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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. There's certainly some good stuff in this patch. My only major quibble is that now the first thing I have to do when I log on to every alt is to go to Null and disable the movement tray. On the plus side, now I use that opportunity to do all the other Null stuff I normally disregard, like turn off Mystic Fortune, etc.
  2. Thanks @UberGuy. Now I have to make a tanker named Heap Change. Next question: when converting an IO by rarity, how does the algorithm work? Does it choose any (in rarity) (not in set) from a list? Does it select completely randomly and if the same set is chosen, re-roll? Does it choose a different set (in rarity) first and then select within set randomly? I hope to have another data project done soonish, but it would be nice to verify!
  3. Trick Arrow > Disruption Arrow The visual FX for this power has been changed to alleviate headaches being induced by the old VFX Due to the health implications of the old VFX, this is not an optional change Freedom Corps > Nullifier > Sonic Grenade The visual FX for this power has been changed to alleviate headaches being induced by the old VFX I don't want to cause headaches, and it is clear that this is not an optional change, but it is possible to make the new visuals a little more, well, visual? I fight a lot of Longbow, mainly because they are not Council, and you have to learn to nullify the Nullifiers. But currently the visuals are incredibly subtle. Would it be possible to keep the current floor based visuals, but maybe increase the brightness or contrast? Thanking you in advance.
  4. Well, if you're volunteering, great, thanks! I don't have the code skills myself. I appreciate it!
  5. You don't need to soft- or hard- cap any AT in order to solo content, except maybe AVs. In my opinion.
  6. @Jimmy is there any GM who can answer questions about this?
  7. Three heroes are captured by Scirocco’s troops and are tied up as the head Mu Guardian gloats. “I will grant you a choice! Death, or Endurance Drain!” ... (story unfolds) ... The third hero, horrified by the endurance drain endured by his compatriots says, “To Hell with this, I choose death!” ”Great!” says the Mu Guardian. “Death by Endurance Drain!”
  8. It depends on what type of character I'm playing. If I'm familiar with the AT and one or both of the power sets, I'll play it organically to 50, then respec if needed. Some powers will go from 6 to 5 slots. And sometimes I'll keep respeccing if I'm trying to get the theme just right with power pools and/or epic pools. If I'm trying something new, or maybe I'm trying a challenge, I'll respec early and often. Like you say, respecs are easy and plentiful. So I may pick up a power like combat jumping at 4 just to mule the Shield Wall proc and respec out of it later when I have a different spot. I'll try out powers and if I don't like them and don't see a future for them, then out they go. So at least once. And I think a few of my 50s are at 5+ to get things just right.
  9. Y'all should appoint GM Jude as the patron GM of lost causes...
  10. I was hoping to use this a thread to ask GMs (if they can or will tell us) about some of the inner workings of how certain things really work. But I'm not sure who the right person to ask is, so I'll start by pinging the wise and powerful @Jimmy in the hopes that they can steer us in the right direction. And my first question is: in the AH, the first tie breaker is price, but how are trades allocated if there are identical bids or offers? If you put in block bids, some will partially fill and some will completely fill in no obvious order. If two characters are offering an item at the same price, how does the AH choose one over another? Inquiring minds want to know! And thanks!
  11. I made a firefighter Battle axe/fire armor brute named Sergeant Tina. She doesn't cry for ANYONE!
  12. Let me put it this way: if I had twice as much time to devote to the utterly pointless accumulation of inf, I would not be able to double my rate. Maybe a 50% increase? Something like rare roulette is profitable and entertaining in smallish doses, but is inefficient in bulk in terms of time spent and tedium endured. Yeah, one could put out 1,000 IOs a day that way (which would be good for a 2+bn profit), but I for one wouldn't want to!
  13. I guess my comment should be amended. If someone wants to add some supplemental income to their game play, absolutely, there is room for everyone. I heartily recommend *every* player with the interest to bid on a block of 10 yellow recipes and salvage at the end of a session, and to play rare roulette when you come back on. I figure that's good for 20-30mm profit per session and diversified by nature. I also heartily recommend dabbling in areas that you find interesting, a few here and a few there. What there isn't much room for are more large scale operations, in my opinion. I have a handful of sustainable factories that are good for nice profit and large (>50 units/day, sometimes significantly more). I don't see any significant competition in those (and that was partly by design), but if it did come in then many shuvs and zuuls would know what it was like to be roasted in the Slor that day, I can tell you. But there are plenty of smaller markets that move units more slowly. And there always seems to be room in the LotG market. I'm active there, but I'm not going to go through the effort of locking down that market!
