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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. Play through the First Ward and Night Ward arcs. For best results, also play through the Praetorian Warden arc too (the Resistance "good guy" side).
  2. Personally I like the idea of a Tyrant redemption arc. I am a big fan of Praetoria in general though. IIRC, there was even an idea of the reformed Rikti showing up with a mothership or two to help out in the invasion, which would be kino af. Now that would be one hell of a redemption arc. You'd go from all "The only good Rikti is a dead Rikti" and "If they run they're Rikti, if they don't, they're well disciplined Rikti" in RWZ to cheering them on. Maybe involving a space battle, and crashing the Rikti mothership into the Batallion mothership at the end for a daring and desperate boarding action that starts in the Rikti ship interior and ending in the Batallion ship. If Battalion ever gets made, and given that everyone seems to not feel a need for further power expansion, the HC devs could make the story arc involve cutting further access for the PC to the Well in some way.
  3. Solo: good story content like Praetoria. Team: MSR for the BSing.
  4. I've been playing Stalker. Maybe the Ukrainian invasion got me thinking of that game again. Specifically I'm paying a standalone mod called Anomaly of the game. I've also been procrastinating on making a double sewing table for my wife. Kinda slacking on that though.
  5. It doesn't persist for converting in type for some reason.
  6. Atlas I guess. My irl class is probably closest to a petless thugs mm and I think I'd still be able to clown on the villains there.
  7. I remember there was a watch tower that people got tped into on the hero side SC base and a weird cave thing that villains got tped into under the villain base, so hopefully the unsuspecting target would be hung up on geometry long enough to kill them.
  8. I haven't PvP'd on HC, but I used to a bit on live way back in the day when things worked the same between PvP and PvE (or at least more so than in later issues). I mainly don't want to have to retool a new expensive build/learn a bunch of new stuff for what little PvP activity there seems to be. I know I am lazy but there it is.
  9. All enemies having ranged attacks already guarantees retaliation though. And even with suppression, it is still possible to kite enemies and engage in a range v range fight.
  10. It didn't use to be that way though. I have only PvP'd on live and the entire time I played, there was still suppression in PvP. Not that I want to rehash that argument or anything. Personally I want suppression to be removed. It makes combat a lot more smooth and awesome feeling if you have high unsuppressed movement speed.
  11. It is nice. I am a frequent puller. The difficult part (aside from staying alive) is getting them to go to the center of the bowl. The magi and priests are bad about just sitting on the edge and plinking with long range psychic attacks and random controls. I use the lips on the edge of the ramps to force them to the bowl periphery. But it seems random to get certain types of Rikti to follow to the very middle.
  12. Would be awesome IMO. Imagine the last level of ITF, and blasting all the enemies off of the bridges.
  13. This seems a pretty good idea. Powers like bonfire are probably better than intended due to kb->kd. This way you avoid giving them an additional slot on top of that.
  14. I would love it if it can be done.
  15. Boosting to-hit is boring though. How about random crits? You get a nice injection of endorphins when you see it fire off.
  16. He's imprisoned in primal earth/a total scrub now. The aforementioned temporary taking up the mantle was purely for morale purposes.
  17. I still want someday for a continuation of the Battalion storyline at least, since the are so many active loose ends right now for it, and I'm up for the idea of Emperor Cole temporarily taking up the mantle. I don't think there is a real need for a permanent replacement though. I think it is dumb how a literally who killed States, but that ship has sailed and he's dead.
  18. I broadly know what you're talking about. I could have sword that I knew anyway. At least I can't figure out how else I would have drawn that conclusion.
  19. Was from live instead, but iirc, Maelstrom's pistols are drawn from his holsters and disappear from there when he draws them too.
  20. I'd like that. Or have a weakened version of Jack. Something to spice things up. Maybe have a huge wave of enemies appear in a cutscene with the bosses, and it all seems hopeless, but then all those ghosts you helped in the beginning arc show up and mix it up with the red caps while you fight the boss.
  21. Did you check to see if he was from Praetoria?
  22. Counter idea to try and satisfy both sides. Let us auto fire two powers as long as there are not damaging powers.
  23. Got to make a rule against getting more than one, lol. Here's another one for Quick Trix. Also should make a rule against tech costumes. Thankfully I can crank the Darkness (tm) up to obscure details.
  24. I kill all but one minion, then just sit there AFK as they impotently attack me.
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