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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Lvl 50 Fire/Bio Sent. At login, Offensive was enabled as was Hardened Carapace. Combat Monitor shows me at 55.50% Damage Bonus. Turned off Offensive, Damage Bonus now at 30.50%. Turned on Defensive, Damage Bonus now at 5.5%. Turned back on Offensive, back up to 55.50%. So yea, +25% damage bonus. Turning off HC while leaving OM enabled does drop +dam back to 30.5%. Edit: Also, 5:45 pylon time.
  2. I can still hit 100% on rare occasions with my claws brute but only because I have the brute at io +fury in followup and only against really hard targets. EDIT: Just went and smacked a pylon. Saw 100% around 5 or 6 times. It, of course, doesn't last long.
  3. Can't be overstated. KB to KD proc in shockwave is a game changer.
  4. Hi. Welcome back.
  5. But... I kinda like myself and see no reason to fully self-gimp. Side note: You all do know you can go min FX on bio armor to get rid of the poop completely, right?
  6. Skinless Scarlet and her blood magic agree. On topic, yea, claws/wp is cruise control. I'd say properly played Kheldians are on the difficult side of things.
  7. <shrug> I can solo in DA with my Sent. My blaster is a painful nightmare solo and she's a fire/time.
  8. I don't die. Hover plus bio armor with fire blast being backed by Bio's +damage... it's probably the top Sent combo. Sure, Sent damage is lacking in the overall... but when you never faceplant, your DPS gets buffed accordingly compared to the other ATs eating dirt.
  9. Kinda. Now I have to delete 5 tanks. I've settled on Shield/Mace and Rad/EM as my mains. Seriously considering moving BZB Brute to another server and creating BZB tank. That'd be 3. Too many damn alts. Also, and a complete side note, my fire/bio sent is farkin OPAF. Powercreep is real since HC and post-snap.
  10. There's probably some truth here. I already had more tanks with HC than I ever did before the snap just because I got older and slower and team more these days. With the changes, some powersets just make more sense to go tank. My new main tank is a shield/mace. Solid AoE and ST, good mitigation and would be less effective as a brute. Even questioning my claws/sr brute now since stacked followup will do the tank more good.
  11. Claws is not a bursty set and because of that, lousy for PvP. However, while it lacks burst, with enough recharge backing a followup, focus, slash, repeat chain, you will chew through hard targets faster than the burst sets. Especially when in offensive mode for even more +damage. Examples: my average pylon time for my claws/sr scrapper is around 3mins. For my claws/bio scrapper, I got 1:50 the other day but probably average 2mins. For a tank, the lack of crits will slow it down but I believe it was Nihilli that posted a 3min time for his bio/claws tank. That's pretty dang good for a tank.
  12. Bio/Mace or Bio/Claws. Both are freaking insane.
  13. Well that kinda sucks.
  14. I had one tank back before the snap. She rarely got playtime but I liked her, kinda. I've got 6 tanks now. Some are soon to be deleted but my play style has changed over the years. Yea, BZB the scrap is still my main, always will be, but as we age things change. We change. That comes out in how we spend our time. Nowadays... I kind of like taking care of the team more than I used to. Hell... I TEAM more than I used to.
  15. Been spending a lot of time workin on my Khels. Pretty much settled on two things: PBs should be triform and WSs should be human only. That is all.
  16. HA!
  17. Sometimes a mistake leads to something good. Did some tweaking of BZB Brute's build in Mids, respeced him again. Still only 4:30 pylon time which sucks. However, I cranked up a max diff ITF, gathered an aggro cap's worth of Cimerorans around me, set practiced brawler on auto and went outside for a smoke. Then poured a beer. Upon arriving back upstairs I found that I was still alive. I'll take that tradeoff.
  18. If you ever want to push EM, last I checked ET, Gloom, TF, Gloom, repeat was still the attack chain to go for. But that was back before the PPM changes, so perhaps a proc build would do better.
  19. Usually around 2:30 It gets worse... instead of being smart and respecing my brute on test, I did it on live. Dropping hasten for eviscerate added about 1.5 mins to his pylon time. This should have been obvious to me but I'm old and the brain ain't workin like it used to. On a scrap, Evis has an increased chance to crit made even higher by the passive scrap AT IO. On a brute, evis is a complete waste of space and PoS.
  20. Scrappers show all the other melee archetypes how to be better at what they do.
  21. Fark me. I just got a 1:50 time on my claws/bio scrapper. Chain was Followup, Focus, Slash, Eviscerate with Evis getting replaced by either DNA Siphon or Pyronic Judgement. Assault Core WAS running. So... apparently I do need to drop hasten for eviscerate on my many BZBs if I want the best chain. Edit: Damn it.
  22. It would be ideal if we could convert threads to emps in the same way we can do emps to transcendents or merits to hero/villain whatsits.
  23. That wiki damage page has been posted in every single one of this guy's various posts regarding blaster damage. You'd think he'd read it at some point.
  24. I don't disagree. Not a bit. My question is, thanks to incarnates, ALL of my characters are pretty damn OPAF. Even the ones that absolutely should not be. What do we do about that now? I mean, I can always run TFs with random debuffs and choose to hamstring myself... but why would I do that when I can be an untouchable god?
  25. mmmm... hookers and blow...
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