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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Who deletes? I'm always converting them into something I need.
  2. I sometimes page through the random costume rolls to see what comes up. Most of them are awful and ugly. That would make for quite and assemblage of folk though, visually. Like an ugly, ugly assemblage.
  3. This. It also goes up or down depending on time of day, I play at night often and see this a lot.
  4. Huh, I was seeing this too but thought I must have been wrong about it. Guess I wasn't!
  5. It's worth keeping in mind that a recent poll we took here showed the majority said they didn't play due to low pop. It's kept me out, but yeah, like the OP, I'll hop over at the drop of a hat if I need a team and someone redside is recruiting. It's a problem with many angles though, and no one answer is 100% right or wrong.
  6. I keep forgetting I even have it on my Corr, but that sounds like a real nice option, I should probably go for that Gaussian proc.
  7. And they say no one plays villains anymore!
  8. I had one or two in the old days and I have one now and the call for them seems to be about the same. I'm not proud, I'll admit I made healers so that the cool kids will pick me to be on their teams first.
  9. I think I've seen someone complain about it before, a month or so back.
  10. I made this same connection on a non-CoH forum, not that it got me many upvotes. 😕
  11. I'd go for robes, baggy tops and trousers, that sort of thing to suggest "soft" shapes, no armors probably. Hoods was a good suggestion up there from mrinku. And muted colors/earthtones.
  12. I've always wondered but never asked anyone: does Afterburner have any real usefulness beyond "wowee, lookit me go!"? I mean, I'm always happy to just hit R and let the city unspool beneath me at the relative snail's pace, but am I missing something else?
  13. I recently teamed with this guy who promised, promised everyone on the PUG a million Inf if he died, he was so sure. He would run ahead like two, three, four rooms at a time. Plus you can guess what happened to him, multiple times. He ended up dropping out wordlessly, without paying anything. 🙂 Running ahead and riling up mobs without dealing with them yourself is something a jerk move. Despite being careful, it's easy for players behind you to come around a corner only to realize some mobs are standing right there, or worse, running towards them.
  14. AFAIK, I've only ever once sen someone with group fly. He was leading a team through that mission/TF or whatever is is that ends with you fighting Council on the scaffolding around the giant robot with lava below; he was using the GF to keep us and MM pets from falling into the lava below, which was actually a pretty good idea.
  15. Just play the way you want, stop min/maxing, never taking "that one power" because it's "hot garbage" (it probably isn't it's not not so uber-great as whatever else). If you don't want to play, then don't.
  16. We always zerg. I think I've done half a dozen raids since Homecoming popped up and I still have yet to see that guy once, that I know of. Maybe I was on a team/league that took him down? I mean, probably, but I really have no idea, once the zerg sets in it's all a mess of colored lights and slide-shows.
  17. That's a fair assumption, it did leave me feeling a tad useless for a half second, although I knew full well that yeah, the pylon evaporate in front of the usual gang of heroes going at them in the context of an MSR. I dunno if even group fly would help, as I've never thought to give that a shot (who's got the extra power picks?!).
  18. I think people may have misunderstood my question here or I didn't make it clear enough. My pets were dying as they trailed behind me as I traveled from pylon to another, drawing aggro from random foes on the ground, not when I was in the bowl. Then got kilt before I could resummon them in time to, well, not get killed. Redlynne probably nailed at leats part of it by pointing out I was relatively low level. Once I got to the bowl, alive, things where fine and if I lost a pet or two, I was able to comfortably resummon them before anything bad happened to myself, and as a /Nature MM, I was still indeed capable of contributing to the league. I was asking if anyone knew of some plan of action to avoid that dying before the pets come out again or maybe some way to preserve them during the pylon trek. It appears Apparition suggests waiting out the brief bomb set-up period, and then summoning once folks travel into the bowl, so I'll give that a shot next time. It would make sense because by the time people hop down in there, there's a whole forest of green heal numbers flying about.
  19. I just bought 20 Winter Packs and all I got was this lousy insult!
  20. I'm running /Nature with Mercs though, ha ha.
  21. Well I feel personally attacked.
  22. I'm not so sure about this. My memory of the market upon introduction was that when it started, it was perhaps hindered by ignorance of just how useful things like that Miracle Unique were. Once all that set in though, it started climbing and kept climbing right up until shut-down. I don't miss those days, you really had to be a market player to contemplate a good build. Now, I can pretty much do OK just by playing the game.
  23. This is why you need to get ready to stock up on your pumpkin spice stuff, FALL IS COMING.
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