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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. I'm fine for NREW optional difficulty settings. Full stop. I'm not fine with re balancing the entire game or even large parts of the game. It's UNREALISTIC. Our dev team isn't paid. And they have better things to address. Folks are allowed to make their suggestion and others are allowed to make counter suggestions. Nobody owns these forums. Also your post comes off as incendiary. Please dial it back a bit.
  2. i'm all for a new OPTIONAL difficulty setting for those that want more challenge. Anything else is /jranger.
  3. I think adding is the appropriate way to approach this. With the volunteer dev team we have I'm going to be leary of anything that sounds even close to asking for a large rebalance of large portions of the game. A few weeks back I was like "IOs need to change". But thinking on it and how long it's taken us to get the Tanker changes, no. I think I'd prefer if they spend time expanding content and working on other quality of life suggestions. Adding new difficulty options fine, for those that want to run them. Re-balancing large portions of the game I just don't think is realistic. Now if HC ever becomes legit . . .
  4. As long as it is optional, I see no reason not to make some harder difficulties. Spending time re-balancing the entire game . . . no. We have better things to do. Key word here is OPTIONAL.
  5. Pretty much this. Server merges are not needed and the game isn't dieing.
  6. Outside of spines/fire, I find spines to be completely underwhelming. Especially in regards to the other two you listed. EDIT: With that said Captain P may have data that shows otherwise.
  7. Merging servers is probably the last suggestion I would have made to address that. Especially with all the problems that would cause for everyone, that has been outlined it here. EDIT: And to be clear, the OP was posted in sky is falling way. Which it isn't.
  8. There is a reason why I started playing on HC last year, Emporer Cole’s dimension was the second place I checked out after the Rogue Isles. The nostalgia of the storylines and tight difficulty there always were a key memory for me, from my time on the live servers.
  9. Agreed. Spending waayyy to much time on end game and pvp is one of the issues that pretty much killed off mmos. That an expansionitis. The market for them is much much smaller, and unless your entrenched (like WOW) as a publisher don't even bother starting a new one.
  10. I prefer Homecoming's approach. Especially when it comes to get their tech in order.
  11. I think the AE should be left as is. That ship sailed long ago, and I don't think there should be ANY of our volunteer dev time spent on it ever again. They have better things to do.
  12. If the devs had been able to create content on a regular basis then I could see the argument that IOs and Incarnates weren't needed. They were not able to, hence the needs for something to keep the masses busy while they did. (Their attempt of adding pvp to the game was a failure to the large extent that to this day most just ignore it or outright hate it.) I think the game would have died MUCH faster without those additions. Agree to Disagree as you said. EDIT: Also Controllers and Defenders have the ability to still be force multipliers. I know I'm glad they are around when I play Incarnate Content or go after AVs. I don't find them useless at all. Clearly you and I are playing a different game. I also find your comments somewhat humorous based on the OP that started this discussion.
  13. I think IOS and Incarnates were some of the best things ever done to the game. Before that the game had gotten pretty stale. Especially since they could never keep up in creating content faster than the playerbase could consume.
  14. I see no issue with anyone charging inf if there are people willing to pay. Has zero effect on me. I offer free farms when I can though.
  15. Or simply log in with your own farmer and offer free farms to everyone at the same time. 😝
  16. Having seen the game about 60 times on live, I would prefer to start characters at a level where I think the game is fun. YMMV.
  17. That would be interesting.
  18. None as far as I have heard. They are a little busy with Pets, Tankers, right now.
  19. I'd prefer if more zones were made co-op. The game has too many unused zones already.
  20. See now THIS I'd like. It'd be like each AT has their Moment of Glory. Literally. 😁
  21. I would rather the devs focused on something that has a guarantee of being fruitful (improving things on this server) than going after something that is pie in the sky. Going after the original data to me would be a waste of time for the various reasons folks have already posted.
  22. Agreed. It would be an epic waste of time for our VOLUNTEER team. I'd rather they be updating the game.
  23. I'm fine with that for now. They should get the changes out as soon as possible and if further tweaks are needed then they can go ahead and adjust after the fact with further patches.
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