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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I got no bitterness toward Jack. Sometimes he amused me but I usually found his definitions of "fun" to be well outside my experience.
  2. Nice site. MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!
  3. My only 50 defender is an emp/nrg... cuz I'm hard core that way. She only teams. Which also means I rarely ever touch her but will need to get her T4ed for that whole 1 of every AT fully done thing.
  4. I'm guilty of farming Heather's Chapter 1 arc in DA which gives a component chance with no cooldown at arc completion. I usually end up with enough VRs to T4 everything pretty early in the vet lvls.
  5. I no longer even consider using shards or any of the shard side components. They all get converted to threads.
  6. O.o Holy crap. I'm scared to even go look at those bases. I saw one recently that had my jaw bouncing off my desk. That said... mine has 3 rooms, some racks, some porters and a med bay. Also, hard no. Always hated prestige.
  7. Whoa.
  8. Knew someone else would run as I do now. Create character, log on 2nd acct with claws/fa farmer. Invite new character to SG, promote, invite to team, grab 20mil inf from email, buy all the porters and dbl xp from P2W vendor, create base instaport macro, go to base, port to Talos, use farmer to port to AE, PL new alt to 32, give all new earnings to new alt, lvl up, buy some IOs, go runnin radio missions or team or whatever. Oh yea.. total time spent PLing? Bout 30 minutes per alt. Total time spent at character creator? Geez, who knows? Some costumes take a LOOOONG damn time.
  9. That should really be corrected.
  10. While the name may be awesome... Ice Armor is not. Having such low DDR on a defense based powerset is painful. Only way to make it good is ramp up recharge for permahoarfrost and get as much SL damres as possible.
  11. I was able to reliably get and stay in the 90s against a pylon before the patch without the AT IO, so what was the point of the IO then? Same as now, a bit more fury. Problem now is I'm not reliably near the cap. But as I posted earlier.. or later.. I did 5 maps of burn farm with my claws/fa brute and cleared them in 33 minutes with a normal clear time of about 30, and as I know I was off my game, that's well within the normal spread. It's probably nothing that'll matter in the long run.
  12. Make the taunt procs unique. OP prob solved.
  13. Ok... prove it. Go solo an iTrial with a emp/nrg defender. Come back with video.
  14. On hasten, it shouldn't fire off until the existing buff depletes. So if you're cruising with permahasten, that's to be expected I think.
  15. It's 100% repeatable as I'm doing scanner missions in Bricks with my new ice/claws tank.
  16. That's the other oddity: there is no "not recharged" issue going on, it simply won't let you select it. If you click on a power that is recharging, you can still queue it up... not the case here.
  17. Why wasn't this reverted when the PPM changes went through, I wonder. Surely a chance for psi damage in a taunt aura wouldn't be considered OP now?
  18. This may very well be working as intended and just not documented within the power, but I'm seeing hibernate recharge and then remain unclickable for a good 30 seconds after that. Is there some hard coded use time on the power that recharge doesn't help with? If that is the case, what should the power be slotted with? A single basic heal or endmod?
  19. Still can't slot Taunt IO Sets in Chilling Embrace.
  20. Some teammates noticed the same thing with the forced feedback CF+recharge in foot stomp. It was causing knockBACK instead of knockDOWN. Removed the proc, problem went away.
  21. Pulled Chance for +Fury from followup and attacked a pylon. With my followup, focus, slash, repeat attack chain, fury is capped at 83%. That rather sucks. Put the proc back in followup and I get between 91-99%. The fury change being based on cast time needs to be further considered methinks. We shouldn't have to rely on an AT IO to get where we're supposed to be with a constant attack chain.
  22. That's kinda too damn perfect not to use. Done.
  23. I pulled him out for an ITF the other night but mostly just playing with all the alts now. Got 50 or so to deal with. Deleted a couple this morning, about to nuke a couple more, then I'll make new ones and keep playing the others.
  24. This. This is how I've seen the game since coming back. It just doesn't matter what AT I'm playing any more, they can afk and the team will be just fine because we're all OPAF now.
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