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Razor Cure

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Everything posted by Razor Cure

  1. To start with, since we can now name all pets (YAY), can we please get an option for custom titles? I don't really like any of the preset ones, and tend to use 'THE'or nothing at all. On the subject of the THE title..can we PLEASE get a simple default color option? My toon name appears in a pale green color, but no matter what I select in the color picker, it doesn't match. At all. I saw one played with his THE in a matching color..and he said he selected it during character creation. I don't see the option for that, and renaming does not let me select a title itself.
  2. Can we seriously get a change to this? Much as I love the Patron arcs, and the powers, it is annoying..even more so when ever-favoured hero-side just gets all their pools for no work at all.
  3. Once, my fav brute was an em/da, that I basically did everything with, pve and zone pvp. He was such a blast to play! As others said, single target was awesome, aoe sucked. That is a pretty obvious trade off to me. Sure, TF hit like a truck, but was SO slow. And yes, ET hit like a bigger truck, and was fast, but it hurt you..and I don't think it felt out of place. Then came the nerf, and after a week of trying to get used to it..I gave up. Having my two best attacks take over 2.5 seconds (a LONG time when stuff is hitting you), just utterly killed the fun for me. Aoe was left like crap, and the only other decent attack was Bone Smasher (pretty slow also). Just before the Sunset, a Dev (I forget who..maybe Castle?) was in PD on Virt, adn we got talking. His main brute was an em/something and I basically got him to admit the \em nerf killed HIS fav toon also. I do admit the old ET animation WAS way to fast, but making it as slow as it is current, was just stupid. Even give the set a new mechanic, ala Titan Weapons. Call it Energy Charge, with each ST attack give 1 stack, and the aoe 2. When you have 4, you can fire off a 'quick' ET with the old (maybe a bit slower) animation, or maybe 4 stacks increases the aoe damage, giving a choice.
  4. Love the ideas for Rest alt animations! In regards to custom options for travels and stuff...I tried Champions Online after the Sunset. And while I didnt like much in teh game, a LOT of the different movement and travel powers had totally amazing options. Stuff like blazing trails when running, ice slides (think iceman), tunneling travel powers, loads of flight options..path auras in tee color of Flags..
  5. Would nerfing the V merit conversion ratio work retroactively? Because..it should. If they lower the rates, how is that fair to the many many people who did not do, or even know, about the raids? It reminds me of that stupid Khled Arc merit exploit that got farmed into the ground, when it was pretty clear it was an exploit. Then the forum Mods denied it even existed..and yet still took another week to fix it.
  6. Not anymore, they changed how the market works. For set IOs (both recipes and enhancements) all levels use the same set of bids with the buyer receiving the item at the level they bid for. So if, for example, I list a level 32 Positron's Blast on the AH and someone wants to buy a level 50 version they can potentially buy mine and the game will convert it to a level 50 version. Just curious..how do you know this? was it in patch notes somewhere? Assuming it does work like that..what is stopping people listing stuff at low levels (like your Posi Blast) for HUGE amounts (say 50mil) then having a friend/dual boxed alt bid on the lvl 50 version, and getting it 'upgraded' for free? Obviously you would need to time it right, on an item with no other bids..but it could be done. For instance, back before we could email yourself stuff, I had a lvl 20 Miracle on freedom, that I wanted for an alt on Virtue. I gave it to a friend of Free, had him list it for loads, and timed my bid just right. Then he just gave me back the money after.
  7. No they aren't bugged. They are just super stacked against the vills, in the same way other things are (accolades, more tfs, contacts with ENTIRE arcs of good farmable maps) much easier on blueside. Mayhems can be utterly insane, even when decked out at level 50.
