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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. The "devs" (let's be real, all of them are unpaid volunteers who have real life jobs) on each server have their priorities. And they are allowed to as unpaid developers. Homecoming has it's priorities and other servers have theirs. I prefer HC, especially with the issue of 64 bit vs 32 bit rearing it's head in the immediate future. YMMV.
  2. I prefer Homecoming's approach, and I like the iTrials. So population matters to me. I wish We have Cake luck, but it might be more prudent to do proper testing of things, especially with the spaghetti code that is COH.
  3. 500 K is not a lot for salvage. Please read some of the guides on how to make influence on the current market, try some of the techniques and you'll see it's not a lot at all.
  4. Well yeah, that part is kind of obvious. NCSoft never authorized anyone to run COH. So anyone running one is not legitimate. EDIT: With that said I'm glad the code got out there and if any of the servers go down (including HC) the COH bottle is out in the wild. Maybe not a version that has things like customizable PA, but definitely a version that folks can run themselves. Ultimately the best thing would be if the negotiations go well and some legitimacy happens. Which is why I like the approach that HC is taking.
  5. They already said more than once that the agrro cap isn't on the ATs, and thus tanks could not have a different aggro cap than everyone else, or did I misunderstand them the multiple times they said it?
  6. So you admit you're trolling. Good to know.
  7. OUCHIES!!!!
  8. No you can't buy specific IOs like that in an hour. It would take a lot more. And often times if one or more of those high level IOs is missing, you'd have to wait for them to fill or try to convert/create/craft them yourself.
  9. Yeah no. For me I'd never do this. That fee (profit) is absolutely abysmal for the amount of work I need to do (the amount of IOs I need to get for the person over time, based on your table). I can make 139 mil in less than 30 - 45 minutes of playing with converters and selling the resulting rares on the market. The fee (profit) would have to be waaaay more than 140 mil for me to ever consider doing this for anyone.
  10. Seriously, there was a errr discussion about this on the Everlasting Help/LFG channels this past weekend. Some claimed farming was faster for making inf than playing the market with converters. I actually laid out how to do it more than once and showed that you can actually make wayyyy more faster than farming. A few hours later two folks sent me a tell thanking me for showing how and that yes, they made inf faster on NEW characters than with any farming build they had, in a two hour time frame. I told them not to thank me, to go to the Market section of the forums and thank them! 😎
  11. Thankfully there are other servers that have a more classic feel for those who are looking for that. My Illusion Kin controller is still one of the most loved controllers out there. Everyone's mileage may vary.
  12. I'll add to the NO. Also yeah, it sounds like you're looking for a more classic COH feel. There are other private servers for that.
  13. Thanks, do you know where I can find a guide or listing of the current rewards?
  14. Question: Are the list of reward merits listed here still correct? https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hero_Merit_Rewards
  15. For real! You breath on them wrong and they seem to take off at super speed levels. It has always been both amusing and annoying. LOL
  16. Thanks for the reminder. I had started one of these a week before the game shut down. Needless to say I didn't get very far. LMAO!
  17. As someone who works on QA and sees this pretty much EVERY DAMN TIME they bring on new devs, QFT!
  18. I wouldn't. Especially because of the discussions happening about the game possibly going legit. If they list out any sort of roadmap, and as a point of getting NCSoft to agree to . . . well anything . . . then they have to get rid of that roadmap a lot of folks would be highly disappointed. From any angle I agree with others that the best is "wait for it to get on BETA, then you know what they're working on."
  19. You and I must be playing a different game. EDIT: There is a reason this option won the poll: I would play on an advanced difficulty setting only if it were optional (like the current settings, only more!) Optional new difficulty level is the best way to go.
  20. I see where you are coming from, but disagree. Many folks feel the game is difficult enough and don't come here for increased difficulty. I would say any changes really should be optional if folks want to play that way. EDIT: I'm fine with some mobs being push overs and folks choosing to play those missions over Carnies, Malta, Rularruu. It's fine that the game can be all things to all people.
  21. There are all fine as optional difficulty options. IOs and Incarnates imo saved the gave. without them the game would have died a long time ago. Overaggroing can still happen in low level teams. It sounds like you have more fun in low level teams than in lvl 40+ teams. I personally prefer teams wtih full level 50s and incarnate abilities.
  22. I think we all agree that optional difficulty is the way to go. Just to say it a gain, a rebalance of the entire game isn't realistic for an upaid volunteer dev team.
  23. A LOT of tanks herded and it was MUCH worse. There are videos and screenshots on the wayback machine of tanks being able to herd ENTIRE maps into dumpsters, aka what was known as Dumpster Farming. So yeah there was stuff that was straight up broken back then and trivialized the game even more than now. And a Fire Kin with multiple pets. And six slotting for damage. I think you need to clarify what stage of the game you thought was better. Also after getting a character to 50 there was basically crap all to do. If not for IOs and Incarnate content the game would have SHUT DOWN waaaay sooner than it did. We can agree to disagree. EDIT: To add there was no power customization, there were no MSR raids, there were waaaay less ATs and sets, there was no city of villians, no goldside, the Prateorian story line was NOT at all fleshed out. So again, I think you need to clarify what stage of the game you think is better than now. When I talk of the game being better I'm talking of the FULL game in all aspects, not just difficulty. In fact back then it WASN'T possible to set your own difficulty as granularly as it is now. That setting didn't exist in the early issues of the game. Once again, I think you need to clarify what stage of the game you think is better than now.
  24. Honestly the OP was ridiculously worded. He could have made his point in a more civil manner and avoided some of the idiocy that sprang forth from his. Many folks have asked for harder difficulty in multiple threads (with actual suggestions on how to achieve that mind you and actual logical useful debate) and have done so without the thread diverging into the mess this one was. And please let's stop with this rose colored glasses view that the game was perfect pre-ed and pre-the purple patch. It wasn't.
  25. Alot of the game on release was straight up broken or buggy. With tanks being able to herd entire maps. Things like Winter Lords existing. And fire kin controllers with multiple pets dominating herding. I get what you're saying but let's be clear, the game was far from perfect on release. I think we all agree that OPTIONAL harder difficulty settings can be added for those that want it.
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