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Everything posted by macskull

  1. SR was historically considered a "late bloomer" because Scrappers and Stalkers don't get the AoE defense toggle until level 35. When the set was ported to Brutes the power order was changed a bit to address this (Brutes get the AoE defense/taunt toggle at 20 and Tankers get it at 12). SR has the potential to be exceptionally powerful on a Tanker because as other posters have said you can softcap to all three positions relatively early in the game without any IOs, and the sliding resistance passives combined with Tanker AT scales mean you get some impressive damage resistance as your health dips low. This sometimes ends up in a weird situation where you are more survivable at 20-30% HP than you are at 100% HP, but at low HP an SR Tanker with all 3 scaling resistance passives is nigh unkillable outside of psi damage. You are correct that the majority of SR's mitigation is defense and other sets can get that as well - but SR is the only one that can easily reach and maintain capped defense debuff resistance, so other sets that just happen to build for defense have difficulty when subjected to cascading defense failure. SR shrugs it off and keeps on going. SR's real weaknesses are multiple rapid attacks getting lucky and landing, no self-heal, and no +max HP power but since SR is so trivially easy to softcap (especially on a Tanker) that frees you up to chase whatever other set bonuses you want.
  2. I'm going to say that I'm not sure MM pets should be the same level as the MM in non-Incarnate content. In Incarnate content it sort of makes sense considering you spend a ton of time fighting level shifted enemies. There was a discussion about this exact topic on the Homecoming Discord yesterday so I set off to do some math. A user claimed that Masterminds had the lowest damage scale of any AT (true) and their pets had even lower damage scales (also true) and this therefore meant that MMs did no damage and had weaker buffs/debuffs so they were the weakest AT, period. The flaw in that reasoning is you can't look at the pets or the MM on their own since that's not how they actually work - that lower damage per individual is actually really really high when combined, either against a single target or multiple spread-out targets. As it turns out, even when you take the purple patch into account a Mastermind has the potential to significantly outdamage almost anything else. Where that starts to get dicier is against anything +2 or higher relative to the player since the tier 1 and 2 pets' hit chances drop dramatically - but if you can raise those hit chances the MM is still going to output impressive damage.
  3. So a couple things here: 1) until Issue 13 all Defender debuffs were unresisted in PvP and 2) movement slows don't do anything in PvP anymore to the point where you can basically walk through Tar Patch like it's not even there. Additionally, even though a resistance debuff may be lessened by resistances or the purple patch, you're still doing the same percentage increase in damage.
  4. Elec and Mental require hit rolls on their sustain power as well.
  5. Also, a bit more on topic - at some point late in the game's life defense set bonuses got buffed to their current state. Positional and typed defense haven't always shared set bonuses like they do now, and even the admittedly huge defense bonuses in some of the ATO sets either existed already while the game was live or were going to go live with Issue 24. Additionally, resistance set bonuses got buffed across the board with Issue 24 in an attempt to make them more competitive with defense set bonuses when another option could have been to simply reduce the values of the existing defense bonuses. It's pretty clear where the trend was headed even back on live. If you nerf defense across the board, either through adjusting set bonuses or raising enemy hit chances, congratulations, you've made the game more difficult, but... do most players want that? I'm still sitting over here in the "nope" camp and I know I'm in the majority. As I've said in this thread a few times, the options to make the game more difficult are there but players don't use them because they don't want to. Goldside isn't super popular at least in part because it's substantially more difficult than the older content. Certain enemy groups are avoided because they are harder than others. Seriously, broadcast in LFG that you're running Council at +4x8 and see how many bites you get, and then try the same thing but with Rularuu, Carnies, or Malta.
  6. Ah, that's fair. I wonder what the draw distance is. TP Foe's base range is 200 feet and I'm reasonably sure you can target enemies much further away than that.
  7. What's to stop someone from targeting through a teammate across the zone then?
  8. I'll post one last time before I waste any more time in this thread. @Naraka's argument is that since sets need to have weaknesses to balance out their strengths, Grounded is okay the way it is. Nevermind that Elec is also weak to negative and toxic damage and regeneration debuffs despite resistance and regeneration being its two main mitigation tools. Look, I'm all for sets having thematic weaknesses, but Elec already has them before you even consider its knockback protection. Almost every armor set already has thematic weaknesses, even the ones that have more comprehensive mez protection. There's no reason for Elec's to be different. Yes, it's an auto power, which is why the lack of knockback resistance isn't a huge deal, but the inconsistent knockback protection kind of sucks. The only other armor sets in the game that have knockback holes are Fire, Dark, and Stalker Ninjitsu - Fire and Dark are relics of an era where that was considered an okay tradeoff for the extra potential offensive output of the sets, and while I'm not sure of the original justification for lack of KB protection on Stalkers, Scrapper and Sentinel Ninjitsu gets knockback protection.
