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Everything posted by SwitchFade

  1. Perma haten... Regen already has that. Perma haten nerfen Regen!
  2. I would play villain, outside of the one post that I would try a Dom there, if redside were fun and compelling. No amount of xp will make me switch. It's not compelling, and arachnos are really annoying, unengaging and repulsive. Lord recluse is pathetic. The whole world smacks of a single player offline game, not an mmo... Make it team oriented, diverse and engaging, I'll gravitate to it.
  3. Unfortunately, the OP has not delineated that any changes suggested should be exclusive to PvP. Unfortunately, in the past, PvP changes very negatively affected pve. Fortunately, PvP and pve are separate and under no circumstances should any balance changes consider them together. If "balance changes" to PvP require that things are so far changed that PvP and pve are in effect completely different, good. PvP can be a completely different game and must never affect pve. Lastly, where priorities are concerned, PvP changes rank at the absolute dead last, bottom tier priority spot, to me. Any Dev time should be spent on any other improvements before PvP. I vote, all PvP changes to be placed at bottom slot for priority permanently.
  4. Or, dual wielding rubber chickens or dead halibut. Or, dual wielding pillows. Or, dual wielding empty hands. Pew pew.
  5. Ah, you lost me at PvP. Honestly, PvP is one of the main reasons the original devs ruined things, in that name of balance. Anybpvp change should be done completely separate from over, and the two should never intertwine.
  6. Krunch's guide to invuln/ss back in issue 3 was the bomb-diggity
  7. I think the real issue is, if you happen to buy a Ford mustang, and you choose the Cobra edition... You're driving a donkey-snake. Or a lizard-mule. How sad.
  8. Here's why, to several posts in this thread, - villain side is drab and flat. No variety, few zones and the content is unengaging. Arachnos are a groan enducing Grindy pain slog to fight, continuously. And, snakes? I'm fighting stupid man-snakes, over and over? Sweet tea, couldn't you think of ANYTHING else? - villain AT's have their interesting points, but by and large lack vibrance, depth or dynamism. While they are fun, they aren't as multi-faceted as hero AT - Perez park, hollows, croatoa,... All were very popular before the devs originally began to try and make everything easier... Easier, faster easier. It was a normal thing to have to go to hollows, then on the faultline maybe or steel, then off you go to croatoa or bricks... Now, the "play your way" precedent has emptied zones that yield sub-optimal results for many. Then, new players only know what they see, and they never see those zones because "zomg dfb, LFM!," And "dib, come get your super xp!" Granted, croatoa and hollows are sloggy at times. - Perez park never had any real meaning, and let's be honest, the goddamn Forrest is a pain. But still necessary, because it's different. - boomtown is just sad. In the end, villain side suffers from lack of material attention and innovation. Zones like croatoa, hollows, striga and hollows suffer from the devs continually trying to serve cries for instant gratification. Put back some guiderails, and blue zones will repopulate. Make certain goodies villain side only, to attain, and people will go. Add depth to villains, and more will stay. Don't even get me started on Pretoria. Great idea, but game coders are often not good story tellers. Edit: as another thought, villain side is all about how Lorde recluse, stupid name, wants to rule all. And you have to kinda be in that world. Blue side you're just a hero in a world that's fighting back and working.... In a bunch of ways. No required path. I'm pretty sure if blue side were all about how statesman had a grand scheme to rule all, and you had to be in his army, it would be repulsive. Villain side should have been a reverse mirror of blue, where you're the antagonist and you're just working to... do what you want. As it is, you're basically subjected to arachnos will, over and over. Represive.
  9. Do not gimp damage to attain 5% defense.
  10. I'm pondering this myself, as I have several toons that have traditionally used acro. Being that kb mag that we encounter requires either 4 or 11 to overcome, it seems 1 kb io or three is necessary. So, throwing one kb io in, and dumping acro results in a loss of mag 2 stun protection. The only way I can see to buff that is with the blaster ATO, defiant barrage, to proc an increase to mag 3. I have been a bit too lazy to research common mobs that utilize a mag 2 stun, and wonder how prolific it is, or how scarce. So, acro+blaster ATO could be mag 3, and worth it. Otherwise, I'm leaning towards speccing out on all non blasters.
  11. So pointing out that a failure to communicate is ... bullying ... and calling that failure "sad" ... is bullying ... and wanting communication to be improved in the future is bullying ... and pointing out how it can be improved in the future is bullying. You can lead a man to water, but you cannot make him THINK. Putting aside other posts that are as uncalled for as yours, I will address your original post. Sure, you have a valid idea, that an announcement sticky would be great. That said, your method of delivering the idea was lacking. I suggest, you think about how you suggest improvements, and not couch them in sarcasm or derision.
  12. you mean, like this? A nice, easy on the eyes color? or more like so? I wonder if these would be hard to read on a changing background? A nice, easy to read, blue.
  13. Yeah.... Except the devs work for free. So... NOT a big deal.
  14. Devs, please close this thread as we have several others.
  15. Again... This is why I merely asked that they be an alternate animation available.... And mentioned that the balance is good for the power... And said that it may not be worth it based on how difficult it is to do.
  16. Acid, your posts are kinda... Not making sense. The game properly shows your total end consumption in parenthesis, and then tells you the percent of your total. It's straight forward. I posted the formula. Edit: the way you're trying to math it is not correct, end cost is in end points per second. Then, divide that by your total end to get a percent drain. The percent will go down if your end total is higher, because 1.48 is a smaller PERCENT of 105 than 100.
  17. Acid, you're looking at the end% and end/sec wrong.
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