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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I normally have no idea what power sets other people on my team have unless I see them use one I've played before and therefore recognize, so all I can offer for an answer is "a well-played tank."
  2. Yeah, I've had a bad experience or two before and couldn't bring myself to log in for a few days at least, just cuz. I know that wasn't the game's fault though, just that one jerk. To the OP: that was just one jerk. Take time off if you need to, but we hope to see you back because you're the kind of kind player we like around here.
  3. One more annoying thought: make your build as easy (and flexible) to alter as your costume, instead of having to resort to all-or-nothing respecs. I accidentally put one slot where I didn't want it? Fine, I'll pay a fee to remove it and then and move it over to this power. Decide I don't want this power at all? Drop it and choose from one that was available at that level insread. Respecs would be like free tailor fees, "click here to pay with free respec token." This could be quit e a decent Inf sink for the game and would keep rebuilding/respecing from being such a nightmare of a time suck. I have no idea if this is feasible or not, though.
  4. Fair point. It probably would have been shortly after it was introduced then.
  5. Regarding access to the Patron Pools, walk into Pocket D and cross over the villain's side (where it's all red). There's a large box truck parked there and there's a seagull sitting on it. Click on him and after a bit of preamble he'll tell you about his powers; one off them is changing your alignment - instantly! Boom, you're a villain and can now cross over to do the arc to get that patron pool.
  6. Minus the superheroes/villains, it sounds like any failed nation IRL, which "function", or do at least exist. So I don't think it's that ridiculous. Maybe some new content could sell this a bit more, even. Maybe some hero arcs in RI (and then villain ones blueside too!).
  7. I'm way late to this and I'm sure people have already covered these bases, but let my pitch my two pennies in as well, in no particular order. 1) Power balancing -- There's an excellent rundown in the Mastermind section about why Merc under perform, which has ferreted out it's because the animations they use for their attacks are too slow. There's tons of info out there like this from players and their years of play that could be used to rebalance under-performing powers. 2) Clean-Up -- Those TFs that send you all over multiple zones from hell and back, acrs that always place the entrance doors at extreme corners of the map. All sorts of clean-up actually, heck even #1 up there is part of it. Another one would be something with the Invention system - so many fairly useless IOs in there, like how many people bother to slot Discouraging Words in any capacity? Maybe remove the levels restrictions on all IOs. 3) Fix AE -- Despite that list of otherwise good ideas back what, page two of this thread? I didn't see this mentioned there. AE became more broken as a story-telling tool as time went on before shutdown, and the then-devs (Elder Devs?) had given up on it as that's not the sort of "new content" they figured many people wanted to see. The biggest of these problems I can recall is every spawn on the map calling out their first lines of dialogue the second you step onto their map. Spoilers! Well received content could then be somehow integrated into the game more organically it seems to me to avoid that "I'm standing in this one AE room all the time" problem that AE usually suffers. Might even do away with the AE building and just make it a terminal on a street like some merit vendors. I quite enjoyed the AE back when it worked for story-telling and think it could be utilized as a good resource to generate new content for the game, but after one quick peek at it after HC started up, I've been avoiding it. 4) More Low Level Content/Stories -- I know everyone is hype for Incarnate stuff and so on, but continuing to add more less-than-50 content will keep leveling fresher and give us fresh reasons to taunt people who PL using farms! Joking, but you know, it really would be nice to see.
  8. Ah, solid point regarding first choice, I missed that part. The build doesn't have any good room to pick two of them, so I'll settle for Gloom then.
  9. I've seen this a few times from pretty squishie players (like a Blaster who always ran ahead to make the first attack - and believe me, their toon did not have a build to support such risks) and put it down newbies who're not really sure what they're doing yet. But yeah, I just went with and tried to keep them healed or to more quickly take down their foes or whatever I could to prevent them from dying so often, based on the character I was playing at the time.
