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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Indeed. I apologize for the comment and the snarky tone.
  2. Seems to me if the latter iis a mistake that's popping up (which I believe I've seen as well), that the chances for the former being a real error as well just go up. 🙂
  3. Nope, not that I've seen. The last banners fight I did was with an under-powered defender. I was at one banner with one other player, barely staving off the spawn there. Then some people in the quickly-growing league showed up and kept those at bay when the banners became vulnerable. We slowly worked down the banner I was at (during which time some people had taken down one of them before us), then we moved on to another banner, took it down and then the other had already been dropped too. So we managed to do it and then went and took down the GM too.
  4. Solid point there, I'd forgotten that aspect of the old days.
  5. I've played more than one, thanks. Again, "Mercs isn't perfect or super great, but it can be enjoyed nevertheless. There's little in this game I've found unplayable, but there are some things that shine brighter than others and Mercs is probably not one of them. "
  6. I saw a Mercs/Nature synergy suggestion on the forums here and rolled one slightly out of nostalgia (had a Mercs/Traps back on Live) and this take looks about right. Nature means staking out a spot, "I rule here!" and healing the bejeesus out of anyone you like standing there - and it the team is steamrolling? Then you just set your Mercs for Follow Aggressive (or Follow Defensive if you're a yellow belly and worried about agro) and follow the team everywhere. Mercs isn't perfect or super great, but it can be enjoyed nevertheless. There's little in this game I've found unplayable, but there are some things that shine brighter than others and Mercs is probably not one of them. Now I just need t find a good build for my Mercs/Nature. I frankenslotted out the pets for the +defense +resists etc. I learned about from these boards, but I haven't undertaken the time to rebuild the character from the ground up to proc out the Nature powers yet. Heck, I haven't even started choosing Incarnate stuff yet!
  7. Yeah, it's always struck as a bit silly that you can't see me, I'm standing right behind you, taking three full seconds to aim my weapon or fist at your back aaaaand.... wiff! But overall it probably is too much to ask. I mean, then Snipes shoudl auto-hit too if the target's not in combat - you know, like real life snipes do pretty much, you don't know you've been hit from nowhere until you're already dead.
  8. I was asking for something much like this in the dev's thread about "what would you like to see from the game going forward?" Make changing your build as easy as changing your costume. Heck, even a "wait I messed up, let me undo my last leveling!" option would be great. It could be a great Inf sink for the game, and anything that hands out a real respec could be used like the "pay with free costume" option from that screen.
  9. Do I recall correctly that at inception, they thought players would be slowly slotting then later replacing IOs as they leveled? Like "right now I'm only level 12 so I can slot this mostly lousy four piece armor set, but once I'm 27 I can start slotting a full six piece set of this armor set!" or something? That alone would ensure a certain percentage of sets are junk.
  10. Heck, I'm hoping/wishing they'd rerun this event in like June for say two weeks - same with Christmas.
  11. Thanks for your answers. I don't use Mids/Pines/Whatever It's Called Now, no, I didn't even think about that.
  12. To the question: maybe? Seems that, as with Live, I managed to pick the server with the lowest population, which is nearly dead at the hours I tend to play, which is overnight. Yay me! Anyone need a duo or someone for a team on Indomitable, let me know! I figure it's school, the other games, and the crush of OMG the game is back! being over now. I don't think we're sudden;y going to reduce down to bare bones population anytime soon. But we might have to switch servers or something, or that might just be me.
  13. Can anyone tell me what the Leviathan Mastery powers list looks like for Sentinels? I'm hoping to make a toon that has Bile Spray, School Of Sharks and Spirit Shark Jaws, but of course the Titan Network page for LM doesn't cover Sentinels.
  14. I'm hoping Redlynne was joking, because otherwise I'm going to be wasting a lot of time in there...
  15. Got caught by the "post doesn't appear so why not stupidly hit the button a few more time?" effect again. Sorry bout that!
  16. If you prefer, you can create a button in your power tray for third by typing the following in, just leave out the === I'm putting in it on either side: ===/macro TN "target_enemy_near"=== Do that and a little grey button appears in your tray with the letters TN on it (as there's not a lot of space for a long name). Click on that and there's the foe closest to you. A lot of players love keybinds, but I hate having to move hands hand off the WASD keys or the mouse and then move them back, so I favor the button. This may be a bad habit, but it's how I pay.
  17. I've no idea if it's true, but someone I was ToTing with said it depended on what your difficulty level was set at. They said it should be at +4/+8 or something. I changed it the couple of times I ToTed and didn't see so much of that, but, well, it's a pretty chaotic scene, so who knows?
  18. "This? Nothing, just another project Crey Industries has me working on. "
  19. As I often don't spend too much time on builds myself (I'm a dirty forum-build stealer!), I won't mind some "hints" feature, but god yes, please let it flag Rule Of Five violations. Not long ago I grabbed a build from the old forums only to realize the guy who'd posted it had forgotten about the ROF. I was easily able to fix it, but.
  20. I love the way we can't tell what this means. Coding glitch? Visual notice for the MSR change? Maybe something else? 🙂 I'd bet on the second though.
  21. So what chat channel do I watch to seed if a proc is firing? I had a chance to do an MSR and after flipping through a few of them, I never did see the proc messages., Still had fun though!
  22. Dividing up for banners isn't a bad idea, it would make it go quicker, but I just successfully did one where we ended up traveling to two of them after taking down the first other two (if that makes sense). That thing about "being within the circle" appears to be complete nonsense though.
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