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Everything posted by srmalloy

  1. Actually, mobs in a mission will spawn at the mission owner's level, plus the difficulty modifier, with a randomized modifier of ±1 on top of that, so a +0 mission for a level 25 character can spawn mobs of level 24, 25, or 26. There are a few bugs that will see the occasional deep gray mob (the female Crey agent bug is one), but that's the way it's supposed to work.
  2. It had a brief claim to fame when the secret underground developer dungeon was discovered along that route:
  3. Same issue as Stone Armor's Granite; it's not a costume, it's a full-model replacement. It might be possible to do something along the same lines as the permatemp costume powers you get for PAPs, but regular costume slots? No.
  4. The same 'ground level view' effect sometimes occurs when exiting an elevator in office maps, but in that case, it corrects itself when you move.
  5. The rocket boots, or the 'poot boots'?
  6. ...for the people who just have to run a pimp MM....
  7. This feels a bit like someone asking for alternate power choices in their primary because their petless MM is gimped too much.
  8. If you want to raise the bar for pedantry, then I point you to https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Set_Bonuses, where you can fix all of its errors and make it a better resource for the community... including the text I copied from that page.
  9. And you cite "5 5% global +Rchg", while I provide a counterexample of 1.88% Fire/Cold defense, which nevertheless comes from two different "categories", allowing you to have ten 1.88% Fire/Cold Def bonuses by value, contradicting your making a 'limit by bonus value' declaration, airily talking about unspecified 'categories' while only ever talking about numbers.
  10. Sigh. Again with the misinformation. You can receive up to five of each named bonus. "Luck of the Gambler:Recharge Speed" is a different name from the "Huge Recharge Bonus" in Sudden Acceleration, Kinetic Crash, or Mocking Beratement (and the six-slot PvP-only bonus for the PvP sets), even though they all give 7.5% to global recharge, so you can theoretically have five LotG bonuses and five of the others. Blood Mandate has amongst its set bonuses both a "Small Increased Fire/Cold/AoE Def Bonus" and a "Huge Increased AoE/Fire/Cold Def Bonus". Both of these provide 1.88% to Fire and Cold defense; however, since they have different names, they are separately subject to the Law of Fives, and a character can slot this set up to five times and get both copies of the 1.88% bonus up to five times each (assuming no other sets with the same bonuses).
  11. I normally get Athletic Run on all new characters for the additional speed at low levels. However, I stop using it once I get a travel power. I don't have numbers, but it feels as if Athletic Run and Ninja Run are affected by movement suppression more and for longer than the regular movement powers, to the point that a character with Athletic Run and Sprint active is slower when leaving combat than a character with only Sprint active -- and the speed suppression from exiting combat with Athletic Run active affects Fly and Mystic Flight, too.
  12. There are keyboard and mouse splitters, allowing you to pass the same keyboard and mouse functions to several computers at once. I would think that it wouldn't work well for interior missions because of movement slop, but for street-sweeping and instanced outdoor missions, it would probably work okay. Why someone would put that kind of investment into farming CoH, however, is beyond me.
  13. Perhaps, when you use the summoning ritual, it teleports (with a confirmation dialog) everyone on the top of the platform to an instanced map where you have Adamastor and raid-grade (i.e., levelless) BP, after the manner of the Lord Winter mission. Any AFK characters would have the prompt time out and not be transported to the instance. It would also let the Adamastor encounter be tweaked to make it more complex than just a massive five-second beat down.
  14. I think one per arm and two for the head would work best; that makes ten for a full clear. One per arm and the current six for the head would be fourteen, more than even both Jack in Irons and Eochai, and the War in the Vale event has you clearing several waves of mobs, too.
  15. Yes, it can be a headache. Take an aspirin, and consider that 'aspirin' used to be a trademark of Bayer, and still is in some 80 countries. Other genericized trademarks include dry ice, escalator, laundromat, kerosene, lanolin, hovercraft, linoleum, teleprompter, trampoline, videotape, zipper, windbreaker, tabloid, granola, thermos, and yo-yo.
  16. Assault Rifle, the grandfather of the 'crashless nuke' powersets, would raise an issue with "all other sets". And if you want to go back to the crash-based nukes, I should point out the delay that Rain of Arrows originally had between when the animation completed and when the arrows actually landed; that was something that drove me up the wall back on Live, where groups of mobs would aggro out of the beaten zone of my Rain of Arrows before it hit, wasting the T9.
  17. Just as a guess, to see if it changes anything, try typing ctrl-alt-win-B before you start playing (hold down the control, alt, and Windows keys, then hit 'B'). You should see your screen go black for a second or two, accompanied by a beep. This forces a reload of your graphics drivers. If it reduces or eliminates your problem, your graphics drivers have a bug that's causing the crashes, and should be updated.
  18. Only in teams, where throwing out an AoE Sleep, then watching a teammate knee-jerk 'more damage is better' and flinging an AoE damage attack to wake up all the mobs you just slept, is part and parcel of playing a Controller
  19. If they can tell you've had a Brazilian, then your costume is violating the decency standards...
  20. And it's only relatively recently -- exhibited in the decrease in family size -- have children had their responsibilities mostly reduced to acquiring an education; it used to be (and still is for most farmers) that children would begin to share in the work of supporting the household from quite an early age ('working' even if not actually receiving a wage), and with the spread of industrialization would become a cheaper alternative to hiring adults.
  21. Ten merits the first time in a 20-hour period; the remaining defeats only give you 6, the same as any other GM. Still infinitely repeatable. One possibility for addressing camping is to have him summon at a location in a radius around the altar where you perform the ritual, and then have to find where he spawned; that way, AFK campers on the top of the platform wouldn't be close enough for their auto attacks or pet aggro to hit him, so wouldn't get defeat credit.
  22. Well, not entirely, although you're sacrificing significantly to do it — burn your once-every-three-days 'complete this mission' for each successive mission in the arc until it's complete, but that's not always possible, as there are arcs that have missions you can't do that with.
  23. I have joked about German being a postfix language, like RPN — or like FORTH, a more obscure language. FORTH bumper sticker: "FORTH ♥️ IF HONK THEN" Сила есть, ума не надо.
  24. Ваш судно на воздушной подушке полон угрей?
  25. One of the things that complicates learning other languages for native English speakers is that English has virtually lost grammatical gender. To use German as an example, there is der (masculine), die (feminine), and das (neuter), all of which are just 'the' in English. And to make things even worse, it's not consistent across dialects -- 'Joghurt' (yogurt) can be masculine, feminine, or neuter depending on which dialect you're speaking. And sometimes the article changes the meaning of the noun -- 'Der Lama' is the Dalai Lama, while 'das Lama' is the llama. So I sympathize with your difficulties.
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