  10. So I'm working to adapt a build I found here for an Elev/TW/Soul tank (sorry, I can't recall who posted it) and was looking at a couple of powers they took from Soul Mastery. They went with Gloom and Darkest Night, which seem fine enough, but it struck me that Dark Obliteration, if I'm reading this right, is a multi-target attack whereas Gloom is single. They slotted it wit Thunderstrike for damage, but were I to slot one of them with Cloud Senses or Siphon Insight, they'd provide just a few better points for +Def (and the +ToHit Debuffs), although obviously sacrificing damage potential. I was thinking of making these changes because Dark Oblit, being multi-target, would be better for the taunting crowds effects, following the usual tanker ideals of grabbing and holding agro, but maybe I'm missing something, like "you can always use more damage" or something; if so, then also slotting a +ToHitDebuff set instead of a damage set would also probably be a bad idea. And maybe there's something to be said for some single target attack that I can't think of right now? If it helps, I almost always team rather than solo. If anyone has an opinion on this, I'm more than happy to hear it as I'm not too experienced with tankers yet, thanks!
  11. Herding's not a bad idea, and calling where you're herding to is fine too, I've appreciated it from tanks in the past. The rest of that though is pretty dumb, yeah. The only time I've seen such prima donna actions though were from a brute who was mad at my Dom for, you know, holding foes (the gall!) instead of letting them hit him. Fortunately that was back long before shut down, so that tells you how often I've seen such nonsense.
  12. Greed on the seller's parts, lazy entitlement on the player's parts. You know, the bad side of human nature.
  13. Ah, this is bringing back memories... back when I first started playing, say around issue 6? for the first couple of years, some gold seller was always standing around the black market on Cap. I always took pleasure in reporting them and even sometimes went over to grief them in person visually or by standing there and telling them I'd reported them. What?! I was a villain, after all.
  14. I've been tempted to take one of those two for awhile now, just cuz they're both cool! But now's probably not a good time for them.
  15. I considered it, but I've heard it drops your toggles when you use it. The character I'm building is a tanker, so I would have to settle for re-toggling a lot if I went that rout. I mean, I could do that and have an extra power slot, but I can be lazy.
  16. Awesome, thanks. I'm working on a build - or to be more precise, adapting a build from the forums here - and this was an issue because I wanted to add in flight flight without having to rely on store-bought jet-packs. They just look so out of place on flying pumpkin-headed magic beasts, you know?
  17. So "a character may select powers from up to four power pools per build", and a character can opt into choosing powers from one of the Patron Pools (after completing a story arc) but... if they choose a Patron Pool power, does that count as one of those four allowed Power Pools, or could a character choose something from four Power Pool AND a Patron Pool?
  18. I can see this might be a bit more problematic than the way it currently works. The last MSR I was on, Tuesday, had a number of DCs, including me. Had to log back in, character select and wait to zone in. But this way I was still in the bowl and just had to call out a local "I DCed, can get an invite plz?" and boom, everything was golden. With this though, I have to recall who was the league leader and how to spell their name, which is in tiny tiny letters on the league rosters. I mean, of course there are ways around this, but it's still another hurdle to get past. But I can recognize that if the "join in progress" has always been broken, then fixing it might be beyond possibility. I've quite enjoyed the MSRs on Indomitable (thanks Eda!) an d hope this doesn't change the dynamic too much. The one good thing I can see it add is often after a run or two, they break up, but I've seen some people would be happy to make another run (I'm often one of them), so this may provide us that option.
  19. I know I'm more excited probably for the ToT door-knocking, but I simply must also express my love of the snow-covered map for the Save Baby New Year mission. I spent tons of time on that map solo, the snow crunching with each step, the lowing of the Tuatha in the distance, the look of the mystery of the surrounding woods deepening as night fell and the lamps at either end of the bridge lit... The last winter season before shut-down, I had a character who could solo it and I think I ran it like 20 times. Holiday challenge: who here's excited for the Valtine's Day content? I'm not sure I've done it more than... twice maybe?
  20. I have no idea how that happened, but if it's going to take a riot to get it changed, well, call me. I am, after all, a red-sider at heart.
  21. I haven't played DP much, but on a Sent I started (and seem to have abandoned), I found Cryo was useful for the slow effect, which seemed to be cutting down incoming damage a noticeable amount. But hey, like I said, I haven't played it much. Anyone know if I'm off base with that thinking?
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