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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. A preposition is a bad thing to end a sentence with.
  2. And interestingly enough, there are some IOs that provide both attribute enhancement and proc effects. Two that leap to mind are the Steadfast Protection Res/+def and the LotG Def/+rech. If you run the same analysis on these that I did above, you will get better resistance and defense numbers respectively from the Steadfast and the LoTG if you +5 them at top level, but you lose the proc effect at more than three levels below the stated level. If you frequently exemplar below 47, I'd use an attuned LotG, and if you frequently exemplar below 27, I'd use an attuned Steadfast. But for my purposes, I might be willing to pony up for the 5 boosters to put in a Steadfast Protection Res/DEF lvl 30+5 and get a little more resistance. Might.
  3. There are two aspects to sets below the level cap: enhancements (how much it adds to a given characteristic) and set bonuses. The rules are pretty clearly set out in the wiki, but I will paraphrase: set bonuses are good until you exemplar more than three levels below the level of the IO, and enhancement bonuses are like turtles all the way down -- still good. Here is an example of a 4-slotted Cloud Senses that I checked for one of my 50s at exemplared levels 50, 39, 29, 19, 9. For each of the stated levels across the top, I went to Ouro and selected a mission from that level range and I checked the enhancement % from the Enhancements/Manage page. The four slotted were To Hit Debuff; Accuracy/To Hit Debuff; Accuracy /Recharge; Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge. Reminder that Cloud Senses is a level 10-30 enhancement, so that an attuned will be good throughout that range. I measured three different types: attuned, level 30, level 30 +5 (5x enhancement boosters for each piece). Here is my sheet: Level: 50 39 29 19 9 ATTUNED To Hit 34.0% 34.0% 31.7% 13.3% 7.4% Accuracy 60.9% 60.9% 56.2% 23.8% 13.3% Recharge 39.2% 39.2% 17.4% 6.8% 3.8% Endurance 17.4% 17.4% 17.4% 6.8% 3.8% % Recharge 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% LVL 30 To Hit 34.0% 34.0% 31.7% 13.3% 7.4% Accuracy 60.9% 60.9% 56.2% 23.8% 13.3% Recharge 39.2% 39.2% 36.8% 15.3% 8.6% Endurance 17.4% 17.4% 17.4% 6.8% 3.8% % Recharge 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 0.0% 0.0% LVL 30+5 To Hit 42.2% 42.4% 39.7% 16.6% 9.3% Accuracy 75.5% 75.5% 70.3% 29.8% 16.7% Recharge 48.9% 48.9% 46.0% 19.1% 10.7% Endurance 21.8% 21.8% 21.8% 8.5% 4.8% % Recharge 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 0.0% 0.0% In the enhancement screen, to hit is listed twice due to how the power works, so I only listed it once. The percentage numbers are the percentage enhancement, not the percentage of effect. The final row is basically the four slot set bonus of 6.25% global recharge and whether or not it is in effect. All these numbers are from the screens and I make no promises that they are taking effect in actual combat. If you look at attuned, you see that all enhancement levels are in effect across all the given levels. At level 50 you get the same effects as you get at level 39 because it is capped at level 30. At level 29 you see some reduction. At lower levels if drops off dramatically since that's how enhancements work at low levels. Note that the set bonus is in effect at all listed levels, because every level I tested are greater than three levels below the set minimum. If I exemplared to level 6, then the set bonuses would go away. I found it interesting that the endurance enhancement did not drop from level 39 to 29 and offhand I don't know why that is. If you look at level 30 IOs, you see the exact same level of enhancement levels across the board. The only difference is that the set bonuses go away at levels 19 and 9 (and should do so at levels 26 and below since that's more than three levels below the level of the set. If you look at the boosted 30+5s, you have enhancement levels above the level 30 numbers. This is interesting because you are getting level 35 enhancement levels from a level 30 set. However, since the set is still at level 30, you lose the set bonuses at levels 26 and below. In short, hell yeah use sets with good bonuses that cap below 50. Just make sure you cap them and +5 them and understand you will lose set bonuses below a certain point. Practically, however, it shouldn't matter because every enemy at a very low level is extremely trivial. EDIT: Attuned lvl 29, 19, 9 Recharge should be 36,8%, 15.3%, 8.6%, I transcribed it incorrectly
  4. It seems to me that all seeded items have been put up for sale as the equivalent of one million offers of ten at the seeded price. This means that people can pay more than the seeded price; people can put the item up for sale at either above or below the seeded price; people can buy them at less than the seeded price is someone else is willing to sell them at less than the seeded price. The only difference between salvage and super packs (to my knowledge) is that you can only obtain super packs by buying them on the /AH. What you do with them afterwards is up to you.
  5. I tend to do the whole Faultline arc on my blue alts, and normally I will use the find contact tab to teleport to Jim Temblor (Angry Young Man). But sometimes that glitches so I go to Skyway South via tram, pick up an exploration badge in Skyway, and take the tunnel to Faultline. There I fly through the doughnut so I can use LDT in the future
  6. I'm down with that. You could say I'm knockdown with that.
  7. Well, sure, *I'll* buy them all but what about the potato-loving masses?
  8. Ugh, Brickstown and St. Martial. I could look up how to get in there, but ugh, I just don't feel like taking that thirty seconds.
