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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I've always thought of the old-look cars as being an intentional choice, bringing something of a "this could be anytime, more or less"/nostalgia time period feel to the game. Plus they might have made them look "modern" in, what was it, 2004? but they'd be out of date by now. ETA: and think of the poor Grav toons, throwing a modern car at someone just wouldn't feel the same!
  2. I asked this same question not too long ago and was told Black Scorpion and so far it's worked out for me. I just ran it with an MM whose build was, well, not awful, but also not fully there nor fully slotted yet. I set the difficulty as low as I could, skipped the kill-all and Malta or no, did just fine with it. I did have a couple of peeps show up later to help me along, but only in the next to last and last mission that got us the badge.
  3. That was all kinds of annoying. Which is why I gave up even risking it and just go right for Villain or Hero when I switch sides, I don't have time for that nonsense.
  4. Off topic but also still sorta relevant question about this: I was recently playing a toon that was set for Vigilante and every time I hit my Ouro and zoned out I would get dropped from the blueside team I was on. Is that a thing for Rogue too? Is this just some ongoing bug, or is there some rules for it that I didn't know?
  5. Try playing pre-fixed Stralkers if you think Villain ATs were stronger. 🙂 (I did, weirdo that I am.)
  6. I'm not picky. 🙂 "Real" contacts and missions and tips should be real world though and not Ouro or AE, seems to me.
  7. "The usual methods" to clarify. "Some Dude has reached out to you to talk to you about The Warriors, you can find him in King's Row" etc. Again, the game's already got its usual ways, no need to change them.
  8. I found mission building to be pretty easy, if still a time-suck (choose a map, no not that one, maybe this one, no, no, no, no, OK this one. Now go check to see if they foes spawn like you were planning no...). But I liked to make use of all the chances for talking NPCs and the current AE, just like on the old days live by the time it shut down, is still broken for that.
  9. I sure hope so, I just got my Empathy 'troller to fifty a few days ago. That said, never had anyone complain to see me walk through the door on their team.
  10. A serious answer, I'd say just drop a few new people around and also make some Tips. I don't see that we need to redesign any wheels here.
  11. I was just running over red-side's Nerva Archipelago this morning for badges, it's pretty close to that.
  12. Yeah, I once had a controller come out the last toon standing as more mobs closed in on us, with one of my dead teammates was cheering me on. I survived too!
  13. I don't have time to go looking for it, but the story I got from the beginning of the drama was that they'd leaked out the server code including all character info. Which annoyed NCSoft as well as some fans who found out the players at the end of the leak were still getting to play their original characters while we all languished, un-hero'ed for 7 years. So it was just just the game code.
  14. Scrapper did it first, Brutes were just designed later with that goal in mind a bit more. That's why it's call scrapperlock. 🙂
  15. IIRC, when the code was leaked, it included all our old characters and those of the players it was given to. We don't have access to our old character snow though because trying to figure out and/or prove that you really ARE "dr4g0n 213" would be tough and might open a can of worms if someone who wasn't that dude got ahold of that account. So theoretically those AE files may still exist out there. Kind of doubt the new devs wanna dig through them for you, as that also hits the "are you REALLY dr4g0n 213?" problem again And I believe that AE missions are stored locally until you publish them, which is uploading them to the servers. I mean, how would someone play my new mission if my computer was turned off? IIRC anyway.
  16. Just this morning a friend and I duoing, me a healing 'troller and him on a brute. Suddenly we found ourselves face to face with Valkyrie (only 'elite boss' Val, but still). Besides an expletive of shock, did we run? No. What's even more reinforcing about this behavior is we took her and the rest of the Vindicators in that base down with only one death (mine of course). Scrapperlock is a real thing.
  17. Croatoa's probably my favorite zone. Even if I'm not teaming there (I rarely solo), I usually take the time to go badge hunt just to enjoy the scenery. I played red-side mostly back in the day and every time I set foot over there and zip down some Sharkhead side street I'm all "oh yeah, there's that one place, nice seeing it again" but of course it's tough to get teams red-side, so I'm not there even half as much as I'd like to be (probably time to roll another Mastermind I can solo there decently). I often forget about all the off-to-the-side blue-side zones like Striga, so whenever I get on a team going to those places I end up feeling silly having to ask "er... how do I get there?" like a n00b. Never had that problem red-side! Ultimately, I think I like the zones of either side that have some natural areas to them, not sure why. Croatoa's a good example of that, here you're in town, then suddenly a pumpkin patch and then in a mysterious woods and now some hills with... uh wooden platforms for some reason.
  18. Hold on a tick, where is the OP getting candy canes from already???
  19. I do some crafting, tend to waste time collecting the exploration badges (merits!), sometimes the costume creator too.
  21. Ah, there it is. I knew I'd seen that somewhere before.
  22. Fair point, on good teams I often don't get a chance to pull even half of my tricks out of the hat before everyone's just laying on the ground around us.
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