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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Impervium

  1. Alright, look. "/jranger" IS allowed. It's a CoH-related meme, and as others have said, is oftentimes a more welcome response than what's actually on the other person's mind. I mean, I'd rather people engage in thoughtful constructive criticism, but as I've said before, some people are too in love with their ideas to take ANY criticism, and others can't let go of someone being WRONG on the INTERNET to engage respectfully. So, happy medium. But, on a semi-related note, I'm going to address a trend I've been seeing more and more around here, and in this thread specifically: I am placing a moratorium on the use of the word "triggered". (Also trigger, triggering, etc) It's a term that should only be used when discussing the effects of PTSD, some forms of which are considered a disability. Since our CoC does not allow discrimination against the disabled, the use of the word "triggered" as an insult is grounds for moderator action. Speaking of the CoC, I'm also seeing some veiled semi-racism sprouting up, so I'm locking this thread down before the semi gets dropped.
  2. This thread has devolved into bickering, so, locking it. Thank you for the suggestion.
  3. Moved to base forum per request! I was half and half as to whether this should go in Bases, or Arts & Multimedia. If you decide to expand your content to include more than just bases, let me know and I can move the thread again 😃
  4. If you want to post an event, go to the Calendar: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/calendar/ And hit "Create Event"; then you should be able to select a name, date(s) it's being run and make a post, which will be linked to when people click the name on the calendar, An event won't show up until a GM approves it, thought! Also, sorry for the late reply, this got away from me!
  5. I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics, to be honest; the fact that you already cannot use emotes while resting either means that something about "rest" interrupts emotes anyway (like if you're emoting and suddenly get hit by a buff or an attack, it stops), OR, it's just flagged to ignore emotes? I don't see anything in City of Data though... Hopefully, it would be an easy fix. My only worry is people would emote while resting, forget they have Rest toggled, and be very confused/upset why their character isn't responding to the controls anymore!
  6. Hey, completely off-topic *cough*, have you played the ASF? The part where you fight Apex? Next time you do, just... keep a close eye on him. We now return to your regularly scheduled topic, already in progress 😃
  7. I feel like this sort of thing could be easily implemented via a custom power animation in the tailor... with the main drawback being that you'd only be able to use the one animation you choose for each costume slot. But if there were a way to be able to select any animation while resting, that would be cool, too!
  8. Alright, look. Pretty much EVERYONE ELSE has been telling you you're either contradicting yourself, or flat out wrong. Your refusal to accept that means you're unwilling to discuss this idea in good faith. And since it's getting heated in here as a result, I have little choice but to close this thread. Thank you for your feedback.
  9. This is the crux of your reasoning for wanting this change. However, you have to realize that if OTHER PLAYERS also had access to their level 50 powers for this content, then that content, too, would become a race? The reason all of these (except SBB for obvious reasons) are paced so well, is BECAUSE players only have a small handful of powers. Which is why everyone here is confused as to your reasoning for wanting this change. It would cause they very thing you dislike to occur on content you enjoy. If you want to use your full suite of powers in content designed for it that isn't going to devolve into a race, might I suggest the Aeon SF using one of the higher challenge settings? All those explody Brickernauts will slow down the speeders 😃
  10. Alright folks, enough arguing in circles, I'm getting dizzy here. It's okay to not like something, or be disappointed in the direction it's going. But it's also okay for a show or movie to go in directions you may not like. Now discuss anything else about the trailer, but give the woke/sjw/reactionary/whatever complaining a rest for now, okay?
  11. Personally, I'm a bit confused about the need for a website for this sort of thing, especially when you could just run it off the forums here. But, if that's how you wanna do it, I don't really see any issue. The only thing I'd think to amend is the final line at the bottom, should say that you're not affiliated with the City of Heroes: Homecoming Team. You might also want to disclaim which shard the Supergroups that are hosting/funding this are based out of. That said, I'll double check with some higher-ups, just to make sure that all bases are covered 😃
  12. So apparently doing this Arc AFTER First Ward causes the Ghoul King to not respond the way he's supposed to, and soft-locks progression. He just says "Thank You" (instead of asking for the cure) and doesn't trigger the near by Man Eater to turn hostile. Here's the /showobjective spam: 0 DefendedKing [initialized] 1 DefendGhoulKing [succeeded] 2 TalkToGhoulKing [initialized] 3 TalkToVahz2 [succeeded and failed] 4 GhoulKingLocation [initialized] 5 VolumeTriggerFront [succeeded] 6 VolumeTriggerMiddle [succeeded] 7 VolumeTriggerBack [succeeded] 8 ScriptTalkToVahz2 [succeeded]
  13. Sorry for the lack of any official response on this so far, but it does seem like there's some outages going on that are out of our (or OVH's) control. 😞
  14. First, moved to Help and Support. Second, Paragon Chat isn't enabled on the HC Launcher. So if that's something that's important to you, maybe just keep Tequila installed.
  15. Hiya, welcome to the forums! I've moved this thread tot he Archetypes section, as powerset discussions are a bit more on-topic there. Maybe it will get some more traction there, as well!
  16. Okay folks, let's calm it down and be nice! It's okay for other people to have an opinion on things.
  17. Powers discussion should probably be in the AT section, so, moved 😃 Also, unsure if it's an issue with CoD or something else. I'm sure someone will come up with an answer for you, though!
  18. There IS a command to start a sound effect or music track when entering the base! See here, under "Music"
  19. Moved to Off-Topic. Cool video, though, thanks for sharing!
  20. Just to be safe, yeah. If you want to take an extra step of safety, you can PM me directly with the file instead of posting it in the thread; I assure you our users' privacy and security is our top priority, so nothing bad will happen with it that way 😃
  21. Let's get as much info as we can here. In the HC launcher, click the little gear icon. In "General Settings". What does it say under "Install Location"? Next, click "Advanced Settings". Make sure the three boxes are unchecked, and that the Launcher version reads "win-x64-release-4772". If the number is lower than that, click "Check for updates" right next to that. Exit out of there and close/minimize the launcher. In your Windows search bar, type in "dxdiag" without the quotes and hit Enter. A little program will pop up showing lots of info about your computer. If the Notes Section at the bottom of any of the tabs/pages lists any errors, copy and paste them here. Otherwise, just click the "Save all information" button, and make note of where you save dxdiag.txt. Open this file (it'll open in notepad) and make sure it doesn't contain any personal info; the file will be very large with lots of technical jargon, but any personal info would likely appear near the top (particularly if you named your computer "YourRealName's Computer" or something); Delete any such info, save the file, then attach it in a reply here.
  22. Hmm, let's try something a bit more basic. Under the "play" button is three small dots. Click that, then mouse over to "Verify" and click that. This will make sure all the game files are installed correctly.
  23. Looks like it's happening in the background, too. Have you properly updated all your drivers? As this is a shadow setting, I would try disabling anything having to do with shadows in both the regular and advanced graphics options, then slowly turning them on/up from there. There might also be a mismatch with your resolution settings. You could also try going into the launcher settings (hit the ... under the play button and hit settings) and check on the box that says "Reset graphic settings on next run". This will switch everything to default, and then you can readjust your settings from there (just make sure to uncheck this box before the next time you log in, or else it'll reset your settings again!) It's kind of a shame, because I feel like people going for the "Golden Age/early Silver Age" look would actually get a kick out of this, as it looks like old-school coloring.
  24. Hi. I'll find out which GM did the deed and have them contact you/respond to your ticket. Apologies for the delay. As corrective actions are a private matter between GMs and the affected player(s), I will be closing this topic to further replies.
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