  8. My first hero (after having 10odd lvl 50 vills) was an Emp/Psi fender. And it was a pure support Empath. I only had Mental Blast and the Sleep attack (for the cheap purple set). I had speed, leaping, stealth, that was it. None of this healing pool rubbish I have seen emps taking. The other thing that 'could' be handy is a 2nd rez, and if people are dying that much, either you are a crappy emp, or they are being silly (or an incarnate trial, which means extra rez powers anyway). I played my emp in normal/incarnate content, and pvp, and in all the time I played, I only saw about 3 emps as good as me, and a few better. The pure support emp does NOT need attacks. You dont need to be attacking when you can give 5-7 team members Fortitude (with some overlap in durations) and constant Clear Mind. If everyone HAS fort and clear mind, the actual healing needed is very very minimal. I think that is what most emps dont get. Empathy is a set with healing, but it is the buffs that make it amazing. I also have no time at all for Troller Emps in any team I put together. They are always too busy trolling to buff. That said, many, many fender emps are just clueless, or useless. In a pug team a few nights ago, we had a brute, blasters, troll, and TWO fender emps. And the brute was dying. With TWO emps. I casually mentioned that if just one would wake up and start buffing, the mission would go so much easier.
  9. Cheers for those GM quotes! I also talked to one, and he said they are aware of it..which is good!
  10. Trying to enter my base...'Map failed to start.' I had stuff stored in there I need :( ANy ideas?
  11. I think DA suffers less from actual end problems, and more from too many toggles (not quite the same thing). All that needs to happen is to roll two powers into one..perhaps Cloak of Fear and Cloak of Darkness into the single power (since they BOTH have cloak in the name, makes sense). This would also be a great change to give the set a real tier9..and the single BEST patron power ever..Shadow Meld. It is pretty for DA..a quick shot of increased defence. Also...giving that NONE of the newer melee def sets lack for KB protection..is there really a reason why Dark/Fire lack knockback prot? I also like the idea of Dark Regen giving +rec..or maybe even some +absorb, when you are healed 'over' your full HP.
  12. Totally agree with increasing mission rewards. Well, to some degree. Making say..scanner/paper mission rewards higher, with double xp or inf, could be a little insane. Increasing Story Arc rewards would be great, but also might work a bit against teaming, with people wanting to do 'their' story arc at expense of anything else. I'd be much happier with missions, all door mission, giving an Origin matching enhancement, random or otherwise. I will repeat my story of getting my first lvl 50 Hero on the Live serves, and NOT having enough money to buy a full set of SO's. Given that, it must be even worse for new players, leading to them going around enhanced , which makes playing a bit of a chore.
  13. My SM scrapper is about 27 now..and I am still try to wonder why I actually need this power. A low damage attack, on a high damage AT, at lvl 24 (or 26, I forget). To make it even worse, it is a DoT, and only becomes a high damage one with 5 stacks. But I'd almost never want to 'waste' 5 stacks on it, when I can juice of my aoe How do other users feel? This power just seems feel lacking and should be been a big damage power, in a set that doesnt actually HAVE any extreme/superior damage attacks. Instead, it seems mostly a crappy gimmick.
  14. To clarify, not a fix as such..but an update? I started the game with CoV (before it was sold as both) and fell in love with the contacts, story arcs and zones over on the redside. When I finally got CoH as well, a lot of the stories struck me as..overly bloated and boring (Unai Kemen's arc, anyone? Its like 50 missions long, none of the very interesting), and a lot of the zones (barring say..ap, talos, ff and bricks) are just stupidly big. Yeah, Nerva is also huge, but 90% of missions there will be in the city area, not at opposite ends (unlike IP). Now CoX is back (praise Nuggan), my first toon was a Villain. This was about 3 weeks back, and the zone was pretty busy. But now, after that short time..it is pretty dead. You only have to look at the number of blueside teams forming, to see the big imbalance. Some of this can be put down to people wanting to BE heroes, or enjoying the content, as well as the ability to change sides at the click of a button (null the gull)..but I would say there are a few other reasons..reasons that could use some tweaking. Sewer Teams. This is one of the best ways to get a few early levels, as well as test out your powers, remembering (or learning) how the game functions. And yet..redside has nothing similar. With ALL those snake arcs in low level Mercy. Why cant the baddies get the chance to dive into a snake hole and fight then, along with low mobs of RIPs and Legacy? Blueside has more low level taskforces. Yes, both sides have DFB, but quite a few people dont actually know what that is..or how to start it. If you are blueside, with a DFB team forming in atlas every few mins, that is not an issue. Redside, even forming a team for it can be like pulling teeth. Not only that, Posi Pt1 is now level 8! 8! The earliest redside one is Tarikoss, at level 15, and blueside has THREE by that level (even if it is hard to count Synapse, it still is pretty awful). Give Redside at least one Lowbie strike force. Have it about the Snakes, maybe how Longbow is researching then, having us steal the info, go hunting, kidnap a researcher etc. Many of the Accolades blueside are far easier to get. Take Atlas Med. You can get that at level 1 (assuming a friend had the badge mission and helped with the defeats), more likely by about 30 or so. The redside version..oh no, sorry, you gotta be level 45 for that. And you need someone to have done the ENTIRE story arc for Lord Recluse (they may have changed that, I forget). TFC is easy to get, by 35 at the earliest, and has the direct bonus of being a good way to lvl up. Invader..again, is a pain, if you happen to miss a Mayhem. Other tough ones include pvp zones badges (not so bad since I guess a lot are empty now) and a large debt badge. Even though this game, and even these forums, are named COH..it will always be firstly CoV to me. Let's give people a bit more of a reason (and balance) for going redside, and a chance to enjoy all that great content.
