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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Skip elude. Take all three toggles, all three passives, tough and weave. I also like CJ. Load up on the resist and defense uniques. Profit. I always go LotG but @Caulderone has a an interesting build in the tanker forum that utilized Gift of the Ancients to heavily ramp up his damage resistance. If I wasn't such a recharge junkie I'd consider it as well.
  2. And capped defense debuff resistance. Something Nin doesn't come close to. SR doesn't experience cascading defense failure like Nin does.
  3. And riding those moments bring the joy of SR. Are the scaling resists gonna be enough to save my ass this time?!?!?! Oh.. guess they did. 🙂
  4. My nigh-unkillable sr/fire tank approves of this message. I really should work on that sr/claws tank someday.
  5. Put claws spin with a chance for KD slotted on auto. Best of both while going off for pizza and beer.
  6. I know it stacks but haven't dug into the actual values. It's now just one of the many uniques I stick on every build as soon as I'm able.
  7. I've got a grav/nrg dom named Warp Core Breach. I like her a lot. Very good set for hover-domin.
  8. Claws/Fire/Pyre. I clear Brigg's farm 5 times in 30 minutes with this combo. Don't even have to give up solid ST damage. Yes, we should have been allowed to make claws/shield scrappers, dang it.
  9. Reactive Defenses (Defense Set) Scaling DamRes unique. Shield Wall (Defense Set) +Teleport (Res) + 5% Resist to all unique
  10. SR is a fine 10% ABV stout. Sure, it's not some 13% ABV beast but it's filling and good for you.
  11. SR was and continues to be my favorite mitigation set. No clue why it's low on the rankings.
  12. On topic, I don't like hover on melee. Follow doesn't get you into melee attack range like fly or run do.
  13. I've got 186.25% and run followup, focus, slash, repeat. You can go a lot less and do followup, focus, eviscerate if that stupid backflip animation doesn't drive you mad and get higher DPS by a bit.
  14. Yea, that's a shitty tank. Our SG lead loves his corruptors. He often goes out to aggro spawns to bring them back to where the group is so that I and and the rest of the team can just spend our time gloriously slaughtering massive amounts of baddies. I love that hill on the 3rd mish of ITF. Sometimes I look up to realize that we're halfway up the hill and he's brought both AVs to us. Good teams mean fun. Bad players should be avoided.
  15. I like it better now. I liked the redside AT design better than the blue. I like teaming now more than I ever did back before the snap. Yea, the power creep is real. Yes, it's easy to get a T4ed and fully Purped and IOed character. With all the build help thrown around on the forums (something that was always the case) we don't even have to think too hard when slapping together our 50+ alts. If you want more challenge, there's settings in game to allow for it when starting TF. Get a team that wants to run fully debuffed with no temps and buffed enemies. Go solo the ITF at max diff. Duo a MLTF. Most of all, find like minded people. I've got some now in a way I never had on live. We giggle at team wipes when we're on lowbies. We rip through the hardest content without breaking a sweat with our best built characters. We don't have rules. We don't have tactics other than help those that need it if they want it. If I wanted to play a holy trinity, rule based, "do it this way" MMO, there's plenty out there for it. But I don't. I play CoH and I do so because it's fun.
  16. Not overly concerned but maybe enough to go ahead and get to work on my own standalone installation. Edit: Course... the HC team could just alter the login screens to be City of Supers and be done with it.
  17. I hear ya. I shall forever dream of the PB-MB change that Sentinel SR got be ported to all SR.
  18. That was a such a weird time for me. I had spent so very long as BZB the Scrapper that when I realized Claws/SR on a brute was just plain better in all ways that I had to walk away for a while. Of course then I just moved BZB-Scrap to a different server and kept BZB-Brute on Pinnacle as my new main. Now, years later, AT IO procs push scrappers way back into the damage lead over brutes (where they should be) and I'm back to bouncing between the two and loving them both for different reasons. While I absolutely hate chasing enemies, it does make sense to me that scrappers don't have the taunt auras brutes do simply because they aren't as sturdy. Would I gripe if that changed? Hell, no.
  19. I don't really like Bio on scrappers. Due to the lower HP scrappers get, bio's overall mitigation seems light. It does rock on tanks, though. What it gives claws (or any other primary) is a damage aura and MOAR DAMAGE!!! (when in offensive mode.) SR... it's just the joy of rarely being hit and laughing at defense debuffs. Quickness is nice, sure, it helps tighten up attack chains and bumps your battle mobility. SR also makes it difficult to get the incoming damage badges. Bio is far more clicky than SR so SR wins there as well for me. The main thing about claws, for me, is that it feeds right into my "this is meditation for me" mindset with CoH. I log in, grab Bill, get into a mission and the carnage begins. It doesn't stop. SR helps feed that and WP might even be better because the only click it has is the T9 that you can probably live without if you build well enough. SR just has the mez protection click and I bind that to V so when Hasten recycles, I queue off that to fire off PB. If you're ok with constantly watching your health and clicking through Bio's three health clicks or like the metagame of bouncing between Offensive, Defensive and Efficient modes and want the extra damage, go Bio. If you want to put your brain into a state of pure and glorious scrapperlock, go SR or WP.
  20. Another reason Brute SR > Scrapper SR. Now that BZB Scrap is all done, I moved one of my claws/sr brutes back to Excel and named him Beelzebubba. Yea, he takes longer to slaughter maps but he's also safer and I almost never have to chase anything down. Gonna respec him tonight based on the changes done to the scrap build and he'll become my "main" on excel for team stuff.
  21. My SR/Fire tank and Fire/Bio brute feel that love. Just on the fire front... the MANY fire blast users across sents, cors and blasters I've got all join you in saying, "BURN THEM ALL!"
  22. I fell into the following rule: Dam modifier > 1 use core. Dam modifier < 1 use radial. Reading here makes me question the validity of this rule but really at that level it really only matters when you're trying to get that last couple seconds knocked off your pylon times.
  23. Claws is just great and goes with everything. My personal preference is to go with the low/no click secondaries for a smooth blender experience. So SR and WP fit that well. But my farmer is claws/fa and she can plow through Brigg's 5 mish arc in 30 minutes. Some added fun for claws: DamRes debuff proc in Slash. CFKD in Spin. KB>KD in Shockwave. I've been pondering a proc-monster build for some claws user (probably my claws/bio) because you can jam a ton of them in there. FU and Focus both can take a CFBuildUp. Shockwave can take another DamRes debuff. Just a a couple examples. From my testing, the best possible ST attack chain is Followup, Focus, Eviscerate, repeat but I can't stand Eviscerate so I went with FU, Focus, Slash, repeat.
  24. The fear was real.
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