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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I ended up finding a team (redside no less!) to come along and we all got the badge, yeah. I dunno if you can pick any of the powers sooner, but it was nice to share the heavy load, being a Defender, and we all pretty much had a good time.
  2. I didn't have to go that far to get the badge, so you can avoid that one next time. Next time for me though, I'll Get Mako and see how that goes. BS was OK I guess, but facing Malta was annoying.
  3. Hi all, I need to get access to a patron power pool. Now, as I understand it, it doesn't matter which one you do as when you complete it far enough, you get access to all of them. Since I'm looking at doing this with a Defender, which one's the easiest?
  4. That's happened to me more times than I care to admit to.
  5. Way ahead of you on this. I was just wondering what the process was. 😃
  6. Funnily enough, I just saw an article about SSDs and was intrigued. I think I could happily go with one of those, knowing it was less likely to fall apart like a drive with moving parts.
  7. That about describes mine. It too runs just fine, but I'm worried about the HD. It sometimes won't boot up after it's been running for some hours, then some hours later it's fine for days until it happens again. I dunno, still also thinking about just getting a new HD and then a copy of Win10 and I might be good. I'll check that site though, thanks!
  8. Woo! I have stuff to look into now and some grasp on what I'm looking at. Thanks for the detailed replies everyone!
  9. Well that thread was a bit dispiriting, I saw a lot of folks on what I gather were fairly new computers having all sorts of oddball problems. Like I should just blindfold myself and throw a dart and hope.
  10. I had no idea there was such a thing, I'll go look for it.
  11. My rig's getting old and the hard drive might be starting to fail, so I need a new computer. But I don't know enough to try and part one together like I did last time (which was only possible thanks to a coworker who's since moved on). I found the specs for the CoH ultramode listed on the wiki, and obviously most machines I buy now will handily meet those, but on the other hand, looking at them, I have no idea what the usual mix of letters and numbers really means for some things, such at the video card. Is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 graphics better or worse than a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti? Just how much, enough to matter, or not? Rather than get into those weeds, I was wondering if anyone could point me towards a decent pre-built tower that will take care of everything just fine. And yes I realize that can be a tall order! If it helps, CoH is the only gaming I do and also probably the only "intensive" computing as well; otherwise it's just streaming and maybe some light photoshopping.
  12. Yet another Stupid Question That I Just Can't Seem To Find An Answer For time! How does one attune an IO?
  13. By coincidence, my two fifties listed in my sig are respectively, a Rad Corr and and a Nature Mastermind. Although mowing down crowds of lowbies can be fun ("lookit all them pretty orange numbers streaming up like flames ha ha ha ha ha!!"), I kind of like concentrating on one tough target and seeing them fall at my feet, so sets like these two with some strong debuffs are ones I like playing. My current up-and-coming build is a Time Defender, too, so, well, more of the same.
  14. Maybe you should be hanging out in the Market forums instead of just posting selfies!
  15. I actually haven't checked this myself, but I've seen people say how most of the buildings really are just backdrops because of their scale, like this one's way too skinny on one side and has a footprint of only 120X20 yards, that sort of thing. When actually measured out, they really are pretty uselessly-sized structures, but as mere backdrops for us to zoom around, the scale is fine, if "unobtrusively wrong." Trying to punch stuff into them like windows you can see in and so on might make their wrongness not so unobtrusive.
  16. Oh yeah, I'm fully aware of frankenslotting and proc-monstering, you bet! I haven't been hanging around these forums for nothing!
  17. Whoa, I had no idea, that is pretty cool. Thanks for the answers.
  18. Quick question that occurred to me: say I've chosen whatever Incarnate power for a character, got the first slot filled (or even further in) and then I decide I made a mistake and should have chosen another one. Can that be changed? How? I'm assuming I would just craft up the thing to slot for the tree I want now and slit it, which would override the original choice. Is that how it works? Also, I know this has been asked before, but if I respec, I don't have to re-slot all the Incarnate slots, right?
  19. B-but... I like the sound of six Mercs' machine guns blazing away!
  20. Other than the flat screens, I don't really think it needs much, things are fine as is. Maybe, as someone pointed out, a cellphone selfie emote for when you save that lady from getting her purse stolen, she can run up and say her "you're wonderful!" thing and then pose before leaving.
  21. My troubles with the Incarnate and builds stuff isn't so much math but A) How there's zero explanation for what you're supposed to do with Incarnate stuff. I had one player quite kindly walk me through it for my first 50, but then time went by and I started to forget it... I've been over a couple of guides since then and think I've got enough of a handle on it again to set up King Pumpkin Spice now. B) Once I figure out a build for him that I like. I really should download Mids, ha ha. I know it's just a matter of tinkering and balancing, testing out an idea and seeing what you end up with. C) I haven't had to do homework in ages! "But this is fun!" Well, in some ways... 🙂 I didn't know King PS made it into the Comic Con Farm after I sent the file, neat!
  22. Seems to me the distance problem is one of the big troubles here. Why not remove that? When you're on a team and click the power (it's a toggle right?) then boom, everyone on your team can fly. The end, period. Give them that pop-up fourth tray like Mystic Flight does so they can click the power themselves and choose when to use it. Hopefully the Group Fly person doesn't die when you're in the air though. 🙂
  23. I'm with you, IOs are more or less a take-it-or-leave-it thing for me. Unless I've swiped a build from the forums (thanks you people who put in all that work!), in which case I'm still not fretting over them, really, am I? Right now my 50 MM King Pumpkin Spice is still sitting with my spur-of-the-moment slotting and power choices (barring a bit of forum inspired proc-monstering) and I haven't even started on his Incarnating because who the hell really understands that stuff?! Someday I'll get around to re-learning it and seeing what's what. In the meantime I can still play him just fine, and that's the main point to me.
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