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Everything posted by Shinobu

  1. It's an interesting idea. I'm not sure I'd want a special IO set that you can only get for on week a year, but I guess that was the original idea behind the Summer Blockbuster too. As I've pointed out, for conversion purposes Overwhelming Force is kind of unique set -- it's an attuned universal damage set, and there's only one of those so it can't convert into anything else. So my first thought is that you should create a second universal damage set of some sort. Other than that, I got no real ideas, although in keeping with the theme maybe it has a fear proc of some sort? (I'm not sure how popular that would be though. I guess you could do a Chance for Darkness Damage proc, maybe, or Psi damage based on overwhelming fear.) And the name should be Terrifying this, or Haunted that, or Dr. Kane's something. Zombie Smash, I don't know. Just so long as it's not Terrifying Fist or Haunted Blast, or something that refers specifically to only one kind of attack when it's a universal set.
  2. And yet, things certainly were gender-locked by the original devs, who couldn't fathom why a guy would ever want a kitten on their shoulder. ::) This one in particular seems like it would be easy to implement, because guys already have a chainmail skirt and for girls that's just a short skirt with a different skin. It seems to me that any of the short skirt options available to women could be ported to men as different skins on the chainmail skirt, no need to create a new item other than porting the skin/pattern. But I don't know, I'm not a game developer or 3d artist. Also I don't really understand why we don't have shoulder pets for men yet, that one seems like it'd be easy too. To me anyway.
  3. Thats the Universal Damage Proc. The "Overwhelming Force" proc can go into any power that takes KB IOs, and there's no limit as the IO is non-unique. (I dont think they'd be limited by the Rule of 5 but I cant confirm that) I'm pretty sure Overwhelming Force is a unique set, and that's why Sudden Acceleration exists at all. But maybe by "the IO is non-unique" you meant the Sudden Acceleration IO?
  4. Instead of a guide I'm doing a step-by-step how to, by posting progress on a brand new character. I put this in the market forum: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,5185.0.html
  5. Any uncommon recipe that has a rare counterpart works, especially if there are only the two recipes in a given level range. Certain uncommon recipes, such as defense, resist damage, and heal, are going to be more expensive and probably out of my price range for just getting started. Probably endurance as well. Also there are a handful of uncommon recipes that still require a rare salvage to craft so you want to avoid those. But good ones include run, leaping, fly, immobilize, fear, confuse, knockback, to hit debuff/buff, etc.
  6. I don't usually think about it too hard. My rule of thumb is that I can earn as much as 40-60 merits in an hour. Say, a Manticore speed run is about 40 minutes or so, and that's 40 merits. Or I can run the Freakshow Wars story arc from Ouroboros in about an hour, and that's 55 merits. Last night we did a Moonfire/Hess combo in maybe an hour total, according to Paragonwiki that's 32 + 19 = 51 merits. 50 merits buys 150 converters. (Or I can do a hami zerg raid in maybe 10 minutes total time and earn 80 merits. Just sayin'.) I do kind of balance in my head that 1 converter costs about 100,000 influence on the market, so if it takes me 10 converters to get the IO I want, that's about 1 million spent and I need to make more than that to turn a profit. But usually the IOs that I spend a lot of converters to get to sell for very good money. I may spend a lot of converters to get from a random IO to a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge IO, but that sells for 6-7 million influence so I'd have to burn a LOT of converters to fail to make money on that sale. Another thing to consider is that if you buy super packs, you'll eventually get a lot of merits as rewards. If as you say 1 merit = 1 million influence, then you can buy a super pack for 10 million influence and wind up with 25 million, 50 million, 75 million, even 100 million in merits from it. Of course it's not really as simple as that, I know you can buy a merit for 1 million but I don't usually consider 1 merit = 1 million influence, I think saying 1 merit = 300,000 (what you can get for it on the market by translating to converters) makes more sense. Also I can go through 10 super packs without getting any merits, so there's that. But it's just one more thing to consider. For my purposes, 2 converters will usually turn a cheap uncommon IO into a rare IO. 200,000 influence. If I pick the right IO, then that's a guaranteed conversion, but sometimes I work with IOs that take several tries to get to the rare IO I want (usually I do this because I can hit on something cool like Kinetic Combat as an example part of the time, and sell those without any more converting). 1-3 converters will usually turn a random rare IO into a rare IO that I know will sell for at least 2 million. If I happen to come across a Miracle or a defensive IO, I'll spend more converters to get to the special one I want. Otherwise, whatever turns up that I can sell, I sell. I try to get to something worth selling in as few converters as possible, but then if I'm halfway to something really good, it's worth spending more converters to get to that Miracle +recovery or whatever it is. ^_^
  7. Rouge Angle of Santa would carry the same theme through each word... :) I had a Rouge Spy once. After she went rouge she was kicked out of the organization, because they had rules against excessive makeup.
