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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Impervium

  1. Working as Intended... I think? As far as I recall, Merit rewards are only awarded for arcs that have 3 or more door missions. Both the listed missions only have two (plus one "run around Atlas park" mission). You might get merits if you play through them normally (with a level 1-7 character after being introduced by Matt Habashy), but Ouro won't grant merits or challenge badge progress on arcs that only have 1 or 2 missions in them.
  2. What, were... were you not trying to say "hunt Oranbegaeans"?
  3. Autocorrect strikes again!
  4. Okay, this has all gone on long enough.
  5. Not trying to hijack your thread, but I also feel this is a good as place as any to share the following tip: If, for whatever reason, your respec fails or cancels out, and you're missing your enhancements: Don't Panic! This is usually solved by changing zones; or failing that, logging out, waiting a few minutes, and logging back in again. I'll also note that we tend to see these issues the most (though not exclusively) when people are inside their SG base. My personal recommendation is to go to Echo: Galaxy City, or some other empty world zone with minimal population and no event scripts being played in the background (Kalisti and Echo Plaza are other good places... at the moment, anyway!). You mentioned Ouro and Pocket D, but depending on what shard one is on, there'll be more people in those locations than AP, so I'd shy away from those. In any event, great guide, @Yomo Kimyata!
  6. Use the support option at the top of the forum, include any relevant information in your report. Again, if it was an account from like 10 years ago, we can't do anything. Within the last 3 years? Probably 😃
  7. Well to be fair, that was a post from over a year ago, so it's a bit outdated 😃
  8. Oh yeah, the whole thing with [redacted] and the creation of [also redacted]. What I'm wondering is why States and Brawler let [redacted] go as far as they did, knowing what they knew.
  9. Maybe you could try a simple replacement? Just rename that file N_MenuMusic_loop.ogg, and put it in Homecoming > data > sound> ogg > Music That's how I got my game to play the Ominous Voice version of the OG theme, anyway.
  10. This is as much a PSA as it is a bug report. Got a few instances of this today where Aegialous stays as "friendly", cannot be defeated, and therefore you cannot free Alexander.
  11. It's not about whether you offended anyone, we simply have rules about what kinds of names and costumes you're allowed to have. So yeah, Crackheads and KKK members, celebrities and political figures (heck, ANY real life people or fictional characters) are all off-limits. Please review the code of conduct; if you have any further questions, you can PM a GM. Thank you.
  12. As this is a question about the game, thread moved to Help and Support.
  13. I think the issue that's being run into is that the set was DESIGNED to be mid-tier. Good enough that people who want to shoot rain and ice and lightning at their foes can play it and not feel punished for it, but it lacks procability or exploitable features, making it less desirable for folks who are constantly chasing "the Meta". If every new set was more powerful than the last, or went out of it's way to dethrone the "top powerset", that would be power creep, something the Devs are committed to preventing. That said, I am NOT a developer ( ☹️ ) , so I can't speak for them. I'm just repeating -and making inferences based on- what I've heard.
  14. Like it would be safe there.
  15. Moved to Suggestions and Feedback
  16. Things are being ironed out behind the scenes. Expect an announcement soon.
  17. The devs are aware of this; Something about the critter ID for the Tsoo Raid leader no longer being valid, and so the game is unable to put him where he belongs. This will be fixed in a future patch.
  18. You have to
  19. Was made informed of a glowie that doesn't... glow. Mission: Epochs personal storage Map: maps/Missions/Warehouse/Warehouse_30/Warehouse_30_Layout_03_02.txt They had already left the mission before I could respond to the ticket, so no further info available.
  20. Arguing with/Quoting other users generally isn't considered feedback. So, EVERYONE, calm it down. Address the DEVS, not each other.
  21. There aren't any "Rogue" options, because Vigilantes are unable to aqcuire Rogue alignment points. Also, those choices are only for flavor. The only choices that truly matter to get the badge is having made all possible choices at the very end (Let Marcus go, send Marcus to the lab, arrest Marcus, kill Marcus). Then run the arc a fifth time to get a new option, which will unlock the badge.
  22. Please contain feedback on "things still in Beta" to the Beta Feedback forums. Thank you.
  23. Crey's Folly /loc 4306.0 0.0 3809.8 A weird...metal box thing, has collision leading into the ground, even though it appears to be floating about 6 feet up.
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