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Everything posted by Astralock

  1. Exactly. I never said that most people (or even many people), asked for those things. I simply stated that people asked for them (meaning more than one person), and that's all true. My point was that those changes or additions didn't come out of the ether like some people suggested. As for the second point, people like a lot of things that aren't good. Myself included. I mained Force Field on live, and I occasionally liked to play Force Field on Homecoming. That doesn't mean that it was good, until Page 5. Many people also didn't realize how bad the damage was on Robotics, as it was disguised by its -regen. And I'm not talking about damage compared to other ATs, I'm talking about compared to other henchmen power sets, like Beasts, Demons, and Thugs. Robotics was exponentially weaker in comparison. And the -regen only really matters while fighting AVs, monsters, and GMs, leaving Robotics terrible for 95% of content.
  2. I've seen many statements from people that "devs are doing things that no one asked for." In fact, the vast majority of things they've done, people asked for. People asked for new enhancement sets, done. People asked for harder content, done. People asked for new things to grind for, done. People asked for Sentinels to be worth playing, done. People asked for Robotics and Mercenaries to no longer suck, done. People asked for bubblers to be worth playing, done. People asked for the Atlas Park and Mercy Island AE buildings to be removed, done. People asked for Praetoria to be made easier, done by making SOs available at level 2. People asked for NPC costumes to become available, done. Now, they may be implemented by ways we didn't imagine, and not everyone asked for these things. But every single one I mentioned above was indeed asked for or suggested over the past couple of years on these very forums.
  3. Because it gives you an incentive to stay true Villain.
  4. “Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!” - Abraham Lincoln, 1989
  5. This was the crux of the issue. Too many people with way too many accounts AFK AE farming.
  6. Paragon Studios tried to set the alignments so that Heroes and Villains would be essentially what Vigilantes and Rogues are today... can only do their side's story arcs, but can go to any zone and start any TF/SF. Vigilantes and Rogues would be able to start story arcs on both sides. But they couldn't get it to work, so we have what we have. Of course, it's twelve years later with different developers, so who knows. I also disagree with separating alignment powers from alignments. Homecoming already gives away far too much, people need some incentive to play the Villain alignment and the Villain alignment power is a fine incentive. It's not just Dominators that use it, but Brutes as well. Instant Fury is a beauty.
  7. Try 51577 and 51579 instead, both updated for Page 5.
  8. Nope. They weren't lying. I said "partly because." Zone performance definitely was another significant reason as well. You can see it and feel it for yourself how much better Atlas Park on Excelsior feels.
  9. I mean, it's not like Mission Architect buildings were removed from the two starter zones two months ago, partly because AE babies had no clue how to zone. Oh wait...
  10. My friend spent a half hour dancing right next to some Cimerorans with Arctic Fog + Super Speed + a +stealth IO enhancement, and his stealth stayed consistently at 65.5 feet the whole time. I just spent fifteen minutes zooming around level 48 to 50 mobs in Peregrine Island with Shadow Fall + Super Speed + a +stealth IO enhancement, and my stealth stayed consistently at 65.5 feet the whole time as well. I'd say it's fixed. :) Thank you!
  11. Nope. They're just all on their Discord server, the developers don't pay much attention to the forums, for better or for worse.
  12. AE AFK farming rightly got ganked. Power leveling in AE has been hobbled. Active AE farming for INF, drops, and/or veteran levels is fine. It’s just that for power leveling specifically, there are now better (and older), options.