  8. Yes, this is a tactic I used several times on Live, but I hadn't tried it yet here. 8) Early morning update before work: my IO finally sold (it hadn't when I went to bed). I've also bought 30 recipes so I can start crafting and converting in earnest, but for now I'm limited by the fact that I haven't earned more merits for converters (although I probably could buy from the market by now if I wanted to). In any case I crafted two of my recipes and, after a few conversions, I have another stealth IO and a Kinetic Combat IO to sell. Tonight I'll have to join a Posi TF or do something else to earn more merits.
  9. I was going to publish a Marketeering 101 guide with pictures, but then I thought that actually demonstrating how you can make money on a brand new character/account might be more entertaining and also informative, because anyone with 100 million can tell you how to make another 100 million, but how do you get there from nothing? So I made a brand new character. I went for a mace/shield scrapper, because I like scrappers and war mace is an awesome set. I decided to name her Princess Knight because that's the best I could think of, and it was not taken: Here I am in the newbie zone. I've got my binds and channels all set. I mostly posted this so people could make fun of my cluttered screen, I think. :P Team up with Dr. Girlfriend, woo! I bought 8 hours of DXP from Pay 2 Win in the tutorial (she's next to the trainer, right before you enter the final fight zone). I also picked up my Prestige Power attacks like Sands of Mu and Nemesis Staff, and I got my Inner Inspiration power. These things are important! Once I exited the tutorial I quickly joined a DFB group and set up which combat attributes I wanted to monitor (by right-clicking on them). For now I want to monitor Current Hit Points, my 3 positional defenses, and my influence. Not much to see just yet. I teamed with a mobster mastermind, a fellow named H 3 0 ("the third 0 is for savings!" He didn't explain what this meant) and an Asian fox or kitsune named Subject Amaterasu, who I decided had to have a Rocket/Stitch-like "created in a lab" bio. I wasn't disappointed -- although really, it was hard to make sense of the full bio, but big points for having one in place by level 8, I certainly didn't. But what has any of this to do with marketing? Well, okay, let's get to the meat of this post. I ran 3 DFB's and I did not get any rare salvage drops. That's not lucky, but it lets me show you that even without good luck you can get started making money, which I did by using my Inner Inspiration power whenever I had the chance, and selling the medium and large inspirations, if I could: As you can see I slowly built myself up to 100,000 influence over the course of maybe 2 hours. If I saw something selling for 5,000 influence, I tried to list for at least 4,000. If it was selling for just 100 or so I might drop it for 1 influence and take whatever I got, but I mostly tried to sell the endurance and health and defense ones that seem to sell best. After 3 DFB's I was level 14. I caught a portal to Ouro, went and got the badge for myself, then returned and headed to the Rikti War Zone, where I like to do all my crafting because there's a base portal and a merit vendor and crafting tables and anything else you could need, right there. Oh, but I forgot to mention, I also cruised around Atlas Park and then King's Row to grab all the explore badges. This gave me 10 reward merits, enough to buy 30 converters. Now I was ready to rock and roll. I had actually picked up a recipe during my DFB runs -- a Serendipity (defense) recipe, level 15. Nice! I can start right here! I crafted it and converted it (defense to defense conversion), hoping to get something good: Level 15 is too low for me to get a Luck of the Gambler, but hey, Kismet! This will work! As you can see it took several in-set conversions to get the Kismet: Accuracy that I wanted. But I still have 16 converters left. Now at this point I had a dilemma: Kismet: Accuracy was selling for as much as 5 million, but I didn't have nearly enough money to list it for anywhere close to that price. If I listed it too low, I ran the risk of it insta-selling for much less than I wanted from the sale. This is a valuable IO, I don't want to waste this opportunity to have 4-5 million from a single sale. The solution? Sell something else first! It's normal that your first sale has to go at whatever the buy-it-now price is, just so you have enough money to work with. So I set my search levels for level 31/31, and I bought a Quickfoot: Endurance recipe for 1,000 influence. This is one of those recipes that only has two options, one uncommon (Quickfoot) and one rare (Celerity). At level 31 my crafting costs were about 48,000 plus 3,000 for the salvage, and I had 82,000 influence to work with. I was prepared to do up to several random rare conversions after this but on the first try I got the stealth part of the set. Perfect! I know that will sell, hopefully for at least a million. I placed it for 500 influence (although I could have just done 1 influence, no difference really). And it sold for 1.5 million instantly. Now we're in business! And here's where I sit at the end of my first session -- 1.1 million influence, and an IO listed for 4.1 million that hopefully will sell, and maybe for as much as 5 million. In fact it may have already sold while I made this post. I'm predicting I can hit 100 million by Friday or Saturday, but a full week would be by next Tuesday morning. We'll see how I do.