  9. Sorry to put a damper in the "combine Recall Friend and TP Foe powers into one power" discussion, but it's not possible to retain the current functionality of both powers after combining them into one. You can't make the range of a power different depending on its target so you either have a Recall Friend with a very short range or a TP Foe with a zone-wide range, neither of which is desirable.
  10. I'm not saying that, but I'm giving a reason why the "you have to be on the ground for the knockback protection to work" doesn't need to be a thing. Like I said earlier, there is nothing lost by fixing this hole. People that didn't care before will continue to not care, but people that did care will find themselves with a more functional character that doesn't need to devote slots or power picks to knockback protection "just in case." Win-win.
  11. You can't patch the knockback hole. As I said upthread, Grounded doesn't get knockback resistance, so even with these "thematic" limitations removed it is still weaker than any other set's knockback protection and you need to devote multiple slots to stacking additional knockback protection on top of what Grounded gets unless you're running Power Surge.
  12. I'm inclined to think it's going to get the Energy Assault treatment in some form, but that doesn't particularly help Stalkers so... yeah, Stun should probably be modified to work more like Whirling Hands on Stalkers.
  13. The idea of keeping weaknesses in a set for "thematic" reasons isn't a good one. If I have to be on or near the ground for this one particular effect of this one particular power to work, why don't the rest of the effects of that power work the same way? For that matter, why don't the rest of the powers in the set work the same way? Removing the "you must be near the ground" restriction patches a hole in the set (and even then only partially since even if you are on the ground Grounded's knockback protection is still weaker than every other armor set's knockback protection) without taking anything away, and the majority of players won't even notice - but the ones who do will be happy. It's a win-win situation. Besides, if we're talking "theme" here, electricity can absolutely jump through air given a high enough voltage, so even that part doesn't make sense.
  14. HitChance = Clamp( AccMods × (1 - TargetElusivity) × Clamp( BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods ) ) Elusivity is the counter to accuracy but it's not a direct one-for-one counter like defense and tohit are. Giving elusivity to NPCs is probably not helpful since NPC defense buffs are relatively uncommon. Giving elusivity to players would almost certainly have to be implemented in the way you described where only support characters are able to provide elusivity.
  15. This is the crux of the issue right here: there are already plenty of options out there for players to raise their own difficulty. I can use the difficulty options, I can run task forces and flashback arcs with things disabled, enemies buffed, players debuffed, things like that... but most players don't use those options because there are no extra rewards for the greater challenge. The existing options to make the game more difficult are rarely used and maybe, just maybe, it's because most players don't actually want the game to be harder. I'd much rather have the option exist to make the game harder if I want to than be forced to play a more difficult game. Oh, and if there were actual rewards other than lolbadges for running content at higher difficulty I'm sure we'd see those options utilized more often.
  16. The question here should be "are defense and resistance too high in the absence of IOs?" since the game is balanced around SOs, and the answer to that question is likely "no."
  17. My point was if those key distinguishing features make the set weaker, it's bad design, just like Fire and Dark's lack of knockback protection is bad design. Remember how Unyielding from Invuln used to 1) immobilize you while it was on; and 2) turn off any other armor toggle you had? It was established pretty quickly that was bad design and it got changed.
  18. If the only thing giving a set its "flavor" is a power or mechanic that makes the set worse than comparable sets, the power or mechanic needs changed. Grounded, while thematic, already comes with a significant weakness relative to other melee set knockback protection powers that's completely unrelated to having to be on the ground - while other knockback protection powers also offer knockback resistance, Grounded does not. This is all irrelevant anyways, since minus this weakness Elec Armor has plenty of flavor already.
  19. I think I'd be on board with something like this as long as the enhancements obeyed the appropriate schedule values for the number of attributes they were enhancing and you couldn't enhance the same attribute more than once in a single enhancement.
  20. It's 9999, which is absolutely way too small to be account-wide.
  21. Right-click on any of the powers in your buff bar and unselect "hide auto powers."
  22. The issue there is that with the current combat mechanics (other than the PvE/PvP split) it's the power attributes that determine whether a power is autohit, not the target of that power. So the fire extinguisher temp that doesn't do anything except put out those fires? Sure, make it autohit.
  23. You can email merits to your own account. (At least, I'm assuming you're talking about reward merits here.)
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