  14. I feel like he's usually in the water room in the back on the top level, if I am remembering the right mission.
  15. I have now sold about half my supply of WOs that I've picked up on the cheap, but have not dipped into the 1k packs I picked up. Although I think it is possible that prices on WOs go up from here, it's a sweet enough spot for me. Ironically, I've been buying winter packs in the secondary (not in huge numbers, but enough) for two reasons: 1. I started a second account and I wanted to seed the Character Items inventory with merits (for when I don't feel like buying converters in the AH) and 2. It may not be cost effective, but if I have an alt that needs a WO set, I'd rather just buy packs until I have the number of WOs that I need and convert them until I have exactly what I want. It saves me from emailing myself or spending the time buying it in the secondary market.
  16. Thanks for this piece @Ukase, not just the snippet but the whole thing. You're right, it's just not a big enough market for *everyone* to be making this kind of scratch. And as I keep writing these guides, I realize that I'm kind of hoping that people take it and run with it because I love competition and I'm actually trying to foment more of it. And yet, that's not for everyone and I can see how that could easily be uncomfortable for people who just want to make inf. Farming may, in fact, be best for some. But I want more competition! So I can *crush* it!
  17. Ok, I tried again, and he did show up. It is very easy to miss his body. My pro-tip is that since the mission is so dark, turn down your gamma in your graphics/audio options (I went to 50). It makes it much easier to find him.
  18. Endurance will always be your enemy with this build, except maybe when you hit incarnates. I have a WM/DA scrapper who is great fun!
  19. Luck, pricing, and timing, in that order. Every one of my dizzying sales was from a stack.
  20. It *should* not matter. Block trades *should* partially execute based on price whether or not the full block size is achieved. I suspect you see that because people tend to buy salvage in large blocks rather than one or two at a time. I say *should* because the algorithm used to allocate trades is not transparent. I would have expected that the first tie breaker is price (which seems to be universally followed, despite the display bug apparently demonstrating otherwise). I would have thought the second tie breaker would have been some sort of time stamp, but it isn't purely time linear. At one point I thought it batched orders based on discrete time periods when it was inputted, but I've got plenty of evidence to the contrary. To the best of my knowledge, no dev has ever opened that black box to inspection.
  21. Ha! I'll be honest, the only reason I was buying them was because I was looking to seed the Character Items on my second account with some merits for converters...
  22. Well, yeah. You can come at it from the direction of "hey, I got a Quickfoot lvl 50 drop! I can craft that, convert to a Celerity, and either sell or convert more for quick profit!" And then there's "hey, why don't I sell this one and buy back one at a lower price level and save oer 250k?" and then "hey, why don't I buy ten, no, fifty of them!" and so on and then you are well past farming and in the black hole of the marketing zone. Even with people five boxing it, I don't see how farming (including drops) comes even close to the rates that active marketing does. In this thread, I'm trying to come from it from the direction of "hey, I like farming. How can I goose my returns with some quick marketing?" and to see if that goosing is easy or worthwhile or not. My jury is still out on that right now.
  23. These two thoughts are exactly why I posted this topic, and I'm endlessly fascinated with coming up with "best" strategies. But at the end of the day, the strategy just needs to be "good enough". I don't mind in the slightest when someone tells me they spent 100 merits on an ATO, or 600 on a full set, when they have 10k more merits and they don't feel like dragging and dropping 30k converters into the AH interface. This game is an embarrassment of riches, so "good enough" is probably good enough! Based on some of the feedback in this thread and in many others, I am concerned about AFK farming. I'm not sure if I'm concerned about it from an economic standpoint (inflation fears) or from a moralistic standpoint. Probably the latter. I *think* the GMs are actively trying to discourage it, but that's beyond my paygrade. My current "optimal" lvl 50 farming strategy (starting with empty inventory and running a full series of 5 #125 missions): 1. Sell all SOs at vendor. 2. Sell all common IO recipes at vendor. 3. Separate set IOs into keepers and duds. Keepers include purples, pvp, anything else that doesn't require rare salvage, any recipe that I would want to equip or easily convert). Vendor dud recipes. 4. Open up workbench and craft everything you have salvage for. Bid for salvage you are missing at buy-it-nao prices (which generally are 500k for rares, 1-2k for uncommon, 250 for common although I've never needed to buy a common yet.) 5. Vendor unused white and yellow salvage (or AH if you prefer), AH unused rare salvage. 6. Play "What Do I Do With That?" with your crafted IOs. Put them on the AH. I find that this is adding at least 5-10mm a series to a more basic strategy that would involve just putting everything on the AH at 5 inf, but I'd like to quantify that at some future point when I have more time and interest. I think that's a very conservative number, but it's within an order of magnitude. Takes me a couple of minutes at the end of the run to do this and I enjoy it. If I didn't enjoy it, and those few minutes were better spent starting the next run, then I guess that's ok too!
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