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Everything posted by macskull

  1. How does this thread have 2 pages already
  2. I don't see what an email or AH wipe would accomplish other than piss off a lot of people. There seem to be hoarding concerns which I legit don't understand because it's not like any resource in this game is finite - you generate inf, salvage, recipes, enhancements, etc from thin air just by playing the game so keeping a whole bunch of inf or super packs or recipes in email isn't a big deal. A thought exercise here is to look at what happened back on the live servers when the hero and villain markets were merged. Transaction history was wiped and prices ended up stabilizing around where they were on the hero market within short order (minus some exceptions which were biased redside like pet IO sets).
  3. Only the Smash/Energy resist applies to any entities that aren't the primary target. The mez protection, knockback protection, teleport protection, and slight movement debuff only apply to the primary target. This isn't just a Clear Mind thing - every single-target ally mez protection power remained single-target when previously single-target buffs got the AoE treatment.
  4. Individual -res procs do not stack with themselves, even from different casters, but the three different -res procs will stack with each other.
  5. Random-effect procs don't have any associated limits, unless they're unique IOs, because they don't count as set bonuses.
  6. Power Boost will buff click-type defense buffs for the duration of the buff and toggle defense buffs for the duration of Power Boost. The exception there is defense powers that also have an enhanceable +res component (the most common of these are Fade and the Cold shields) because those powers are flagged to ignore buffs like that.
  7. The Experienced temporary power is what you're thinking of, I think? Characters that were created during the anniversary window last April/May timeframe got 5 charges, wouldn't be surprised if they're doing the same thing for the 16th anniversary next month. Other than that you can get them as character items in super packs.
  8. Yikes, no thanks. While I agree that a badge that is easiest to get by AFKing is not great design, it's about the same difficulty for any character to obtain. Lower-damage characters would have a much harder time getting the damage dealt badges.
  9. That wasn't a nerf specifically targeted at Mind Link but was a nerf to Hami-O's in general. I kinda miss those days because of the absolutely silly things you could do with Hami-O's and some specific powers.
  10. You can reduce their damage in PvP but the root of the problem isn't procs necessarily, it's that the game is a very different one than it was in 2008 when I13 went live, and going back to the old system might leave you in an even bigger mess than before.
  11. +End/-End shows up in the (oddly enough) healing given/healing received channels of your combat tab. Performance Shifter doesn't actually affect anything that combat attributes monitors except current endurance but it won't show up there because that's just showing you a fixed value.
  12. If this was really a PvP concern they would've returned it back to its original state as soon as they were able to separate out PvE and PvP effects on powers. The "blame it on PvP because it wasn't originally in the game" argument is tired and incorrect - it was stated from the beginning that this game would have PvP and the game had PvP for 7 years of its original 8.5-year run (so really, it's had PvP for 15 of the last 16 years). Phase Shift has worked the way you describe since 2009 or so. I think the auto-shutoff and long recharge are fine but the "nophase" power needs to go away.
  13. Enforced Morale is supposed to provide its target with a small, stacking +rech/+spd buff in addition to the mez protection and +percep but this is currently somewhat broken. From what I can see on City of Data the +rech/+spd buffs are defined in the power but they will only have an effect if the target's total recharge buffs and movement buffs are less than a certain value, which pretty much means if the target already has some sort of movement or recharge bonus Enforced Morale's additional bonus does nothing even though the power description says it's supposed to provide those buffs, albeit with reduced results for each cast.
  14. Does this mean the changes from last patch which made it only trigger once in an AoE are reverted, or is it still "trigger once but 15%?" I can't get on to test but this seems to be a reasonable compromise.
  15. This is likely because of two reasons: Shock, Galvanic Sentinel's Discharge, and Defibrillate do not follow normal rules for end drain. Instead of draining a percentage of a target's end as is typical for end drain powers, they drain a flat amount (this is not how it normally works in PvE). Those three powers do not have separate PvP flags and this is the big difference - normally PvP end drain is a fixed value instead of a percentage but is usually about 1/2 to 1/3 of the PvE value. For example, Transference on a Defender drains 56.25% end on PvE targets but 20.84 end (note that's a fixed value and not a percentage) on PvP targets. Shock and Defibrillate for sure need separate PvP flags for end drain that follow the normal rules. Discharge is less an issue since it's only 3 end.
  16. Math got me again, it seems. I guess a better way to put it would be "the debuff is 25% less effective."
  17. I think reducing the end cost of Disruption, lowering the recharge of Liquefy, and speeding up the animation of Sonic Siphon would go a long way to helping that set out.
  18. I'm pretty sure the tech is already in place to do both these things (you can set targets as waypoints to get distance and you can use the Combat Analyzer to see enemy stats) and I think it'd be awesome, it's just a matter of how it'd be implemented. Buff/debuff bars would probably get pretty cluttered for some encounters.
  19. That's... not how math works. Adjusting the -res component from 30% to 22.5% is a 25% reduction in effectiveness, not 7.5%. This means that all the targets in Tar Patch will take 25% less damage - not just from you, but from everyone else as well.
  20. That was how I had it set up originally and will probably go back to tomorrow. I’ll add that info to the spreadsheet. Just wish it were possible to allow anyone to edit only a few cells while leaving the rest of the sheet protected.
  21. Updated the link to do just that but you now (obviously) need to be logged in to a Google account to view your local copy.
  22. With Electrical Affinity on the test server and actual chain powers getting implemented, I went ahead and updated my PPM list (also linked in the OP) to include a PPM calculator in a new tab. The updated spreadsheet includes calculations for single-target, PBAoE, TAoE, cone, chain, and auto/toggle/pseudopet powers. Of note: just like @Bopper said in the OP, the current area modifier for chain powers pretty heavily penalizes procs as max targets goes up, but it looks like the biggest single drop in proc effectiveness (at least for the Electrical Affinity powers) is after the first stack of static where max targets goes from 4 to 7. EDIT: Removed the "make a copy" portion of the link so you can view the calculator without logging in, but you'll need to make a copy to make any changes to it.
  23. So why not take a look at the sleep mechanic, and leave the proc alone until there's meaningful reason to take a sleep power other than this interaction? What's going to end up happening here is AoE sleep powers will once again become relatively useless until at some point in the future they're looked at, if that ever happens, because I'd bet it wasn't even something being considered. Changes to the Call of the Sandman proc right now just mean some powers become pretty much useless again where at least now they have some utility. Honestly, I'm all for going back to the pre-PPM system if only because PPM is leading to several weird interactions which end up causing nerfs simply because of an interaction with a specific type of power. I'm still not entirely sure what problem PPM was supposed to fix but it seems like it's caused more problems than it solved (assuming you see proc interactions as an imbalance, and I don't). That being said... if we are really going to neuter the Call of the Sandman proc like this, it should honestly be a higher % heal and be unique. Make it, say 20% heal unaffected by enhancements and buffs, make the proc a unique IO, and possibly adjust the 6th slot set bonus to account for it. This makes the proc actually useful in single-target sleeps while not completely neutering its performance in AoE sleeps, and since it's unique you don't have to worry about people multi-slotting it to chain heal themselves. Just to be clear, I'm not against this change because it affects me personally (I generally skip sleep powers and don't think I've ever slotted the CotS proc) but because nerfing a proc because of a specific interaction between that proc and some powers seems like bad design.
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