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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. It's not specific to Goldsiders, but I consider the wards to be the continuation. Could use level 40(?) To 50 gold side though. My dream is a Hami warzone that takes place chronologically after Number Six's arc where people are battling to retake Praetoria. I'd also like the main storyline with Battalion and whatever advanced at some point also. I know these are pipe dreams probably since it would take massive amounts of work to accomplish though.
  2. I am the opposite of you. I keep nothing other than purples and other similar super rare things, and not only do I not store stuff in base, I don't even have a base. Overall I prefer to use the market as a storage service, and occasionally paying extra for stuff is my fee for not having to organize or store anything myself. Paying extra usually hurts my sense of decency more than my wallet realistically, and I'm certainly not someone with multiple billions. As long as my funds keep up with my new character's Gucci builds that's enough for me.
  3. It is an auction house. There is no particular reason the price should have been 200 or 10k. The usual price is no guarantee. The only guarantee built in is the seeded price.
  4. Crones are the only one I have struggles with due to hurricane debuffing my to hit. At least this is my perspective as a melee player.
  5. Incarnate stuff in general is kinda bad for taking a bit of control from you as far as background story and such. Everyone is shoehorned into the same incarnate/well thing hole. I wish they kept it more generic, like "Veteran powers" or something you slowly gain with great experience working as a hero/vill. First world problems I know. Incarnate content can just be special missions that only bad enough dudes are invited on. They can keep all the well stuff to the signature incarnate characters.
  6. OP wanted it to build Assassin's Focus stacks.
  7. There was some dude that did an all pool powers toon and AFAIK went through the game successfully, so that's not saying much. Frozen Fists has worse damage per animation than some AoE's. Your next attack after Frost (at least for Scrapper) is at level 18 with GIS. I'm not even advocating for improving Frozen Fists, just trying to figure out what OP is thinking, since Ice Patch is a really good power. If there is a criticism I have for Ice Melee mechanically, it is a lack of attacks early on.
  8. If I may venture a guess, the lack of a decent low level attack chain? Frozen Fists iirc is pretty much not worth clicking.
  9. Maybe it was good to have some chaos in the design, since cutting edge builds aren't really required for most stuff. Excessive reliance on the design formula sucks out the soul in things. We lucked out to be sure that things work as well as it does, but the inherent jank imo makes things interesting.
  10. Bio T9 is actually good. There are really no bad powers in Bio IMO, which can make a build hard due to "needing" all those power picks.
  11. Probably my EM/Bio scrapper, Roboko Nano. She's got a fun background story and a super fun power set combo (big burst damage really activates my monkey brain). Bio is also fun since you actively keep yourself alive, and it gives you even more damage. Plus having a +recovery auto early game is a nice luxury. The main downside is exemplaring is a bit rough since you don't have many attacks. But at least it's not ice lol.
  12. Patton is a talented fellow to be sure for developing the tank doctrine for the US in the early days, but with all respect, he doesn't have the achievements to compare to Wellington or Alexander. Some of this may just be an accident if history, where he wasn't handed a theater to display his talents before his death. But history only tells you what happened, not what could have. I'd say there's a power gap between Alexander's career and Wellington. Alexander achieved much more as far as conquests and establishing culture. But the Iron Duke was a much more successful statesman. Again, Alex died more or less still in the conquest phase of things. So perhaps this is unfair. But unless you have a time machine this is the best we have. Napoleon Bonaparte should probably be here replacing one of these guys. He has a lot of success in military and politics.
  13. 5 1 3 4 1 0 3 I'm definitely a pretty brainless player. I just grug smash with melee generally.
  14. I ran into this bug on a Posi 2 last Saturday, though I don't remember if the leader was first or not, but it was supposed to be +0 and ended up -1 for the first couple mobs. Possibly a sidekicked guy was first? Not very good documentation I know, lol.
  15. I'm guessing that it also has to do with brutes getting repeatedly nerfed also. As someone who occasionally farmed, I am part of the problem, but it is a shame that the whole AT got nerfed for such a niche activity. A lot of my brutes (used to main brutes) got rerolled as scrappers and tanks. Tanks are a bit slow getting off the ground due to a low number of attacks though. One thing that should be established is if the OP is going to use a self funded leveling build, or a Gucci bling bling build funded by their trust funds.
  16. Personally, even at x1, I've never had problems with fury. It builds to "max" (it's never at 100 even in a farm, but at the max realistic amount) in like, one mob. Brute's fury is also a huge boost in damage output compared to anything else in the earlyish levels. I'm a scrapper main myself, but Brutes have a large advantage early on before enhancements start getting good. One fun thing to consider also for the same reasons is a /nin scrapper. You get a large chance of crit for your first attack out of stealth. That was some of my favorite solo play. At x1 stalkers would not suffer much from many of their sets losing AoE's for their AS.
  17. A Cat


    Based on the testing criteria, it seems that sets with the ability to proc things up like crazy are probably better in dps testing than a "real" build would perform. You wouldn't likely be able to fully proc more than one or two attacks while still meeting other build goals, such as survivability. Every other attack would likely just have one or two procs, which every set can do. Frankly, even given all that, I'm amazed ice was that good. It has like one good ST attack!
  18. Lots of stuff would do fine then. I'd choose a scrapper, stalker, or brute personally. You don't need the extra AoE or survivability of a tank on lower difficulty levels, and mez, armor, and lots of attacks will keep things fast.
  19. Are things that easy to get for your Average Joe Man? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people simply don't play the market. There are still plenty of types of enhancements that are pretty expensive. A fully built and fully sick character is still in the ballpark of a half billion for me.
  20. I've only played /SR with a stalker, but the leveling could have been smoother. You get AoE defense ridiculously late in levels IMO.
  21. You're talking about two different things. Blackjoy is taking about added survival time. You're both right but taking about separate things.
  22. Exterminans, a Rad/DM tank for my Crusader playthrough. Just an edgy character for some edgy arcs.
  23. Having never played Regen, which makes these observations worthless, it seems that it has no offensive boosts, and being click heavy, activity reduces DPS, compared to a vanilla armor set. If it is a fragile glass cannon, it should at least not get in the way of your damage, and ideally enhance it with +recharge and/or +damage. +Recharge would be synergistic with the clicks you need to stay alive. Maybe a scaling +recharge as you take damage or something. Even if the weakness of the survivability is fixed, it would still be worse since then it would be only as survivable as others but damaging to your own DPS.
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