  10. It's 40+. Contact is in Kallisti Wharf in the hero market area. It's 3 missions in Kallisti, third mission moves from streets to warehouse to caves to an outside area though. 1 AV that you fight twice, and a robot that... I don't remember if it counts as an AV or GM. First time you run it you will get a purple recipe as an additional reward. I don't think much is written down about it though so your best bet is just to try running it with a team and learn the rest that way.
  11. I think the harder things are new animations and new costumes, and also new missions/TFs, and populating a zone like Kallisti, never mind making brand new zones. But all of these are things that, eventually, could happen. (Market Crash is an example of a TF that was wholly developed by the SCORE team. But note that they only did this once in six years. ^_^ ) Beyond all of that, I think the BIG key here is A) Does a person have the code knowledge/other skills needed to do a thing, and B) is able to work with the SCORE team, and C) is interested in a given thing? The last part, C, is especially important, because people are doing this in their spare time, and if it's not something they're really really interested in, it might take them a while to get around to it. Meanwhile, the guy who has a very strong desire to add X to the game may put in a lot of extra hours and get it done. It's not like these are guys getting paid to work on the game 8 hours plus a day, and they have a list of things the players want that can be done, and they'll work on all of them at some point. They'll do whatever they really want to do first, or whatever the Homecoming team and Leo is pressing to have done. ^_^
  12. How can I get this IO as early as level 7? I looked for it on the /ah last night. It was consistently selling for 8 million influence. The recipe for it was going for 5-6.25 million. How's a level 7 character supposed to have that much? I've been following Robotech_Master's guide (https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3161.0.html) for making money on the AH, but after a few hours of playing I've reached level 14 and only made about 3.3 million. I suppose I could just focus on making more inf for a while, but. . . Is there another way to get a specific IO that I want, or at least increase my chances of getting it? 1. I think the only suggestion was that a level 7 could slot a level 10 version of the IO... not that a fresh level 7 without any outside help (from friends or one of your alts) should be able to afford it necessarily. However, 2. You can get some of the lesser PvP IOs for as little as 2-4 million (with patient bidding mind you!), and then with liberal application of converters get to your Pancea unique. It may take a lot of converters though. 3. You should be able to turn 3.3 million into 20-50 million in pretty short order. I guess I really need to make a marketing guide with pictures to explain things more clearly for people, which is something I did in the past. ^_^
  13. I've heard of zerg hami raids before, but AFAIK those involved planning days in advance and as many people as possible having Warburg nukes on hand. So... probably the first time I've seen it done without too much planning. ^_^ Helps that you can have more than 50 in a zone now too.
  14. The Rule of Five hasn't changed.
  15. It's always been that way. Purple (Very Rare) IOs are their own type. PvP are their own type. ATOs are their own type. Since there are two types of ATO for each AT, you can also convert one Brute type to the other (for example). Winter O's are their own type. Overwhelming Force is a category by itself. Hami O's don't convert.
