just because people liked it. I don't like the crash, but if your only argument is "It was better before, change it back" then I think that's a non-starter.
  16. Although you can't perma Rune of Protection, you can alternate it with Hybrid Melee Core which provides similar benefits (resistance, status protection).
  17. I don't see them reverting Rage to back how it worked on Live, because that was literally a bug that prevented it from working as intended. Now, I agree that "working as intended" sucks, especially for the main tank of a team, but because of the bug we never really got to have a conversation about whether Rage as intended really made good sense. I'm not sure what would be a good balancing mechanic, I just know the one we have makes me want to ignore the power completely.
  18. Don't they? I saw this in today's patch notes:
  19. You can't have a thousand salvage racks in your base. You can have 18.
  20. An exception is the Invader accolade redside, you need to get those in Mayhem Bank Robbery missions at various level ranges (10-15, 15-20, etc.). You can't Oro those, last I knew, so if you powerlevel past them, you'll need to hope someone broadcasts that they are doing them later on. I've seen people wait for weeks back in the old game to happen to find someone with one at the right range. Also certain things, like the Lars Hanson Striga unlock for the Hess TF or the Maria Jenkins storyline, can take a while to do the arc for, and Oroborous locks you into TF mode for that whole time, so you would need to either have several hours for a play session and be a pretty good soloer or be willing to tie your character up for days or weeks. I don't know if you can invite people to your Oro arc after you start it, I've never tried. From the consolidated I25 patch notes: (https://docs.google.com/document/d/11cLJiSYlfueJheOumRywG8Evip2Mjmu_30Y6ePaetqY/edit)
  21. There's a bug where in League mode it looks like you're on a team, but if you switch to team mode it might show that you aren't really on that team. I was on a raid the other day where 3 of the people on our team weren't actually on the team when I switched to team mode, and they all had that kind of sk problem.
  22. It's in Kallisti Wharf, it's level 40+, there's a contact near the hero market, it's 3 missions but the last one is one of those that moves from several different settings. There's Skyraiders and Freakshow, a Skyraider AV and a giant robot. Takes about 30-40 minutes I guess, you get a purple recipe if it's your first time doing it. AFAIK you can probably start it solo like you can just about any TF now, but I really don't know if the giant robot is something people could solo. I'd bring a good team.
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