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Everything posted by macskull

  1. I think another important thing to remember is that considering all the changes that have gone into the game in the 11.5 years since I13 dropped, even under the old rules the game wouldn't be the same anymore - there's been powerset proliferation, new powersets, new mechanics, and new IO sets. My earlier point re: PvP zones - currently the game uses the zone you're in to determine how self-affecting powers work and the target of your powers to determine how ally- or enemy-affecting powers work. It's probably possible to get the game to ignore the "target is player" flag but you'd have to balance every single power against that otherwise you'd end up with weird cases like taunt being autohit and a base 75% chance to hit instead of 50%. Even if you do manage to get that work, some of the pre-I13 mechanics wouldn't exist anymore because the powers definitions associated with them were removed (things like unresisted Scourge, unresisted crits, 11% of Blaster damage being unresisted, Defender debuffs being unresisted, etc.). Those that played pre-I13 will remember how you got kills when everyone was at the resist cap - blueside you leaned on unresisted Defender debuffs and unresisted Blaster damage, and redside you leaned on unresisted AS crits and unresisted Scourge. Take away unresisted debuffs and damage and you're back to the current system with DR off, and I am probably not the only one who remembers the "knockback or TK into double/triple AS spikes" 8v8 meta that was probably the most un-fun PvP has ever been in this game.
  2. I don't think it's possible given the way PvP values work since self-affecting powers use the type of zone you're in to determine their effects, and if you disable the "PvP" flag, well... you wouldn't be able to PvP.
  3. Most of Elec Affinity's powers get some benefit out of PB - it boosts +/- end, heals, absorbs, and tohit. It's just a matter of whether it's worth it over anything other epic/patron pool you could take and unless you're set on Soul Mastery or Power Mastery I wouldn't go with those just for PB.
  4. I don't think the poster you're replying to is one of those people.
  5. Incarnate salvage/threads/shards are already character-bound and Empyrean merits are account-bound, and both of those limitations suck. What you are proposing is grind for grind's sake - this isn't 2004 and the game has no shareholders to appease. As long as HC is meeting its monthly donation goals in minutes I don't think we're in danger of people leaving in droves because they're bored. If anything, the easy availability of items compared to live keeps people more interested because they're able to better support their crippling altoholism.
  6. The Experienced Marksman icon appears in your own buff bar and the team buff bar when you're using the fast snipe proc.
  7. I wouldn't mind if it acted like it did in the very early versions of the set where Amp Up added extra energy damage to the buffed ally's attacks, but I don't know if that's the way to go. Adding a regeneration or recovery bonus might be a good place to start if it needs anything (but I'm not convinced it does).
  8. In task force mode calling the contact to pick up the next mission will boot anyone who's still in the mission precisely to prevent the scenario OP described. It doesn't do it outside of task force mode because you can always kick and reinvite the person if you're so inclined.
  9. Patron arcs are easy - BS's takes 30 minutes tops. Autocomplete the defeat-all, bring along a different character to actually run the missions, or find a friend who is about to complete the last mission since all you actually need is the badge. More on-topic though: Damage per cast cycle isn't the be-all-end-all for farming. You also have to take into account cast time so while Spine Burst looks good on paper its activation time is 3 seconds which is a long time where you could be doing something else.
  10. I also got my numbers from Mids ( Regardless... if you're chasing specific set bonuses TAoE does pretty well with a hefty 3.13% F/C defense for 6-slotting Annihilation (plus the -res procs are huge for farming). If you're primarily AFKing of course none of this matters but in an active scenario more AoE is never a bad thing especially if they put out decent damage with respect to their cast times. On my Rad/Fire my chain is Atom Smasher -> Elec Fences -> Ball Lightning -> Burn -> repeat with no downtime and between that and my damage auras I have no problem taking anything down. On a Spines/Fire less recharge means you have to start using Spine Burst more often which has a pretty crappy cast time.
  11. I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers from - Elec Fences is 1.58, Ball Lightning is 1.27, and Fireball is 1.38. So yes, Fireball is marginally better than Ball Lightning but Elec Fences is better than either and the combination of Elec Fences and Ball Lightning is far superior to Fireball plus with Mu Mastery it's two picks for two AoEs versus three picks for one AoE to get Fireball.
  12. You're looking at the DPCC for Fire Blast. Fireball's is lower than Elec Fences.
  13. The bounty rewards 100% need tweaking, especially considering Siren's Call is a ghost town even on Indomitable.
  14. You can promote to the same rank as you, just not higher.
  15. Mu is the go-to because you get two AoEs for two picks whereas Pyre requires three picks for one AoE. I've seen some builds that use it but honestly it's not optimal.
  16. Panacea's 7.5% endurance. The Superior Scourging Blast proc does a 7.5% heal though.
  17. The big difference here is that while of course heals aren't affected by regen debuffs, it is only a chance for a heal which means it isn't consistent. Regen is a reliable, known value - even after factoring in debuffs you can see exactly what your regen rate is at any given moment and you know that you will get that much HP/sec back. The heal proc, while mathematically superior over time, isn't always going to give you that amount of HP/sec. Sometimes it'll proc more often, and sometimes it won't proc at all for a minute or two while your regen is returning hundreds of HP. Re: tanking Hamidon, Hami does -regen and -heal so it won't make as much difference as you'd think.
  18. The non-Panacea heal procs say "max life." I suppose Panacea's wording makes sense considering it's a little different than the rest of the heal procs in that it can be slotted in heal powers and won't always necessarily be affecting the caster. That being said, this leaves a few issues: The heal values of any of the heal procs are probably not supposed to be affected by +/- heal. Either the non-Panacea heal procs should be scaling with max health per the IO description or the IO description is wrong and should say "base HP" and not "max life." The +end procs (Performance Shifter, Panacea, and Scourging Blast in both regular and superior flavors) scale the end bonus off the target's max endurance and I don't see any reason why the same shouldn't be true for the non-Panacea heal procs considering they are a low, unenhanceable value or the behavior of the +end procs is inconsistent and should be based off base endurance or +HP and +end procs are just two different beasts for reasons that aren't even remotely clear.
  19. The Issue 13 changes sort of wrecked solo Controllers to the point where they're pretty much a non-threat in a 1v1 situation these days.
  20. The heal from the Panacea proc and the heal from the new Power Transfer proc (and I also assume the Call of the Sandman and Entropic Chaos procs but haven't had a chance to test those) have two issues: The heal from these procs is not flagged to ignore enhancements and buffs so powers like Field Medic and Incandescence can affect the heal. The heal is a fixed percentage of base HP, not max HP, even though the IO description says "max life." Contrast that with the +end procs which give you a percentage of your max endurance. (Surprise third point!) Panacea's heal ignores AT scales and heals for a fixed value instead of a percentage (though this may be working as intended but I have no way of knowing this). Panacea spams the "healing given" channel when the proc fires on the caster. Power Transfer doesn't. The heal correctly shows up in the "healing received" channel for both though. Additionally, the info text for the Panacea proc still incorrectly states that the heal portion is +regen in a PvP environment (and multiple powers in Nature Affinity, Pain Domination, and Time Manipulation still do +regen in PvP instead of the correct heal-over-time).
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