  16. The other day I heard someone complaining in chat about how someone had manipulated the market to drive prices up, and the whole market was messed up because of it. Market conspiracies aside, I have noticed a general trend over the last week or two towards less supply and higher prices. At one point about two weeks ago we'd reached a point where some rare IOs were selling for so low (1 million or less, even 500 million) that you could barely turn a profit. The market was glutted from all the people trying to earn a quick buck. Now I think it's swung the other way -- at least for general IOs. The supply of the specialty IOs has remained fairly constant, with several hundred Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge IOs or Miracle +recovery IOs for sale at any given time. Sometimes the price for those dips a bit as supply increases, but then it seems to bounce back. What I've noticed however is that, if you want to buy a rather ordinairy damage IO such as Obliteration, Positron's Blast, etc., those supplies have, at least in some cases, dwindled quite a bit while prices have increased in response. This is just my impression, I'm not doing market surveys to verify anything so take that with a grain of salt. However, here's a more concrete example of what I mean: For a long time I've tried to market any and all rare IOs for at least somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million. However, at one point there were so many Mako's Bite IOs on the market that the price dropped to somewhere between 800 and 1.2 million, and my IOs priced higher would never sell. I stopped selling them because they weren't worth the effort, and I was left with a bunch of them listed for slightly over 1.5 million that were apparently never going to sell. In the last week, a bunch of those sold. This tells me that the supply dwindled enough for someone to buy my stock at the price I'd listed. They weren't finding those IOs for only a million a piece anymore. Just my observation. I would guess we've reached a kind of equilibrium, where if prices dip too much lower then supply will drop off, and when prices inevitably rise in response, it becomes worthwhile to sell again, supply will increase. Naturally, I was desperately trying to make money two weeks ago when prices were lower, and now that they've come up a bit, I'm trying to buy IOs cheaply to outfit several characters that I PL'd over the last week. :P
  17. Once you defeat Dr. Quatrexin you should have the badge that unlocks all patron pools. In fact, you ONLY need the badge, so you could join someone who is about to run that mission, get the badge, and you're good. You literally need do nothing but defeat him, and you're good. ^_^
  18. The Vahz zombies with the AV do not grant xp, so it doesn't matter if you defeat them or not.
  19. D'oh! Well, dip me in pumpkin spice and throw me to the soccer moms, you're right! You're very welcome. I wish the wayback machine's search functions worked a little better...there were a *lot* of gems like this on the old forums! I can't quite remember the full name, but it was something like Wonederful Scrapper, only I don't think that was it. But it was more than just Wonederful.
  20. I really should list those as well: KittyKitty Bang Bang (remade here) Faster Kittykat Kill (a kin) Kitty in the Middle Sayanora Kitty, a stalker, the opposite of Hello Kitty probably more that I'm forgetting. There was always Mouse Police as well, taken from the Jethro Tull song.
  21. I've had these in the past, none two of them remade here: Beverly Chills, cold corr Dagon's Belle, whose father was a demonic monster Cinder Ella, dark melee scrapper Donkey Hotay, which made me laugh a lot more than it should Double Donkey Motel, an expert assassin Emo Shin, a play on my in-game nickname H4mL33t, a thespian Freakshow member Hammer of Grabthar, a kind of Judah Maccabee (the Thune from the Nexus comics, known as the Hammer) crossed with... well, I hope you recognize the reference ^_^ Herd Mentality, a cow tanker It's A Trap, a fish-headed character in a schoolgirl uniform Ivan the Terra-Bull, another cow character Liberty or Debt, a patriotic blaster MC Gorbachev, who shook hands with both Ronalds, Reagan and McDonald Moar Cowbell, because you can never have too many cow pun characters Moo Vestment, because what I just said Mucknumb of PI, a former Lost who worked as an investigator in Peregrine Island None More Black, who was the embodiment of Nigel Tufnel as an antihero Penelope Shin, also a play on my nickname and I *have* remade this one here ^_^ Popeye Khan, who looked like various pop icons including Elvis, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, and of course Michael Jackson Radionicus, an ancient Roman aqueduct designer whose experiment went horribly wrong, dousing him in... radiation... granting him... radiation superpowers, because... Daedalus and one late-night ITF where people got silly about how he got his powers Schrodinger's Catgirl, I am hardly the only one to think of it though Show Me the Monkey, because you need ape-themed pun characters too Slay Belle, and I've remade this one here as well Squiddy Kitty, catgirl warshade Trigger Warning, a dual pistols blaster Wilhelm Scream, sonic blaster You Gotta Be Kitten, one of several cat pun characters Wallstreet Brawler, the marketeer version of BABs
  22. I remember being in a permadeath SG (Iron Eagles I think?) where if you died, you had to delete the character. And you saw a lot of people removing the character from the SG but not deleting it (which was okay) and you saw a lot of "Bob the Scrapper IV" and "Bob the Scrapper VII" type of clones and variants. ^_^ Pretty sure TopDoc got to 50 on a defender in that group. Anyway like a lot of things, I think what you ask for is possible given enough dev time, but unlikely to appeal to a wide group of people so you won't likely see that development time or a separate server to run it. But you can easily do what we did with a SG and people promising to delete/leave and reroll if they die. Really, for people that like to play that way, it's not hard to work on an honor system.
