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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I almost named my TW/Elec tanker with the jack-o-lantern head "Piezoelectric Jack" for much the same reason, and also used those crystals for his costume. Rather than look up how to spell "piezoelectric" however, and in a nod to "super-cool bad name" urges, I ended up going with "Terminal Jack." The spines on your costume work really well for your theme.
  2. Funny, I had my first villain PUG on Indom last night too, but not the OP's team. It also went really well and flying into those maps (especially Aeon City in Cap) brought back the memories, as redside used to be my home. I've run PUGs before and know I can do it again, but I'm having to slowly come back to remembering everything about it; the biggest Thing I Still Forgot How To Do is adjust difficulty levels.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/GqwSMNp Like this? It's really supposed to look like this?
  4. OK, thanks, good to know. I still can't recall how badly the "everyone says their lines as soon as you hit the map" broke this arc, but I never did finish it, so that must have been something.
  5. I know, I know! I had some of my builds in there too, sigh.
  6. Just what the title says. I have some mobs that I'd like to give Arcane Bolt to.
  7. The thing to keep in mind about these possible XP bonuses or merit increases or whatever would be that these are "nudges," small treats to get some people to taker a look, whereas currently they are not. Some economist (I think) wrote a book about how a government can encourage people to do something; they can make it law, YOU WILL PLAY REDSIDE AS OFTEN AS YOU DO BLUE OR ELSE, or they can encourage people, nudge them to consider acting a desired way.* And it's easier to reverse or adjust nudges if they're not working out. *Even tho no one here is trying to get people to stay to make more money for the company anymore, we all want players to stay so we have others to play with, right? Having a whopping amount of content sitting unplayed is then something we players should desire other players to spend time with, see?
  8. I'm still fuzzy on how that whole system worked, but it sounds like a good idea to me. So if I set my toons as Vig, do I show up on local map searches ("Search For Players" option under the team tab) for whatever side I happen to be on? How about on the other side?
  9. The concept that you do the things you wish to do encapsulates all those factors. In other words, given freedom of choice, it's a reasonable assumption that you're ultimately going to choose based on whichever of a manifold of factors presents itself most strongly. If you're deliberately making a decision to play one thing instead of another, even though the second option offers better opportunity for some facet of gameplay (e.g. grouping), then the determinant in making that choice was that you were willing to sacrifice what you're losing in order to get something of greater value to you personally. Is that not how at least some decision-making works? You minimize the loss, or maximize the gain, based on personal preference. And in this case you can do BOTH-- the mechanic is already in place for you to play to whatever your preferred style at any time. You can play one way today, and a completely different way tomorrow, if that's your fancy. Then it's a pointless thing to assume because of course it works that way. Yes. I read your assumption as the player is making an unfettered choice, "I wanna play hero!" free to go wherever without having to concern themselves with other factors that may leave them going "well, blue side is where everyone is, sooo...."
  10. Fourth... ted..? Fifthththtuh-ted. This should also apply to clicking on doors to go in, like at the university campus door to the crafting room.
  11. Any chance to repost them here for people who aren't Discord users, or who might be at work and don't know their Discord info? Not that that applies to me in anyway, of course...
  12. I had a lot of guides I had printed out that sat around collecting dust until I finally recycled them all about six months ago. Talk about bad timing!
  13. It may be unpopular of me to say so, but you don't need to get binds to play. I ran a few to 50 before shut-down without them, and I'm doing OK on one now sans binds. Checking into them and thinking about running them and planning to memorize where they are and blah blah blah, it just felt like too much homework. Especially since you don't want to solo AVs or anything nuts, you should be OK without them. Now here comes everyone to tell me I'm gimping my MMs. :)
  14. Why assume that? Why not assume there are a number of factors guiding their choices such as wanting to play where everyone else is playing, for example. Another interesting point I see being used here is "red side has always been lower pop" which is true, but that never stopped me from PUGing until near close when it seemed most everyone was only playing their 50s; PUGing now is nigh impossible, at least at the hours I tend to play (Late because of shift work)*. The pop was low, but not like this. The other side of that is "OK, so it's always been low, why not work to fix that?" Why leave it "broken" that way? *Coincidentally, when that pop shift happened near closing, I finally had to give up and create some heroes to play, just so I had the chance to PUG or team.
