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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Interesting. I never found it hard running on a blaster pre-Incarnates. I still dont'. Especially with insp being there. I don't mind their glass cannon nature.. A nice change of pace from melee classes.
  2. pretty much. In this day and age no team *needs* any sort of tanking except in the most extreme of cases like Hamidon. and with the buffs out the waazo at such encounters, it seven possible that you could buff brutes or scrappers to do the job. so that defineing characteristic for tank pretty much isn't that special any longer. So buffing their tankiness or ability to hold even more aggro is pointless. Most folks wouldn't notice. EDIT: A lot of the teams I'm on pretty much just run from group to group smashing the mobs. Someone (usually buffed) runs in takes the alpha and everyone else comes in and AOEs the mobs to death. No waiting for a tank to hold aggro, take the alpha herd or any of that old style stuff. Incarnates have pretty much nearly made every time into a steam roller event. In the lower levels it might be needed. But even then with appropriate buffs anyone on the team can take that alpha. Hell an Ice Controller being buffed and going in a laying down ice slick is enough of pre-aoe storm opening. I've run teams where waiting on a tank to take aggro usually slowed us down.
  3. Yes INFORMED feedback. The person you quoted is suggesting folks test it instead of theory crafting. Not a bad suggestion.
  4. I play a tanker when I want to hold aggro and I'm expected to. I roll a brute when I just want to turn my "protect the team" mind off and just bash things with my fellow damage dealers. If I'm a tanker I'm a taunt bot, if I'm a brute I'm a smash bot. There, that's a reason.
  5. Agreed. With IOs, buffs from squishier ATs, and Incarnate abilities being sturdier is NOT what Tanks need in team combat. Hell at this point it's not what ANYONE period needs. More survivability ISN'T an issue in team settings or solo.
  6. Kinda. Pretty much you can roll with whatever right now on City of Heroes and team does fine. No need to wait around for a tank, defenders, corrupter, etc. What I bolded is the opposite of that. Hence, my thanks but no thanks. Changing that to me would be a terrible, backwards change. There are other servers to play on besides Homecoming if folks want that type of feeling back. Once again I'm responded to this line below. Once again, thanks but no thanks. There's no need to encourage that. So.. I'd like to see balance introduced that didn't make certain ATs or powersets mandatory but did encourage people to have a good mix and bring a Controller/Defender etc.
  7. And I would like to NEVER see this change. thanks but not thanks.
  8. Interesting. Hope you Linux gals/guys get some support. ☹️
  9. Yeah I don't recall seeing any real info on Linux for this game in all the time HC has been up, unless I missed something.
  10. I thought Taunt already had a -range effect baked in. Or is that only in pvp?
  11. The bolded should be on a coffee mug and sold in stores.
  12. Pretty sure they’ve ALREADY said MORE THAN ONCE that another patch is coming. So no they are not going to just release it. Folks arguing for the last few pages are not adding anything that hasn’t been discussed for the 15-20 pages prior. Everyone just needs to patiently wait for the next patch to hit beta.
  13. Nope. The only thing they should do is buff tank damage that is all. No further nerfs are necessary. I really don't care if tanks and brutes are equal. Most players don't either. If a tank can now substitute for a brute in terms of damage that is fine. If a brute can tank (which they certainly can) I see no issue with that and no need to do anything about that. At all.
  14. pretty much where I am on the emphasized part. If I want to hold aggro, I jump on a tank. If I want to smash I jump on a brute. If tanks can now do damage great, but that's a side benefit to me of when I'm playing a tank. Most of the time I DON'T want to hold aggro, or play a scrapper. So I play something that can SMASH. Stalker when I want to solo with some speed in clearing missions.
  15. Pretty much where I am. Any additional change I'm grateful for. For the longest time I thought this game would never return in any form. I'm probably the most patient when it comes to game updates. I can literally wait years for games to get updates or be released on PC, while everyone else plays it on XBOX ONE or PS4 for over a year. Then again most gamers are not like me. LOL
  16. If this is the typical negotiation the parties are not allowed to show that data. I have no doubt if that was broken here the entire thing would come crashing down. I'd rather they take their time and update us as they have. That's all we can ask. Also for this: "where HC is actively trying to get NCSoft to release the code in such a fashion that anyone can use it, not just a select few, because that's the best thing for the game, IMO." I doubt ANYONE will ever convince NCSoft of that. I think at the end of the day we'll continue to have two branches, one that is i25 and one that is i24 that everyone else is using. I'm fine with that. What I WOULD NOT be fine with is if HC servers need to revert back to i24. I would be out.
  17. When I say devs, I mean the folks in charge of deploying the code to the server. That could be anyone (and in the future may or may not be volunteers, depending on how the talks go with NCSoft--who knows 🤷‍♂️) then again there ARE some decisions that shouldn't be left to the whim of ordinary players. (those who don't know, touch or look a the sphagetti code). For instance when the folks who have looked at the code say "increasing the aggro cap for tanks will increase it for every player" I tend to take them at their word that this would be a bad thing, as they've looked at the code.
  18. Agreed. But in this specific instance (clipping costume parts) I think they are doing it wrong. 😛 Others may be fine with the clipping costume parts. And that's okay. We can discuss the whys and why nots and then the devs will ultimately make the decision. That said the players (on ALL the servers) have to remember that we are dealing with volunteers, and each server will move at it's own pace. If HC decides to focus on story content ahead of customer parts (honestly what I would personally prefer, others may disagree) that is NOT inherently wrong. Just as it's not wrong for other servers to focus on costume parts and new ATs ahead of story content or foundational code changes.
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