  9. When I select a mission in zone, sometimes before I start running/leaping/flying/teleporting towards the entrance I'll see how far away it is and say, "Nah." and hit Mission Teleporter or Team Teleport because it's too far and I just don't feel like spending the thirty seconds getting there. Does anyone else make this mental decision? I could, in theory, do the math and figure out how much, if any, time I am saving, but again, that's too far and I just don't feel like spending the thirty seconds getting there. For me it's at or close to 1.0 mile, and sometimes if both my mission teleporters are out I get grumpy and mutter curses as I run there, like some sort of idiot caveman.
  10. Eliminate incarnate threads and shards entirely. Replace them with incarnate potatoes. Problem solved.
  11. Try doing it piecemeal, a few at a session. At level 50, I have to imagine you probably have some cash around. Put in orders for things like the Gaussian's at a low ball level, then once you buy it, unslot the fixed level one, replace it, and sell it.
  12. This is great. Thank you @Cobalt Arachne for taking the time to explain! I absolutely agree, but this also is part of what I consider the problem. When this was a paid game, motivations were clear ("maximize profits!") and there was a lot of work put in on balance in order to keep as many people playing for as long a period of time. For passion projects, it's very difficult to manage output based on what the overall audience wants, and frankly almost nobody will even try. If I'm writing a novel, I'm not going to throw it out and start with a new premise because one person I met wants me to. As much as I hated it at the time, Lost (the tv show) went all kinds of directions, and then pruned and focused those directions based on audience feedback. Sure, I was expecting a fully fledged story from the beginning, but I understood their flexibility and sometimes even their sense of humor about it. "What ever happened to the polar bears?!?" But I don't expect that to happen in this passion project.
  13. This sounds a lot like a DDR issue rather than a res debuff issue (maybe both). All the secondaries mentioned as suggestions are defense based and have at least some level of defense debuff resistance. That certainly makes endgame content a lot easier. What I tend to do with non-DDR secondaries is take Ageless Radial, and if I see that I am getting debuffed I punch it. It does not eliminate current debuffs (they will generally expire quickly) but should keep you from cascading defense failure.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are building your character through crafting leveled recipes and slotting them? What I tend to do is, when leveling, always buy the attuned IO that I want through the /AH rather than make it myself. So, for example, if I had my Build Up power at 17, that's when I would buy the Gaussians Build Up proc. (Note: I'm pretty sure that this proc works the same whether it's at level 20 or level 50, but I will buy it as attuned because I like the aesthetics better.) How do I fund that purchase? Well, I could take some money from a different character, I could self-finance by crafting set recipes that drop, convert them to something worth more, then sell them, etc. In theory, you could sell every unattuned you have and buy them all back more cheaply, making a net profit. That takes experience, a little know-how, and a lot of patience. You'll be hard pressed to sell an unattuned and buy an attuned right nao without losing (potentially a lot of) inf. You can stock up on catalysts, either through the /AH, through drops from your 50s, from spending merits (although the last isn't particularly efficient.) I actually end up doing the opposite of you, since almost all my enhancements are attuned pre-50. As I get near 50, I try to buy level 50 pvp IOs to replace the attuned ones I have slotted, and boost them to +5 if I can. But then again, I'm not counting pennies.
  15. It's an interesting question, and one I really haven't spent a lot of time thinking about. Generally, if I'm working on a low difficulty alt (any melee), I'll run 2xp, increase number of opponents early and often, throw in a good dose of Experienced. It feels quick, but I don't generally measure it, especially since I spend so much time idle. I just started tracking a corruptor with no buffs whatsoever and I'm slow levelling. According to "M" it took me 8 hours on patrol to get to level 10. If I stay with this one, I'll try to monitor it going forward.
  16. There is method to this madness (although there is a lot of madness in the method.) The current developers HAVE picked what classes/powers/etc. that they wanted to be enhanced and in my opinion haven't put much focus on balance. And that is their right as owners of the ball, although I wish they would take other players' opinions into account. Your whole post was good Ukase. Nods. This is the crux of the matter. Can I solo at maximum settings? Generally yes, although it is trivial for some ATs and some power sets, which goes to the original poster's point. I know how to play and how to play well, and I know how to maximize my character's output, and I know how to make tons of inf doing it. Everyone CAN be able to; this is truth. The problem is as you say whether or not everyone SHOULD be able to. I think that hard mode was a stab in that direction because some of the devs got bored with their overpowered tanks, and I'm supportive of that change, but this is neither a difficult nor an even balanced game. So it goes.
  17. I hear your frustration. Specifically with this piece, my observation is that the lowest outstanding offer on this is generally under 3mm. I just did some bid creeping and bought one at 1mm and then ran into a block offered between 2.7mm and 2.8mm. This is a pretty easy item to make in bulk, so you should expect to make a quick sale you'd be best advised to post it below that block. I see you have listed it at lower prices in the past, and maybe you weren't patient enough, or maybe something else is going on. Double check that the character you are on doesn't have both outstanding bids and offers on the same item. It's easy to forget about and it can make you question your sanity if something doesn't trade when you think it should because you've locked or inverted the market. Also, maybe this will help. I've been considering re-writing it to clean it up:
  18. Listen, I am all for free speech but this is like shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. Devs, can we do something about this?!?
  19. I considered it at 999,999,999,999 but that didn't break the game or turn over the odometer. Shame. Maybe if I get to zero.
  20. "If you were doing your job, they would already have been killed arrested." I find it difficult to believe that a good team can't figure out a good set of tactics. I guess the problem is finding a good team, or at least 2-8 players who are team-oriented rather than being self-oriented. Counter complaint: I just realized that there isn't a single Alpha Slot Ability that enhances knockback and I request, nay DEMAND, that this is remedied ASAP.
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