  15. Preach it. Back in the day, I used to see posts saying the Scrapper inherent was bad because it couldn't be planned for or strategized around. But to me it's always been a fun surprise when CRITICAL pops up. People also complained that crits are "wasted" on foes with little life remaining (strangely, I don't remember anyone saying that about Scourge), but that's just an opportunity to shout "Boo yah! How do you like THAT?!?" at the monitor. I actually feel that way about scourge. On most foes it doesn't seem to trigger until it'd be dead anyway and it does feel wasted to me. Elite bosses and Archvillians being the exception of course, on those it is wonderful. I do like crits more than scourge myself. IIRC, Scourge chances kicks in when the foe is at 50% of hit points or less, so yes, it is more likely to pop up when the foe is near death because you're killing him harder! Sometimes it would have been enough anyway, other times you just shaved some seconds off the battle, which allows steamrolling and to rob that foe of taking another shot at you or someone else on your team.
  16. I was pondering the ski badges just the other day, as I have recently taken a TP on one of my toons. Are they any TP "cheats"? :D
  17. Gee, I dunno, "Grenade Control" sounds kinda fun! But I'd want a "real"grenade or two in there. Seriously though, I'd get a bit tired of grenading my way through the fights, but there are tons of animations we could repurpose for this, seems like.
  18. This is big enough for my toon to comfortably fit her arms inside it if she wanted to. It's not just "slightly hovering off her body." Gunslinger belt 1 sized just fine, this one looks like a small hula hoop. Guess I'll have to try and grab a screenshot when I can. I haven't had a chance to try and replicate the issue on another toon though.
  19. Seems to me that the flavor of the stories on either side will only apply to a fairly small subset of players, I mean, how often to radio teams stop to actually read anything? With all the PUGing I've done, I've never seen it. I'm not saying you're playing wrong to do so, but I don't really think it matters to many or most players. I do know that battling Longbow and Arachnos too much gets old though, and Grandville is a pain without a flight. But there are things to like about it, such as the smoother transition from one area to the next via ferries (and level progressions), the slightly better graphics (blue-side's city just looks like a vaporwave video dream), the once-better ATs, for example. (Personally I've always preferred the older style architecture of the zones and the more closed-in spaces over the flat boring park nature of the Blueside city too, but I know that's just personal taste). I'd still like to second the idea post6ed earlier about anyone being able to join any team; when I post "35 newspaper team LFM", anyone should be able to get my invite and, perhaps after clicking a pop-up to be zapped over to the proper villain map, be able to team with me - and vice versa. To take this idea more of a real-world, right-now possibility, I think from now on whenever I post one of those "35 Corr LFT", I'm going to toss in a "Red or Blue, either's good." Granted I can't get invited immediately, but they can know I'm willing to take the minute or so to switch.
  20. I didn't even know these things were ever happening, I have still seen not one of any of them. And I am disappointed!
  21. I just happened across a bug last night on a female toon I was costuming. When I give her the Gunfighter 2 belt, it's huge, like made for someone twice her size and hanging around her like it's orbiting her waist. Of course, I kept it that way for the laughs and it's there even in the rest of the game. Sadly though, she's a stealther, so no one ever really sees it. :/
  22. I was working on a costume, probably lost it all. :/
  23. Waaait a second... how does that work exactly? Am I understanding this right, it spreasds confusion from the original target to other foes? It spreads from the original target to foes close to them? Do we know the range of spreading, the number of affected targets possible, etc?
  24. This is the second time I've seen you use the word "toxic" whilst saying some stuff that I found rather toxic itself, or at least the way you said it. I can tell from your posts elsewhere that you're a knowledgeable player, so I like reading your posts, but you might consider dropping a bit of the edge - more flies with honey and so on. You have your point, it's valid, no need to go so far to get it across.
  25. I seem to recall in the old days they announced one hour out. Adding in some one half hour out, ten minutes, five minutes out would probably be pretty useful.
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