  15. Can anyone who has waited the 7 days after doing their first hero/vill morality mission (so teh countdown to whatever powers appear) confirm there are NO alignment merits? Like..ever? I got a level 22 Vill I was waiting a week on, to start getting Vill Merits. Also..do rogues/vigilantes get 50 reward merits per Morality mission as well?
  16. Having made a time corr and troller, I think Bots/Time would be one of the best. Another amazing combo, and one I had, was bots/storm. No worry about knocking things out of tar, Freezing Rain debuffs for the full duration. With the slow from than AND snow storm, hardly anything can attack. Also the -acc and range from Tornado is insane. Downside..very very end heavy, and no aoe heal. hence..Bots/Time.
  17. BS is pretty good..on a Scrapper. AT least I had one. The damage was nice, but anything that resist Lethal damage..is gonna take awhile to kill! Brutes have lower base damage, so I can certainly see where you are coming from! Parry is really good though (but not for damage). I wouldn't say it is a bad set..but there are many better ones. As an aside, I'd never even consider BS on a brute.
  18. It is not a bad set..I made a Level 50 Beast/Nature MM on old Test. It just..also is not great. The pets are ok, but have a weak damage type, the buffs are very lacking, as is teh heal. The whole Pack Mentality gimmick is just that, at least I found it to be. I forget exactly how the powers interacted, but there was a marked lack of synergy..which should not occur in a Single powerset! Best thing I found..is the attacks look vicious. But again..worst thing for me was how the 4 legged pets often 'glide' over the ground and dont actually seem to run.
  19. MisterD’s City Newbie Guide • Choose a global name that DOES NOT make you sound like a twit. • Basically any combination of Power Sets and Archetypes are decent. There are very few ‘bad’ sets, and even those have some great powers. • If you make a melee class, generally, defence sets perform better than resistance sets, due to game mechanics. • Weapon sets (like axe, katana, etc.) often do Smash or Lethal damage, the most commonly resisted in game. Don’t be let down by lower damage numbers. • Hero Side (blue side) IS generally more populate than Red, making it easier to get a team. Also the Sewers are a great way to get a few early levels. • Visit the P2W (on the map) person and pick up some of the prestige powers, like the attacks/buffs and travels. • Sands of Mu, Blackwand, Nem staff. The ninja/beast run and steam/jetpack are great extra attacks and movement powers. • Join a Sewer team in Atlas. • The bank (blue) and mayhem (red) missions give temp powers and change every 5 levels (5-9, 10-15 etc.). • Go to Kings Row (blue)/Port Oakes (red) and visit your Broker (the broker section of the mission tab) to get a scanner/paper. Doing 3-5 of these missions will then give a Bank mission, and a new contact upon completion. • Contacts have single missions (one offs) and Story Arcs, a series of linked quests, usually with better rewards and Merits. • Before doing a bank/mayhem with a team, make SURE everyone has the same idea. I.e. to all rush to the bank right away, or fight there. • Going to the Hospital in these missions will respawn you on the same map, in jail for Mayhems. • Mayhem missions DO live up to the name. They can be brutal as lowbies. Once you enter the bank for the first time, WAIT for the ambushes at the door. • Being a lowbie can be hard. Running on +0 difficulty (changed at hero Corps/Fateweaver) is a good idea, even in a big team. It can be very easy to run out of endurance and be unable to do anything. • Teaming is a great way to get out of lowbie hell. • The Death from Below trials give Temp buffs that last to level 22 and help a lot. Use the LFG and it will start right away if you have a full team, or lock the event for the number you have. • Travel powers can be taken at level 4. But the free P2W ones work fine in a pinch. • Fly looks great, and seems super popular. But it is kind of useless for anything BUT flying. Hover (the ‘combat’ version of fly, not the travel Fly, separate power) is SO slow. • Super Speed may take a bit to get the hang of, but also grants a pseudo ‘stealth,’ letting you run by (mostly) higher level baddies. Turn it off in combat. • Combat Jumping gives Immob protection. Anyone who has fought low level Circle of Thorns will know how often they come