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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. THANK YOU I played over there some for the novelty factor when it was introduced on live, and the above issue paired with my occasional running into the mobs now have just re-enforced my lack of interest in spending any real time there these these days. I can run into some of those mobs on my fairly-well-built 50s and still die like an armor-less Defender multiple times during a single mission, should one of them look away from the tank and meet my gaze. I'm not a fan of super easy steamrolling here, but also not a fan of stupid hard content.
  2. Yeah, no, I wouldn't want to start new toons on a new server that I'd have no reason to go back to again. Plus, based on what I've read, this is still the best.
  3. How can you appreciate my patience when it doesn't exit?! Just kidding, I just wanted ta pew pew pew some faces. Thanks for all you crazy people do for us!
  4. So, hm, any of this related to the current outage?
  5. Those would be in one of my my chat windows, right? Didn't see any, no.
  6. OK, so in that case, yeah, it's not working. I tested it out on some poor unassuming grey-con, but they remained safe. I'd just shoot right past them to the furthest possible TP point (usually with my nose against a wall). It seems to work just fine as a "TP me without the reticle" button, so, halfway there! More testing is needed, such as say deleting the one I made and remaking it to see how that works.
  7. Waaait, I may have misunderstood what this is supposed to do. "Target" here meaning "place I want to go, would have clicked the little white circle on," right? If so, then I'm an idiot and it's working just fine. Never mind me! *Jedi handwave*
  8. That's my server too. But I can't be friends with anyone who typos my initials. Just kidding. My play times are all over the clock and sometimes I don't play for days too, but I will go looking for you when I log in next, thanks!
  9. I disagree, but only because I too have tried to make that one pattern work for a jack-o-lantern mouth and failed so far!
  10. My only other Dom is this, and I built her before Enflame became good, and she still feels like one of the more powerful characters I've ever tooled around with, so that has my vote as well. I really need to dig out a good Enflame build for her and give that a spin I guess.
  11. I don't care to mess about with binds, so I tried to make this into a macro but can't seem to make it work: /macro TP, "powexec_location target Translocation$$powexec_location camera:max Translocation" Anyone know what I messed up? I can still TP across the sky in the proper direction, but it doesn't take me to my target.
  12. I play to go pew pew pew. I PUG because my play time is limited and sporadic so I haven't been able to make any long time friends (not for trying, sigh). I do the /ah stuff or respecs or whatever with gritted teeth because one has to, but otherwise anything not involved with the pew pew pew is boring to me, just homework. Oh and the costume creator, love messing about with that.
  13. Maybe your server is a low population one. I play on the most populated one and during prime time hours and the day, I don't ever really see this happening. But a low pop server, at 3 am? Oh god yes. Not much to be done about that. Sometimes you run into jerks and problems. Let it slide best you can, come back later and try again and often, in my experience, the bad times will fade and you will have better times in the future.
  14. Seconded, I'd like to hear if this all is being look3ed at or not.
  15. I'm a frequent abuser of the pumpkin head, so it's pleasing to me to see some popping up here. 😃 I really should figure out where to host pictures so I can post some costumes here...
  16. Been seeing similar with my Dual Pistols Corr right now, every time, one of them defaults to the basic.
  17. Mark me down as another PUGger, because that's all I can get, I don't have a chance to play often enough to make friends in the game (not that I haven't tried, but...). I think the only really bad experience I had with a TF was the one where you fight Recluse at the end with the colored towers and you really need a tank to kite him around while the rest of you take out the towers first? Generally things still go just fine for me. Next time people complain about the game being too easy, tell them to PUG for one of the tougher TFs, it's a gamble and can really push you out of your comfort zone.
  18. Some ATs ride the ragged edge of disaster with wildly swinging green bars, Doms do it with their blue bar.
  19. Not when it applies across an entire zone, not just which mission I pick from a list.
  20. I am familiar with the loud cry of "the challenge has been lost!" here and elsewhere. Maybe so? I feel that's a subjective call. And if anyone's feeling tedium with the game, that's really more about them than the game; maybe they've played it too much (I know I have and the second I feel that tedium I log off). I could be wrong, but I think the original devs took out some of the End-drain nuke effects, and people do very much so still carefully consider the builds, at least as much if not morseso than they once did (I'm guessing we're a concentrated group of hardcore players more likely to do so). I mean, why do speed runs if you're not looking to grab the merits faster to trying to buy extra-big things for your build? I don't think speed runs aret a sign of tedium, just over exposure (and new content is never going to come out fast enough to suit everyone). Ultimately it still comes down to if you're bored or don't like HC's changes, you don't have to play here; I know that's not a great option, since people obviously do want to play here, but sometimes things just go that way, it's like thinking "I wanted to like the last movie I saw but..."
  21. But you're still putting the onus on me. I mean, sure, I'll not die mad over it, but still.
  22. I haven't been on many runs of that one, I think only twice? One we whiffed it big time. So the game is not all 100% "way OP" or anything, goign by my anecdotal evidence. TYou can always recruit people telling them to not use their Incarnate powers if they have them. Play the way you want! Just don't ask that everyone else be forced into playing that way too. (I do agree that I fond everything below 50 much more fun)
  23. Generally, if your team is having any real problem with those adorable little tykes, your team is probably doomed, ha ha.
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