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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. If there is truly toxic behaviro then maybe perma bans would indeed be appropriate. Disagreeing with a suggestion or a point being made is not really against the rules or being toxic as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Except I could have sworn this happened multiple times in DC comics history when Kal-El meets something that is indeed his match like magic, kryptonite, Zod and their crew, Brainaic, or something that is just as tough as nails and intergalactic in origin, like him. I'm keeping an open mind for now. I like how other DC heroes are in the trailer also. I kinda knew we were never going to get a Superman only film, as the mandate here seems to be building up the DCCU like they was done for early MCU.
  3. The fact that they could have used spiderman in these and setup the whole live action sinister six and choose NOT to, is one of the dumbest decisions Sony Pictures has ever done. Good riddance to the Villain verse or whatever the hell it was called.
  4. And I forgot to comment on this part earlier. Yes agreed. EDIT: Obviously HC strives to actually keep players here. But that does not mean they need to take every suggestion or policy change suggestion that we suggest. There are and have been things done that I DO NOT agree with. But I get that it's their playground. (I also play on multiple COH servers and have a desktop version of COH running on my comp which I set up years back and can move from computer to computer -- the info is out there on the net on how to set one up--, so this game isn't going anywhere for me even if HC volunteers decide they no longer want the license or want to run this server).
  5. As much hope as there is for Carp Melee. So sure. ๐Ÿ˜„
  6. And this is a good reason why them having a list "of never going to happen things" is a bad idea. HC is allowed to change their minds, if they find they have the time, tech or resources to do something. I'm fine with the response to a suggestion being "it can't happen, for now". And realistically it is impossible to expect a response to every single suggestion in the suggestion part of the forums.
  7. Also this. HC saying no to something from what I've seen does not mean "no forever."
  8. I dont think it would matter if there is a pinned post, as most would probably not read it.
  9. Why does this make me think of the second phase of Malenia in Elden Ring? lol
  10. The true velma. Unlike the recently cancelled show . . .
  11. Iโ€™ve done advanced mode 4 stars. Having your IOs boosted is irrelevant, when compared to following team leader instructions, having situational awareness and knowing the mechanics that come with those modes. Iโ€™m actually giggling that some folks really think that the build matters compared to what I mentioned. Maybe for a tank? Thatโ€™s the only thing ai can think of. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  12. This seems like an interesting refinement. i can see it being pretty complicated to build, but that's up to the devs.
  13. Agreed as a Titan weapon user this change would annoy the hell out of me. Espeically if it did not take into account whether my titan weapon were being used against stomething like a living rock wall versus a very squishy hellion. I don't care what you call it, such a change while not taking that into account would look terrible to me animation wise. Hard pass from me.
  14. Yes, so again the craftable power should be limited to the same.
  15. Interesting. I actaully thought HC already removed the zone restirction on this, but I've never tried to run radios in a non-50 zone on a 50. ๐Ÿ˜› Agreed. This would be a nice change.
  16. I'm fine with this provided that it can't be used to pull Boss level enemies. EDIT: if the current power pick version can pull bosses then fine. If it can't then again no, a craftable temp power should not be more powerful then a power that requires a power pick.
  17. You know what I retract my objection, go ahead and add merits rewards to it. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. I have no issue with farms. Most of my 50s these days come from farming. I just donโ€™t think the devs are going to put merit rewards on something that can be done stupidly and easily infinitely. It take 5 minutes to make a new character. The point was about even easier to get merits not farms. EDIT: To be clear if they added merits to it I would be taking very well advantage of the new easiest way to get merits at levels 1-10.
  19. Pretty much this. For a lot of us our playtime is limited as we are adults (kids, family job) so if I'm doing a 4* I'm going to look for a group or folks that know what they are doing. A LOT of us don't have 4 hours for a TF like we used to. Not saying every TF has to be a speed TF, but hard mode is a different breed. Also anyone who DOES have time to run a 4 hour 4* has the option to form their own team.
  20. Sure why not.
  21. No thanks. I don't see the need for this. EDIT: And the devs adding reward mertis to something that is on farm status I don't see them doing. Except maybe if it's only 1 mertit per completion.
  22. I'd prefer a warning only if you are about sell orange salvage. I wold rather it not be restricted.
  23. The devs in beta have said they DON'T want these costumes to be easy to get. You'd have to convince them. However, I would not object to them being reduced slightly.
  24. I think you hit the nail on the head why there are storage limitations that haven't changed since live. And as we've seen folks DO maniumplate the market a lot more in this era of COH.
  25. I think you won. these things have an INSANE perception radius LOL
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