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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Great to hear from you! Are there any dev ideas for inf sinks you can share? I’m far more interested in the ones that provide something bragworthy over something more utilitarian like doubling the AH fee, but I wouldn’t object to that either.
  2. Yes, yes, the shiny! That’s exactly what I want, and I don’t think I’m alone! Like I said earlier, accumulating Inf through market activities is a net influence destroyer. Also “difficult” v. “tedious” may not be the right description. You can move a mountain of sand from one place to another. If you use a teaspoon, it’s tedious. If you come up with a better method, then it’s difficult. Even so, It certainly wouldn’t be mandatory. No one is being forced to move that mountain.
  3. First, you certainly don't need to farm inf to make, say, 100 billion inf. The AH is a far more efficient tool for that. Second, I'm not convinced that there would be a significant (say, 5%+) increase in overall inf generation from the introduction of a single badge. In fact, more marketing would almost certainly result in more inf being destroyed through market fees. Third, and most importantly, I feel that having a difficult goal and being rewarded with a few pixels for it is worthwhile. Many/most people would say, "screw that noise" and would pass on the badge. No one ever said you have to get every single badge. That's fine with me. Some badges are more brag worthy than others but at the end of the day, no one cares except for the player themselves! I'm getting the sense that the hard core badgers don't want any new badges, and certainly not any difficult ones, but I may be wrong.
  4. No-buying challenge! I can't buy anything on the AH, so any converters will have to come from merits. I anticipate that it will generally be faster (once things get started) to earn 1mm and buy a merit and then buy three converters than it will be to earn a merit and then buy three converters.
  5. The more I think about this, the easier it seems. I'd have to make a superbase and store every salvage drop I get. That's the biggest pain I see. Since I would anticipate spending all of my spare inf on merits for either converters, catalysts, or possibly purples, the main question is: can I convert enough random dropped recipes to make a big profit while effectively paying 333,333 inf per converter? I think so, I really do. So then, I'd target an AoE build that will do well on standard IOs, until I am swimming in enough inf to just convert any recipe I get as a drop into the exact one I want. I can buy ATOs with merits if needed.
  6. The way I see it, there is a fixed time cost (travel time, cutscenes, etc.) of about ten to twelve minutes, whether or not you run it at -1/0 or 4/8. For me, the incremental rewards in terms of threads, xp, and most importantly boredom-reducing fights, is worth the extra time.
  7. Does anybody equip their characters “old school” fashion, I.e. equipping only drops rather than buying anything from the market? Converters of course make things much easier. I’m thinking about creating a new alt that is only allowed to sell things on the AH, but never buy anything. To get things like converters, I would restrict myself to drops and merit spending. To craft, I’d need to have the actual salvage drop rather than buy it in fungible form. I suspect that I would need a lot of merits, and probably would end up buying them from the merit vendor for a mm a pop. What would be the best merit farmer? I’d lean towards some sort of stalker. Your thoughts?
  8. Also, please boost elite bosses, or add another tier between them and AVs. There's a huge disparity between three shotting an elite boss and hammering on an AV for 15 minutes.
  9. Since you are so taken aback that someone doesn't agree with you that your favorite set should be made easier, maybe you should realize that your favorite set doesn't need to be made easier? Or, more constructively, someone disagrees with your contention that it should be made easier. There are plenty of sets that are late blooming. And my response to any single post that calls for them to be made easier will result in "Nope". That's my way of saying I disagree with you. The set is overpowered. No one disputes that. I really don't need to prove why I think that the set is overpowered as it is. And I'm ok with that. I refuse to sit by and complacently nod when someone begs for something to be made even easier. I added plenty; I added a dissenting opinion. The key words here are "think" and "disagree". I'm sorry that you didn't get a avalanche of responses telling you how wise you are for suggesting this, but that's more your issue than mine. If you want to take it personal, call me a dick, and dress up your dog in a Yomo Kimyata suit and kick him around tonight, well, that's between you and the authorities.
  10. Also, I think that (in most cases) there is a very minor difference between minions and lts, but then a huge step up to bosses. Could we have a setting where lts maybe double their hp and damage? Just a thought.
  11. I wholeheartedly agree. There are 3-5 skippable powers in this set, and I'd love to see a more balanced workout.
  12. I read the topic. I've played a few hundred hours of kinetics as well, as have tens of thousands of people. You are being a whiny child who wants his own personal gold star. I am genuinely sorry if your hundreds of hours of kinetics were so difficult that you feel a need to make it easier now. I am constructively saying, nope. Don't make the best support better. Let's see who the devs cater to first, shall we?
  13. Nope. Don't make the best support set better. Sorry if playing it as is is too burdensome for you.
  14. I’m proposing spending 2bn (which then goes out of circulation, poof!) for 1/50th progress on a badge, so I am pretty sure I am using the term right! I do think that we have too much influence in the system, but it hasn’t proven a problem up to this point.
  15. Then why does that darned tornado do its own thing?!?
  16. I realize this is a “first-world problem” in a lot of ways, but I’d love it if there were some large scale influence sinks in the game. Nothing that would affect the average gamer. Prestige used to serve this purpose, but I understand why that went the way of the dodo. Maybe a badge? I for one would welcome a “Dr. Evil” badge for one hundred BILLION inf. Or a trillion? Any other ideas?
  17. This would be a non-starter for me since I wouldn’t be able to rationalize shooting arrows through constant high winds!
  18. I agree with this entirely. The build would not be great on teams though, since your pace would be slower than most.
  19. Mind/ is great, but I don't think of it as a team controllery build. Lots of sleep and confuse, which doesn't often go hand in hand with the steamroll zerg nature of teams nowadays.
  20. Personally, I'm mostly out of the market. At this point I just do it as a habit or to create supply when I see a need. My carefully planned winter-o and purple marketers sit on huge supply, since when I have an alt who needs them, I just pick them up from the market rather than go through the hassle of emailing them. I'd suggest just buying converters when you need them for whatever character you need them for. I try to keep 500-1000 converters on every character, and put in bids with spare slots when I log. I mean, worst case scenario, you need 1000 converters right now, you can probably buy them instantly for 100k. If you need 1000 converters right now, you can probably stomach the 20k/converter price for buy-it-now. If you can't, that's when you dip into your merit supply! I highly doubt that email is safe for the long term, but I have a lot stored in there right now. I have a few bank mules, but even so...
  21. You can also run it at +4/x8 and it’s still quick but not as boring since you get a few good fights in. Takes me about 20-25 minutes that way and you pick up lots of threads to boot.
  22. Yeah, for what it's worth, I'm with this opinion. If you are soloing or it's your team? Have at it. You do you. When you put on your "teaming" hat you need to be a teammate. I don't think it's a reasonable presumption that everyone else in the league should already have disabled this or should take 5 minutes to go to Null because you don't want to have to resummon your robots occasionally. If I were playing a melee character and got taken out of range because you came too close to me and made me fly? I'd be miffed too. If I were the only one on the team with an issue, I'd probably figure out a way to coexist. If there were 2-3 others who were also having a poor play experience? I absolutely would have turned off group fly. But I'm Lawful Good, yo; greatest good for the greatest number of people. Just my opinion.
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