  23. It helps to talk about what kind of farming you mean when you say X is a great farmer. My electric/shield scrapper can run the Council Earth farm all day at +4/8. But that kind of farm is perfectly suited for a burst damage set like elec/shield... I jump into a group, double nuke it, clean up the bosses, and I'm on to the next group. I can do that all day. ^_^ That's very different from the type of farming you want to do on a fire brute, where you want to be constantly over aggro cap for stretches of several minutes at a time. That kind of constant incoming damage does not suit a shield scrapper well -- IE an AE smashing/lethal farm, even if you're capped at 75% resistance and softcapped at 45% plus defense, you may still find that +4/8 with bosses is too much incoming damage to deal with. I find with a fire brute that 90% resistance and about 30% defense is the sweet spot for surviving long term. More defense is better, but if you're at about 15% fire defense you can make up the difference by constantly converting inspirations to purples and eating them like candy. I haven't tried that kind of farm on a fire scrapper, but I would imagine it's similar to a shield scrapper in an S/L AE farm -- even at 45% defense and 75% resistance you may want to run at only +3, or run without bosses at +4. And yes, Bio can run farms quite well. ^_^
  24. My build for Princess Ozma, based on my old scrapper Sparks Fly This is a completed build, I've been running it for a while. Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! Sparks Fly New Rune: Level 50 Magic Scrapper Primary Power Set: Electrical Melee Secondary Power Set: Shield Defense Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Sorcery Ancillary Pool: Blaze Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Havoc Punch -- Mk'Bit-Dam%(A), Mk'Bit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(3), Mk'Bit-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(3), Mk'Bit-Dmg/Rchg(5), Mk'Bit-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Mk'Bit-Acc/Dmg(7) Level 1: Deflection -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), RedFrt-Def(7), RedFrt-Def/EndRdx(9), ImpArm-ResDam(9), Rct-ResDam%(43), ImpArm-ResPsi(46) Level 2: Battle Agility -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), RedFrt-Def(11), RedFrt-Def/EndRdx(11) Level 4: True Grit -- Ags-ResDam(A), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(15), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(15), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(17), Pnc-Heal(17) Level 6: Boxing -- Empty(A) Level 8: Thunder Strike -- SprCrtStr-Rchg/+50% Crit(A), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), SprCrtStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(21), SprCrtStr-Dmg/Rchg(21), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg(23) Level 10: Active Defense -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 12: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), RedFrt-Def(13), RedFrt-Def/EndRdx(13) Level 14: Tough -- UnbGrd-Max HP%(A), UnbGrd-ResDam(27), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(27), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(46), GldArm-3defTpProc(48), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(48) Level 16: Against All Odds -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 18: Chain Induction -- SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(A), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(29), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(31), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx(31), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(31) Level 20: Phalanx Fighting -- ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(A) Level 22: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), RedFrt-Def(33), RedFrt-Def/EndRdx(33) Level 24: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33) Level 26: Mystic Flight -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A), BlsoftheZ-Travel/EndRdx(34) Level 28: Spirit Ward -- Prv-Absorb%(A) Level 30: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 32: Lightning Rod -- SprScrStr-Rchg/+Crit(A), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), SprScrStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), SprScrStr-Dmg/Rchg(36), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg(37) Level 35: Shield Charge -- SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(A), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(37), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(39), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(39) Level 38: Char -- Lck-%Hold(A), Lck-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(39), Lck-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(40), Lck-Rchg/Hold(40), Lck-Acc/Rchg(40), Lck-Acc/Hold(42) Level 41: Fire Blast -- SprWntBit-Rchg/SlowProc(A), SprWntBit-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(42), SprWntBit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), SprWntBit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), SprWntBit-Dmg/Rchg(43) Level 44: Fire Ball -- SprFrzBls-Rchg/ImmobProc(A), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(45), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx(46) Level 47: Rune of Protection -- Ags-ResDam(A), Ags-Psi/Status(48), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(50), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50), ImpArm-ResPsi(50) Level 49: Tactics -- ToHit-I(A) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Critical Hit Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Mrc-Rcvry+(A), Pnc-Heal/+End(23), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(34) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(25), EndMod-I(25) Level 50: Agility Core Paragon ------------
  25. Well, I've never done it myself, but since I buy a lot of super packs I always have merits in e-mail already. People buy enhancements with them or converters to convert things into other things -- anything the merit vendor sells.
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