up. • Acrobatics stops Knockback (again, lowbie CoT LOVE using that). Also, in a pinch, fly/hover can function as knockback protection. • There is an Invention Origin enhancement that gives you KB protection also. The sets are Karma/Steadfast prot/Blessing of the Zephyr and can be slotted into defence/resist/travel powers. • It is the SINGLE best IO that any build without built in KB prot can get. They are fairly cheap in Merit cost (salvage/merit rewards). • Getting extra ones and selling them on the Auction House is a great way to make some early money. • Merits come from Story Arcs. Also, the Signature Arcs (icons on the relevant zone maps) give 20 merits the first time, and take about 15-45mins. • Melee power sets, or others with a lot of toggle powers, should have at LEAST one Endurance Reduction (2 is better) enhancement in each power, or you’ll run dry. • 3 Slot Stamina and fill it asap. • If a power has an Accuracy listed in the info, it means it CAN miss and needs (in almost all cases, an Acc enhancement). • Slotting attack powers with 1 Acc is ok, unless you want to fight +2s and beyond all the time. • Endurance red in AoE powers is a good idea, they usually cost a lot. • If you have a Buff (buff is a power that boosts a team mate), USE it. If you have to be asked, you aren’t doing your job. • Most shield buffs (bubbles, cold, therm, sonic) are AoE now, and apply to everyone around the target. • Tell the team if you need a sec to buff them. • Try (to some degree) to play according to the Class. If you have an emp healer, don’t spend all the time attacking. • Just because you are a Tank class, does NOT mean you ARE a tank at low levels. • Brutes and scrappers (and anything with good buffs) can ‘tank’ just fine. • As a Mastermind, use the commands, especially Heel. Make your pets stop once a mob dies, so they don’t rush off. Also, the Follow/defend mode lets them take damage directed to you. • Stealth is good on a Stalker, especially if you team a lot. Recall friend is also handy. • Bosses typically need TWO applications of a Mez (hold, stun, immob) to lock them down. • There are 3 types of Enhancement, Dual Origin, Single Origin, and Invention Origin. • DO’s are basically crap and just sold. • SO’s are good, but you need ones with the same Origin (picked in char creation, natural, mutant etc.). They can be slotted 3 levels below the actual level..i.e. a level 25 SO can be slotted when you hit 22. • SO’s also decay, and are useless 3-4 levels lower than your current level. Meaning buying them every 5 levels WILL get pricey. • Invention enhancements are crated from a recipe (either a drop, bought from the Auction House, or with merits/tickets) and need various Invention Salvage to craft. • They NEVER decay, and always give that same bonus, so at level 22, it is a good idea to craft level 25 Common (acc/dam/etc.) IOs. • Task Forces/Strike Forces are a series of linked missions, forming a suitably epic Story, giving by various famous in game characters. • They usually need 4-8 team members and take 90-120 mins, but allow more time if people are inexperience. • The levels of the missions have a set range (10-15 etc.) and you must be the minimum level, but can also be any higher level. If no one if the max for that range (such as everyone being 13, not 15) it will adjust down. • The difficulty will go of the leader’s settings. Most TFs give a good amount of xp, and don’t really need to be set over +0 or +1. • If team members enter a mission while the leader is in another zone (or a 2nd version of the same zone), the difficulty will default back to +0. This also applies for any normal mission. • A lot of the higher level TFs have some really hard hero/arch villain fights, so have some debuffs and buffs certainly helps. • As an example, my level 11 MM did Posi1 and 2, and hit 22 by the end. • Get a –KB IO. It is the single best investment you will make, and will make play much smoother. • Invention sets are generally better in the level 30-50 range (to get the max stats, set bonuses themselves don’t change with the enhancement level). • Supergroup Bases are very handy, and can have things like Storage for salvage and enhancements, Teleporters to all zones, an Oro flashback portal, Inspiration selling, and a Med Bay. • All items are currently FREE (if you don’t know why that is good, don’t worry) so go ahead and go nuts. • Ask someone for help building if you are confused.
