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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. No thanks. I like bitter freeze ray as is. not every set needs a snipe.
  2. Yeah just completing the mission as soon as you beat the mobs around them to me would be a good first step, if they can't fix the herrendous pathing AI.
  3. it's cause the pvp zones were empty on live most of the time. lol that's the only reason why it was doable at all. After experiencing the herrendous AI on the scientists, I just stopped pretending that warburg nukes exist. Once Judgement arrived, I assume so did many other folks as the need for them diminished.
  4. As has been already said HC has it's own priorities. If a single suggestion isn't implemented, /shrug. With that said if the devs feel Suggestions forum is not useful and decide to get rid of it I would not shed a tear.
  5. The devs like to hear all suggestions. Doesn't mean they auto agree to add even 10% of what suggested. Nor should they. Nor will they ever have the manpower to do so. Anyone expecting that is not being realistic.
  6. Nope. We should not incentivize quitting a TF. This idea sounds like it's opening the door to giving griefers a reason to grief. Aka "I was just trying to get the badge that's why I quite that many times". Sounds like a horrible idea.
  7. Yeaaahhhh if the devs have said they are never going to do a global option . . . then trying to come up with solutions that have to do with a global option are pointless. Again, personally I don't care if they do it. I don't see anything wrong with a global IO (I actually think that might be a better idea) but the forum postes aren't the ones that have to be convineced. LOL
  8. And then the overpowered steam rolling team can just use the NEXT judgement to wipe out any stragglers. lol EDIT: The point of my joke is that in the current coh meta of teams just going forward and obliterating everything in their path, I personally think folks make waaaay too big a deal about KB on both sides (for and against).
  9. I'm fine with anything they do as long as they cut the crash or at least make it a half crash. Or better yet look at the modern T9s that are not a full crash and re-model them around that. I will NEVER take a T9 with any ridiculous crash. Especially since in some melee sets you can build to 45% defense or more. The full crash is a relic of a game that COH hasn't been for over a decade. EDIT: Or put in a more crass way: I don't need an "oh shit!" power if I (and many others) already build my characters to never be in "oh shit!" territory.
  10. Sometimes I do want this, but not in COH. That's why I play FFXIV time and again for those kind of fights. And it's also why I DON'T play it for long stretches of time and come back here. There are so many videos about FFXIV fights and the mechanics to watch out for. I too would rather not have to deal with that in regular content here. Mechanics driven fights as a part of Advanced Mode sure. As part of regular content, no thanks.
  11. True. I think the bolded is the point of why they say "they will do there own thing" when folks talk about new features on other servers.
  12. I would hope other servers would not be that pety . . . I would hope. EDIT: I'm okay with HC doing it "their way", even if it takes a little time to do it. Just because another server does something does not mean HC should go and do it immedieatly. (Not that you in particualr are saying that).
  13. If HC does this good for them. I'd say no rush. Let them take their time and it right.
  14. I missed Lum's linked post. If a dev has already said a global change ain't happen then it ain't. More damage on KB'd foes would be welcome, but I'd have to see just how much more damage it is. And again for me if they do nothing, that's fine. I have no problem with KB.
  15. As a set bonus for a particular power, I too think it's a great idea.
  16. For the record I don't have an issue with there being a Null option, as long as the default is KB on. Folks who want it off should have to go to NULL to turn it off. I'm fine with KB on all my characters as I know how to use it properly in a team setting.
  17. Also the devs recently made changes to Bonfire just cause of that KB>KD conversion.
  18. You evil evil (Undead)Man. 😁
  19. Yeah for a volunteer team that works on this game when they can, very very very unlikely. EDIT: If an AMA ever happens, here would be my question group: What are the dev teams' thoughts on balance overall? Do they think the game is in a good place in terms of mob difficitulty or are there plans to bring other groups (Like recnelty Warriors, Council, COT) up to modern day standards? If yes why? If no, why not? 😄 EDIT: To fix silly typos.
  20. Yeah Cuppa was absolutely ridic in responding to things.
  21. I love what HC has done and I’m grateful for them essentially bringing it back to be playable legally. But I too agree that expecting any genre (mmos) re-defining changes at this point isn’t realistic. I think ultra mode is as modern as this game is going to get. It’s either that or get a paid staff . . . which I think for reasons already discussed in this thread by others, will happen sometimes right before the heat death of the sun. 🤪🤪🤪 The volunteer team being volunteers is all we’re gonna get. lol
  22. Yeah no. The devs have said the things behind prismatic are intentionally supposed to be rare. And they did not budge on this decision in the various Open betas since. So this suggestion for a way to bypass that is more than likely dead on arrival.
  23. I don't consider this a problem at all. I consider it a nice way to boost your charactrs without them having to raise the level cap. Which will never happen. It'd be too much of a job even for a paid full team . . . which this game no longer has. IOs and the Incarnate system are fine as is, despite a few rough spots.
  24. I never said there should be bans for any perceptions that posters may or may not have. I said if there was truly toxic behavior then the MODS should give out bans. Saying "I disagree and here is why . . ." or even "I disagree" is not toxic behavior. The Mod team can tell the difference. EDIT: If there are some posters who you don't like to read anything they post, simply put them on ignore and move on. IMO.
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