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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. This is an amazing amount of work, I really appreciate it. Nearly every time I randomly choose to make a new ________, I go sifting through the forums looking for a build to at least start with, but often don't find anything. Good to know my next stalker is now covered! (Come to think of it, I have a directionless Staff/Ice Armor sitting at like 25th level right now, hm...)
  2. Same way that not so many mom'n'pop businesses put up their own website anymore, far easier and cheaper to just do a Facebook page. The consolidation continues apace!
  3. My stalker has it, and I ran him to try it out. It didn't make too much of a difference for him as it's not too highly slotted yet, so most of his "real" attacks, the sorts of things you take a stalker for the first place, generally work out better (except on runners obviously). On a controller though, it'll probably be an upgrade, at least until you get into the upper levels and don't have to ever feel squishy again (or certainly much less so).
  4. "So yes, you'll have to expend resources to rebuild these for the next one." Nice that that's explained fully to me now. Not that the game ever gave that to me. The few times I've done this I kept thinking "is this right? Maybe I don't understand this right and I'm wasting resources? Because this really seems wasteful."
  5. That's a good start towards a tutorial, yes. Why does it also tell me when I need to make a tier 2 3 or 4 that I also need the lower stages below the one? Is it lying?
  6. I think I've identified the problem here. 😀
  7. Too busy being grim 'n' gritty. That said, you may have a point. But don't you dare clean up the litter or brighten the skies!
  8. Yeah, I only sporadically check the email account their stuff goes to, and I still don't think I've seen anything about/with actual game play.
  9. Chiming to note that I tend to go where the people are, so I'm more often blue than red. But if I happen to see a LFM pop up for red, I'll happily swap over at a moment's notice. I think like making a team on blueside, if you build one, they will come.
  10. Creating a target enemy near button is always the very first thing I do with a new toon (well, that and check the costu8me to make sure it came out like I expected). I don't play melee too often, so tabbing usually does me well enough; occasionally I will click on a target.
  11. It's called "Neapolitan" and don't tell me how to play City of Ice Cream! 😡
  12. My answer to the question: kind of yes, but no, depending on power sets, powers chosen, slots assigned... it's all very variable.
  13. That's just an obvious truth, like "don't stick your hand in the fire."
  14. There was a bug in-game that lasted about four days on Live that allowed one to make a character with an invisible left hand, so of course I made a Dual Pistols character. I don't recall being disappointed with something like an aura showing where the hand would have been (if nothing else it was quite the conversation piece). There was also another bug for about a week that let your character;'s torso mostly disappear too, but that looked sort of dumb (although obviously I had one of those too!). Anyway, we already have headless characters, this doesn't seem that crazy otherwise. You can limit PVP costume choices, or maybe just limit the number of allowable inviso-pieces per toon too.
  15. Oh, I wasn't snarking, I was kvetching - totally different thing! Were I to snark, I might point out that I can certainly believe that someone who likes speed runs would probably find the consideration of typing the two words "speed run" into their PST message to be a needless waste of inordinately large amounts of time; that cherrypicking an example of a single run of the most notorious time-wasting TF is a bit disingenuous; that I said nothing about conserving our precious resources, mobs, but did point out that rushing was apparently more important that supporting fellow players, even with a "you just stay there". But I see you and I basically feel the same way, so I won't do that. 😁
  16. Only because my dyslexia made it "reunited and it fleas so good," yeah.
  17. Hey you kids! Stay off my damn portal!! *shakes fist*
  18. That's just because we don't have to spend time being ebil now, we're comfortable enough as it is! On the other hand, if uh, you're looking to like just dump some Inf away... I mean, I'm not stupid...
  19. Welp, guess I believe dinosaurs were wiped out by aliens now! You can't prove it didn't happen!
  20. Not everyone wants to play that way though. Yesterday I found myself on a team playing Citadel just that way: a stalker and a brute would rush through to the end of the map, ignoring anyone else, would have been nice if they had announced it as a speed run when recruiting. After dying a couple of times trying to keep up only to find they also hadn't done any clearing of the map along their way (Defenders have trouble when they walk into a large group of mods, often), I gave up and door sat. Hey, I still supported them, I was running my Leadership toggles, and that was more support than I was getting from them. Have to admit I find speed runs boring as well, like why bother playing if all you're doing is rushing? Like I said, people play differently.
  21. Incarnates need a tutorial. I should spell that out in big red flashing letters or something, too. That was like handing us the keys to a Tardis without a users' manual. Hell, I still have questions. And I also still lose interest with equipping a toon in that system pas a few branches up the trees partly because of that.
  22. I don't farm nor play the market in anyway, converting or whatever - too boring, that;s homework. I have a fairly new fifty (see the end of my sig) who's still having fun blasting around, so is racking up the money. Some new build for a new toon will come along and drain my accounts, but I've never felt seriously impinged. Just another way HC is great, I don't have to feel hampered by not doing the damn homework.
  23. I almost always do the Galaxy City tutorial too, but almost always I'm there by myself. This may be because I play during odd hours though.
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