  13. Mostly by those who don’t know of or don’t remember the old pre-AE farms.
  14. Yeah, this bug is confirmed. Lanaru the Mad appears to no longer be in the game's files... which is interesting.
  15. Gold side is a story-driven solo playing affair. It was designed that way, and it should be played that way. Playing it on a team is counter-productive and trying to make playing gold side on a team productive would require a complete redesign of the storylines and the entire teaming system. I specifically like to play gold side because it is a story-driven solo playing affair. I don't team for missions on any side (blue, red, or gold), because it's counter-productive to do so. You don't get any reward merits, you out-level content that you actually want to do unless you turn XP off, you can't read most of the text even as team leader because teams are "go, go, go! We don't have time for that!," and because of the alignment system teams outside of TFs/SFs/trials break when someone on the team goes to a SG base or Ouroboros. So I play missions solo, and I enjoy doing so. Especially red and gold sides. I can't see changing gold side to make teaming more accessible without destroying what's there. In actuality, to make teaming more accessible outside of TFs/SFs/trials would require a substantial revamp of the teaming system itself. Edit: I should point that gold side already has a radio/newspaper equivalent with the Clockwork A87952 and The Message Man contacts in Nova Praetoria, Imperial City, and Neutropolis, and the various endless mission contacts in First Ward and Night Ward.
  16. It kind of was fixed for Rikti mothership raids by adding instanced mothership raids a couple of months later. It’s not the developers’ fault that some raid leaders insist on still running the zone mothership raid for whatever reason. It also doesn’t directly impact Hamidon raids since you just need to hit Hamidon to get rewards. That mainly leaves Trick or Treat leagues, which is one of main reasons why I suggested:
  17. To be fair, that isn’t just the Fire farmers. I am seeing that “our way of playing is the only way to play” mentality among a few different segments of the Homecoming player base.
  18. After three days of leading co-op ToT leagues in Kallisti Wharf, I have to say that this suggestion is really needed if at all possible. League management in an open zone is a nightmare. Two scenarios I've experienced in the three days I've led a co-op ToT league in Kallisti Wharf: If a level 50 team leader leaves the league, everyone on the team will suddenly drop to the level of the new team leader, creating a lot of death as a result. People will beg for a level 50 team lead. In the meantime, I send the new team leader a tell asking for him or her to make a specific level 50 on the team the new team leader. A few minutes go by, with no response. The whole time, people are complaining, and some are starting to quit the league. So I have to start moving everyone out of that team to a new team to make a level 50 the team leader. I had five teams on the league, but only four level 50 characters in the entire league including myself. There were just no level 50 characters available for the fifth team. Both scenarios would no longer be an issue with a ToT instance.
  19. 1. Are you on the correct shard? Check all five shards. 2. Are you on the correct account? 3. If you answered "Yes" to both questions, then delete the playerslot.txt file in your game's account folder.
  20. You're missing the point, Voltak. You're a good player, no doubt about it. But you miss the forest for the trees. You focus on the meta and ignore everything else. I know exactly what the meta power sets, ATs, builds, and strategies are, and why, but I just don't care. Why? Because you can do a 4* ASF with the Vanguard heroes or a 4* ITF just fine without one single meta build on the team. Now, you should have a decent team composition - tank, buffs, debuffs, controls, damage, decent IO enhancement builds, and a full set of tier 4 Incarnate abilities. Most importantly, players who can pay attention. But meta builds? Nice to have, sure. But need? No. You can do both 4*s just fine without a single meta build on the team. Sorry for hijacking this thread, this will be my last post in it. I don't even like to play Defenders. But this mindset of "You need to have a meta build on hard modes or GTFO" is toxic, and needs to die in a fire. Especially when the thread isn't even about hard modes, let alone 4* hard modes, in the first place. It discourages people from even trying hard modes.
  21. Because the perception of mobs in 3* and 4* hard modes was made 66 feet so they could see people using a 35 feet stealth power and a +stealth IO enhancement. Bumping the stealth power to 37 feet would make that moot.
  22. What I said is accurate. You only need four or five Colds on a team if most of your team is bad. Are they helpful? Sure. But you make it sound like that they're needed for a 4* ITF. They're not. You can do 4* without any Cold Domination characters on the team just fine. FWIW, the fastest 4* ITF teams only have two or three Cold Domination characters on them, with a bunch of procced out Ice Blast Blasters, not four or five Cold Domination characters. Four or five Cold Domination characters is just the safe way to get a fast time.
  23. Either way, it would require raising the perception of 3* and 4* hard mode mobs to 68 feet as well.
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