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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I think the suggestion was for it to encourage more players to play like he does.
  2. I think that poster was being a bit hyperbolic, yeah. I'm often on "any level welcome" teams and have never seen anyone kicked for anything, even that one blaster who went and aggroed the next group all by herself. Every. Single. Time.
  4. Someone really likes carving their pumpkins! Now you got me wishing the Jack-o-lantern head we get ingame had variations. And hey, that ca face to the left of the second photo, where do I know that from?
  5. ... I didn't even know there were badges for that! And I'm with you Locksmith, I wanna ride the blimp!
  6. Email them to yourself and then put them in an email folder separate from everything else and you'll always have them. Or at least a few.
  7. Also, there is no "I" in "team."
  8. One might also work on a second build to do something your current main can't do as well, such as one build to be an AV killer vs. a minion-mower.
  9. That is one beautiful Halloween cat! It looks something like one of mine, if her sporadic bits of orange were more organized together.
  10. I used to at least run pick-up groups but I don't feel I know enough to do so well yet either, so I know the feeling.
  11. Yeah, it's been my experience that either the team I'm with can steamroll Malta just as well as they do everything else, or they run into them like a brick wall and suddenly the joy is not only taken away but replaced with frustration because of the absurdly long stuns, high-powered damage, etc. Gunslingers are just Tsoo sorcerers with some overkill attacks! The team I was running with already playing on red-side when I wandered over, and so was one of those "all levels welcome" sorts, so we we're exactly prime candidates for steamrolling Malta at 40th level. I've sworn off playing anything Malta if I have anything to say about it, and so went in with a fair amount of trepidation. Strangely enough though, I think we actually had more trouble with Arachnos groups. Still, overall it all worked out well.
  12. Cool, thanks! Definitely going to drop this on all my Mystic Flight toons.
  13. Wait, is that a macro, or a keybind? I really should know these things better; I don't seen any mention of a key in it so it's a macro command, right? I have a thing against keybinds and prefer buttons to drop into a tray. Assuming that's a macro command, I'd type in something like /macro TP "powexec_location camera:max Translocation" to create the button, right?
  14. I'll be cold in my grave before I acknowledge those rotten Medics! And before I learn to count, too!
  15. Make your own team for them! DfB gets dull in and of itself. Invite any level of player to come along, even higher level ones as they may have not even seen Perez Park since Homecoming opened up.
  16. I would have too if not for the helpful people posting above.
  17. Second hand going up here for Mercs (audience boos) on an MM. Why? One reason: take the personal attacks and you get the aural experience of commanding five guys and yourself to open up on a target with machine guns.
  18. I've tried that but have yet to find the sweet spot for small box but easily-read text. Maybe that's my laziness talking. 😭
  19. I hate those things too; I usually fret over them during Summer Blockbuster runs. I don't have a super big screen and they take up too much real estate for my tastes. I've fiddled about with my resolution but couldn't seem to find one that worked perfectly.
  20. I know enough to be able to assemble a computer, I've done that before, and added in an extra HD. I've no idea if my PC has a M.2 slot or not, is there some way to check? 2GB is plenty of space. Unlike a lot of people, I don't store all sorts of music, movies, etc. on my PC. I'm not sure how much space I currently have, but I'm only using maybe 20% of it for all the cat photos I have, ha ha. Troubleshooting my own PC is something of a risk to rely on; I'd essentially be doing what I hear a heck of a lot of IT people do, just Googling the symptoms for possible answers. 🙂
  21. Depends on what you consider fun. Running an MM is a rather fiddly exercise compared to most other ATs. I dunno if you can farm with them, but I do know that when I had my Mercs/Nature MM doing the PI motel trick-or-treating, I was able to get up and get some coffee while running Life-giving Spores patch with my Mercs set in the middle, on a "stay attack" command. I didn't even have to rush.
  22. I understand Mac in Pocket D's Tiki Room is quite the raconteur.
  23. The only 50 I've worked up the Incarnate powers on took the force field drones which are also pretty small and therefore subtle (and good in caves). I've generally heard "take whatever you like, they're all about the same" too, glad to know there's a problem with one of these so I can avoid it (not that I was likely to ever go Tsoo, but...).
  24. Oh! I auto-ed that mish as soon as I saw "kill all" in the description, as had been suggested here. That was probably a good idea.
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