  20. Not to sound ungrateful, but the Super Packs just seem..bad. If the value is 10 merits (and some goodies) but you only get 5 things, it is very likely to get nothing you actually want. And for 10 mil? If it was 10mil back on the old servers, sure. But now, not many people besides hard core farmers are going to have that to gamble away. And it pretty much is a gamble. I remember getting some of the Super Packs on Test Server, way back, and was not at all impressed.
  21. Bruting (not tanking, eww) my first RSF. This was only a bit after IOs hit, and we all just had some basic sets. Also Scrappering a..damn it, StatesTF? And not dying once holding aggroo from Recluse.
  22. AE. Awesome idea, assuming every player was a super creative person who loved story arcs. The reality..making BC chat full of lvl 1s begging for farms. Which some people are already doing.
  23. I think I was generally a nice enough player, and I had a huge global list of people who liked (i assume) to team with me. If I joined another team, I was usually fairly silent, unless someone wanted to do a silly task..like +4 Malta with 4 lackeys on the team. Then I would flat out make my thoughts know, and often left if the team wanted to try said task. If I formed the team, which I mostly did, I had a very low patience for idiots and slackers, and kicked a lot of people. This also occurred of Incarnate trials, particularly LAM, when people would just refused to help, or AFK dance in the cutscenes. My biggest, and most enjoyed moment, was concerning the good old TV farm. I played on Freedom, and there was quite a bit of farming going on in GV. One day, I was on one of my fav toons, a Fire/Kin corr. My search description said..'Fire/Kin corr, NO farms.' Which I thought was pretty obvious. And then, that day, i got a blind invite (another serious pet hate) which I accepted just to tell the leader to go jump. Then I saw it was the TV farm, and got an idea. After joining the team, not one word was said, by the leader, the slackers being farmed, nothing. So I think I was totally justified in making the assumption it was NOT a farm. I zoned in, and buzzed over to the Don, rescued him, then killed the Nemesis Clone. Mission Complete.
  24. So I just heard about the new servers from a friend and am now queuing (yaay) up to try it! It is totally awesome the game is back, in any form at all! However.. I played the HELL out of the old game. I had at least 50odd lvl 50 toons, just about all tricked out with shiny (not always teh best/most expensive IOs') stuff, Incarnate powers, accolades, badges. I loved the game, the powers sets, everything. But I DO recall some annoying parts like.. Low level Life. The lvl 1-22 grind, to just get SOs/basic IOs. Sure, lvl 1-10 was pretty fast, in a bit team doing the sewer for awhile. But not everyone did that. Or wanted to. Then there is how expensive SOs actually were. Granted, after 3 years of playing and 50 toons, i had loads or cash, so it was not a big deal. But I still remember making my first Hero (i started on CoV), getting to 50, and NOT having enough money to fully SO myself. Which i thought was rather rubbish. Maybe an increase in inf rates? Like 2-5 times? Have all SOs free, for everyone (no idea if that is possible). Salvage and the Auction houses. Again, this was not a big deal with huge cash reserves, and a big population all playing the game, at ALL levels. Basically every recipe and bit of salvage was there, even if it might cost a bit more than you wanted. But now we have a queue (not blaming that, at all) and everyone starts again. The first level 50s wont have any stack of items to buy, for quite a long time. A BIG increase in salvage and recipe drop rates, even free salvage? If some of those ideas seem a bit entitled..well..I feel like it. After putting so much time into the original game. If I could somehow get my toons back, that would be amazing. Don't get me wrong, it is totally awesome the game is back at ALL! But to start from nothing, well, that is one thing from CoX that I don't miss in the least.
  25. Go punch him in the face. Seriously. His 'experiment' of testing if players get angry at being trolled and abused, especially Verbal abuse (he didnt just drone people and stay silent), was a joke. He must have the maturity of a mayfly.
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